The view returned to the fight between the two.

Although Tony's carelessness caused one of the thrusters on his feet to be damaged, his armor was still much more powerful than Ivan's. He simply grabbed Ivan's whip, and no other weapons were used. He just relied on the power of the armor to pull him in front of him little by little.


Just one punch made Ivan fall into a better sleep than a baby.

Wu Yuyu drank the Coke in one gulp and stood up and came to Ivan.

"You've seen what this person is doing, right? Someone wants to pull you down from the altar~"

Tony didn't respond immediately, but silently took off the reactor from Ivan's chest.

With the cooperation of Jarvis, the internal structure of the reactor was scanned and completely displayed in Tony's eyes.

Exactly the same.

Tony's first reaction was that someone had stolen his design.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for an identical reactor to appear. He exerted a little force with his fingers.

With a slight cracking sound, he crushed the imitation in his hand into a ball of scrap copper and iron.

He reached out again and pulled a hidden camera from Ivan.

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of Tony's mouth.

"Want to pull me down from the altar? Dream on. Oh no, I'm afraid he will be trampled under my feet even in his dreams."

In response, Wu Yuyu shrugged noncommittally.

He raised his chin towards the distance.

"Now, I'll leave these problems to you. I'm leaving now.

Tony looked at the reporters in the distance and waved his hand indifferently.

The congressmen couldn't do anything to him, let alone these reporters. He could be easily dismissed.

"Small problem, you first... Uh, you walk really fast……"

Tony turned around and was about to let Wu Yuyu leave first.

But he was shocked to find that besides Ivan on the ground, there were only a few breezes around him.……

""Okay, okay, I'll just deal with these annoying reporters first."

He shrugged helplessly.

He posed handsomely, ready to be bombarded by the flashbulbs.……........

On the other hand,

Wu Yuyu had already sat opposite Gu Yi again.

He stretched comfortably.

The sense of security brought by Gu Yi made him completely relaxed. He lay limply on the chair.

Seeing him so tired, Gu Yi took a sip of tea.

As he moved, a can of Coke appeared in front of Wu Yuyu.

"Why don't you go to your company and come to an old man like me?"

Wu Yuyu said"ton ton ton"


She collapsed in the chair again and gave Gu Yi a well-behaved smile.

"Look at what you said, my purpose is to sit with you for a while!"

Gu Yi shook his head gently and said nothing more.

If you like to stay, stay for a while.

Wu Yuyu didn't say anything else, lying quietly on the chair.

It should be said that the lighting in this room is really good.

Under the sunshine.

A strong sense of fatigue surged into my heart.

Without any resistance.

At a speed only slightly slower than Ivan just now, I went to find Zhou Gong.

After a while, a slight snoring sound appeared in the room.

Gu Yi's tea tasting action paused for a moment.

Looking at Wu Yuyu who fell asleep, Gu Yi shook his head and transferred the Coke that was about to slip from Wu Yuyu's hand to the table.

Facing the sunshine outside the window.

She also began to enjoy this moment of tranquility.……


In the evening, Wu Yuyu opened his eyes again.

Before he could stretch, he found a portal in front of him.


A question mark really appeared on Wu Yuyu's head.

He looked at Ancient One inquiringly.

At her signal, he looked into the portal.

A remote town, this was his first reaction.

There was a time difference, this was his second reaction.

Looking at the several figures shuttling in the town, Wu Yuyu found a familiar existence among them-


Seeing him, although the time was not right, the situation should be similar to what Wu Yuyu guessed, this is an operation to arrest the green fat man.

But, why did the Venerable let him look at this?

Turning to look at Ancient One, two more question marks appeared on his head.


A fan hit his head, and several question marks fell to the ground with a clang.

Although Gu Yi's expression did not change, Wu Yuyu still read the meaning of"are you still naughty?"

Scratching his head,

Wu Yuyu said in his heart, he will dare to do it next time!

"I show you this because I think you might be interested.……"


Without giving Wu Yuyu a chance to react, the fan in Gu Yi's hand instantly appeared on his head.

He casually threw an object into Wu Yuyu's arms and waved his hand, signaling Wu Yuyu to leave quickly.

"Okay, let's go after watching. I'm old now and don't have the energy to mess with you."

"Your Excellency, I cannot take this thing!"

Wu Yuyu was stunned for a moment when he looked at the Eye of Agamotto in his hand.

‘The Venerable is not thinking of retiring!!! '

This retirement is different from that retirement.

Ancient One's retirement is to abandon the body directly, which is what ordinary people call - death...

Thinking of this, Wu Yuyu could not sit still.

What green fat or not.

All of them were thrown behind his mind. He quickly came to Ancient One and handed the Eye of Agamotto forward. He looked like he would not leave until he took it back.

"I'm ready to die……"

Gu Yi said this calmly.

In the eyes of Wu Yudama that widened instantly, a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Just a joke."

He pushed back the hand that Wu Yuyu extended.

He turned around and looked at the sunset in the sky.

"The future has changed, and the Eye of Agamotto is better in your hands.……"........

After confirming that Ancient One would not retire for the time being, Wu Yudama accepted the Eye of Agamotto.

‘Dark Dimension���……Dormammu, your opponent is different~ hehehe~~~’

Wearing the Eye of Agamotto around his neck, Wu Yuyu let out an evil laugh.

Not to mention Dormammu who sneezed wildly.

Even the Ancient One couldn't stand it and threw him out of Kamar-Taj.

""Woof woof woof!"

As Wu Yuyu got up from the ground, he heard a dog barking behind him. No matter how he tried to persuade it, it refused to stop.

Wu Yuyu was helpless and glared at the dog.

In an instant, the dog let out a wail and disappeared from his sight.

"Humph, you want to fight me!"

Wu Yuyu clapped his hands in disdain.

He closed his eyes, and the whole town appeared in his mind.

He began to observe the progress of the green fat man's arrest plan.

‘Looking at the bomb on Banner's door, Wu Yuyu couldn't help but shook his head.

Using bombs in other countries.

Ross is really not afraid of starting a war...

Even Tony has cooperated with various countries to eliminate terrorists before.

Or, Ross has never had such worries in his mind?

In his mind, as long as he can catch the green fat man, it doesn't matter what the process is, and it doesn't matter how much damage is caused.

As the bomb was installed, Ross gave an order.

"With a"bang", Banner's door shattered instantly...

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