
Looking at the fireball in the sky, the bearded man raised his arms.

As everyone stopped firing, everyone's eyes were focused on that one spot.

The entire camp instantly fell into a dead silence.

"How many floors do you have to carry a bag of rice? (Feel the pain)"

"A bag of rice has to be carried to the second floor (think about the pain)."

Upon hearing this voice, not only did the bearded man's expression change drastically, but even the bald man next to him turned back.

Looking at the looming figure in the fireball, the bald man snatched the rocket launcher from his subordinate and fired a rocket directly at it. The color of the fireball was added with a bit of color.

Turning back, looking at the many subordinates who were still in a daze, the bald man kicked the bearded man and woke him up.

Pointing at the black feather jade in the sky, he roared:"What are you doing? Shoot!"

So a new round of shooting began again.

But this still did not stop the continuation of the words.

"A bag of rice is so tiring (accept the pain)"

"A bag of rice is like oh xi lei (understand the pain).

Although he didn't understand the meaning of these words, the bald man felt more and more threatened.

He couldn't just sit there and wait for death! He quickly passed through the crowd and came to one of the shacks.

"What's a bag of rice? I don't believe you can handle this!"

He pulled away the rope net covering the munitions.

Looking at the missile with the Stark logo in front of him, a hideous smile appeared on the bald man's face.

Regardless of whether his subordinates would be affected by the explosion, the bald man quickly adjusted the parameters and wanted to press the launch button directly.


A gunshot rang out behind him, and the bullet instantly knocked the bald man's body to the ground.

Then, the figure of the bearded man appeared beside the bald man.

Looking at the bald man wailing on the ground, the bearded man's eyes were full of fear.

If the missile was successfully launched, he didn't know whether the figure in the sky would be destroyed, but they, including the valley, would all turn into ashes.

Looking up at the small"sun" in the sky, the bearded man shot him to see Satan in the bald man's eyes that were big enough to draw a fan.

Then he went straight into a cave nearby.

Can't you hide if you can't afford to provoke him?

He decided to wait until it was quiet outside, and then he would leave the cave!

At this time, Wu Yuyu's"reading bar" finally came to an end.


""Spicy Tiansen!"

Along with these words, a shock wave centered on Wu Yuyu quickly spread.

"I think we're in trouble.……"

Seeing this visible shock wave, many terrorists dropped their weapons and began to flee frantically.

At this moment, they wished they could grow a few more legs so that they could run faster!

Unfortunately, they simply couldn't conjure up a few more legs out of thin air.

Just like they simply couldn't avoid this shock wave.


Like a nuclear bomb washing the ground, the whole space was instantly covered with dust.

The ground, trees, cliffs... and the figures of many fleeing terrorists, all turned into dust as the shock wave passed.

In front of this shock wave, everything seemed so fragile...

A breeze blew, and the dust caused by Shinra Tensei slowly dissipated.

The sunlight slowly fell on the completely destroyed land through the clouds that were also dispersed by the shock wave.

If someone who knew about this valley appeared here, he would definitely widen his eyes in shock.

Because there is no valley here, only a circular deep pit with a radius of tens of kilometers, which can prove what just happened...

(The bearded man in the cave:"So? I changed my own grave, right!")

As the battle here was declared over, Tendo Pain, who caused all this, suddenly blurred for a moment, and then turned into a ball of light and disappeared in the large sunlight.

"It was really scary. I was almost drowned in the gunfire.~~~"

Wu Yuyu, with a pretentious expression on his face, slowly appeared at the edge of the pit.

As if he was very frightened, he kept patting his chest with his right hand.

Obviously, the figure that the terrorists saw was just what Wu Yuyu deliberately showed them.……

""Tsk tsk tsk, such a spectacular sight, I have to take a photo to record it!"

Looking at the huge pit in front of him, Wu Yuyu took out his mobile phone from his arms.


With a"click", the scene of Wu Yuyu making a V-sign was instantly frozen in a small picture.

Now there is evidence for chatting in the future! After looking at the pictures in the phone with satisfaction, Wu Yuyu waved his hand casually, and the mirror space he had built before was immediately shattered.

A valley as intact as before appeared on the ruins again.

The only difference... should be that no other living people can appear here except him.

Throwing the phone in his hand, Wu Yuyu whistled while stepping into the portal in front of him.

When he appeared again, he was already in the room of Kamar-Taj.

As for why he went back to Kamar-Taj?

Would he say that he was busy showing off and forgot to control the mana consumption, so there was not much mana left?

He wouldn't!

As long as he didn't say it, no one would know about it!

Putting the photos in front of him, Wu Yuyu slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep level of visualization.

A more vivid way is that he plugged in the charging cable……........

"Fully charged!"

Wu Yuyu opened his eyes with vigor and immediately did a somersault.

How should I put it...

He did somersault, but he was still lying on the bed.

Looking at the ceiling, Wu Yuyu's eyes were full of dissatisfaction. He tried again a few more times in disbelief.


He got off the bed and landed on the ground obediently. He straightened his collar elegantly.

He was a magician, so it didn't matter if he didn't know this kind of thing!

As he stepped out of the room, the bed that was just under him had appeared in outer space.

Who let it know too much!

Um... It refers to Wu Yuyu's ability, not the embarrassing scene just now!

Wu Yuyu, who was walking in Kamar-Taj, had a very calm expression, and it was completely impossible to tell that he had just destroyed his bed.

Stroking his chin, Wu Yuyu flipped through the memories in his mind.

"Where should the Red House be now? It seems that it is finally in a sky city."

Morocco, Norway, Budapest...

Oh, Budapest!

Although the Red House can fly, that will be nearly ten years later.

As for now, he can only pray that the Red House will not fly.

Although the possibility is not great, Wu Yuyu is still ready to try his luck. At worst, he can go to find Natasha's adoptive parents...

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