The voice from the side instantly broke the low pressure coming from Mordo.

Hearing this lively voice,

Mordo didn't react for a moment.

Until he was tapped on the shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?"

Looking at Wu Yuyu standing in front of him intact, Mo Du's dark eyes suddenly lit up.

"What were you doing just now? Are you trying to tease the Venerable with your flawed illusion?"

I didn't want Wu Yuyu to notice my state just now, so I made up an excuse.

"Well, let me tell you, the Venerable has no martial ethics at all.……"

When talking about the scene just now, Wu Yuyu instantly became excited.

He described the scene just now vividly.

He even used illusion for this purpose.

At the end of his speech, he seemed to remember something.

""Well, sir, please lend me the Eye of Agamotto for a while~"

Although Izanagi was developed, after using it once, Wu Yuyu found that this skill consumed too much mana.

The consumption of other illusions he used was almost negligible.

But this one actually consumed one-fifth of his mana bar.

In order to use the ultimate skill as a basic attack, he quietly set his sights on a few gems.

If there were gems to serve as a power bank for him, then no matter who it was, he would dare to touch them!

He could be annoyed to death.~

︿( ̄︶ ̄)~

Among the many gems, the best one was already hung around his neck.

Listening to Wu Yuyu's words of not wanting Bi Lian, Ancient One said nothing.

He still had the same expression for thousands of years.

Looking at the smile on Ancient One's face.

Wu Yuyu curled his lips.

He took off the Eye of Agamotto and stuffed it into Mordo's hand.

Then he walked out of the room

""Your Excellency, what is he doing?"

Mordo returned the holy object in his hand to Ancient One, still not quite understanding what had just happened.

What made Wu Yuyu return the thing so readily?

"It seems that he has not yet thought of becoming the Supreme Sorcerer……"

After hearing what Ancient One said, Mordo and the others looked at each other in bewilderment.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Ancient One actually wanted to pass the position of Supreme Sorcerer to Wu Yuyu.

And Wu Yuyu refused!........

On the other side, Wu Yuyu, who had walked out of the room, was rubbing his neck with a grin.

He had wanted to block out the pain before Gu Yi made a move.

But Gu Yi was surprisingly efficient and directly stabbed his neck with the dagger.

He had no chance to defend himself.……

"Death tastes so bad! Damn Venerable, you didn't even give me time to prepare! Still want to retire? Dream on!"

Wu Yuyu, who was complaining happily, suddenly felt that the ground under his feet began to move.

Hey, hey...

Don't be so stingy!

He just complained a few words...

Why did you open a mirror space to hit him!!!

As if he heard his voice, Gu Yi waved his hand and pushed the two people beside him in front of Wu Yuyu.

"I called you here to have a fight with them."

Hearing that he didn't have to fight with Ancient One,

Wu Yuyu instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he didn't want to be abused unilaterally.

Then he looked at the two people in front of him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Who will go first?"

Modu glanced at Casillas beside him and took two steps forward.

"I'll go first."

The two stood facing each other.

Wu Yuyu pulled his weapon out of the portal, and then drew his sword downward.

Seeing that Mordo had no intention of attacking first,

"Then I won't be polite, break it, mirror flower and water moon!"

It was still the familiar opening.

After completing the illusion, he casually made a knife flower and came to Mordo to end the battle.


Wu Yuyu, who didn't detect the fluctuation of the illusion on Mordo, instantly lay back. He distanced himself from Mordo through the portal.

""That was a close call!"

Looking at the Life Tribunal Staff that appeared where he had just stood, Wu Yuyu wiped his cold sweat.

Fortunately, he had been prepared!

And Mordo did not pursue the victory.

He put the Life Tribunal Staff on his shoulder and looked at Wu Yuyu with a little teasing.

"How about this surprise? Do you like it?"

Such familiar words...

It was exactly what he said to Mordo before.

Now Mordo said it back.

Looking at the forehead protector on Mordo's head that was emitting magical light.

Wu Yuyu knew that his illusion now could not pose a threat to Mordo.


Isn't it just that he can't use illusion?

His time here is not in vain!

The second stage begins!

"Water escape, dam water repair!"

With Mordo's face full of despair, Wu Yudama opened a portal to the bottom of the sea.

Under the strong water pressure,

Mordo had no chance to react.

A stream of water brushed past his body.

With a loud bang, the building behind him collapsed.

Looking at the tragic scene behind him, Mordo couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

After coming to his senses, he looked at the guy in front of him very cautiously, not daring to slack off.

"What do you think? I deliberately let it go this time. I won't let it go next time!"

Ignoring Wu Yuyu's verbal harassment, Mordo used all his energy to observe Wu Yuyu's movements.

Seeing that Mordo didn't pay any attention to him,

Wu Yuyu felt very bored.

"It's really boring. Take it, take my magma fist!"

The same principle as the previous move.

Since Wu Yuyu is very proficient in the portal, he even made a fist-shaped portal on Mordo's head with a very bad taste.

Looking at the magma fist emitting rolling heat waves above his head, Mordo couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth twice. He directly opened a portal and returned it to Wu Yuyu.

Then he took this opportunity to quickly step forward and prepare to start close combat with Wu Yuyu.

"So scary~"

He casually sent away the magma fist.

Seeing Mordo who wanted to fight him hand-to-hand, Wu Yuyu turned around and disappeared into the portal.

He was an elegant magician.

Reading forbidden spells thousands of miles away was what he should do...

Then the scene became very strange.

One wanted to teach his opponent a lesson with close combat, and the other wanted to distance himself and launch an offensive.

It just so happened that these two people knew the same portal.

As a result, Mordo chased Wu Yuyu for a long time, but he didn't hurt him at all.

Moreover, Wu Yuyu relied on his high proficiency in portals.

From time to time, he brought some"little surprises" from other places.

Mordo was embarrassed.……

""No more fighting!"

Mordo angrily announced the end of the battle.

He had wanted to take advantage of Wu Yuyu's unpreparedness and give him a good beating.

But he ended up like this!


Watching Mordo leave the center of the field, Wu Yuyu rearranged his hair and turned his eyes to Casillas.

"What about you? If you want to spar, we can do it now."

Kurobadama, who had just finished a battle, said that his mana bar was sufficient.

As long as he didn't use Izanagi, he could fight all day!

After watching the last battle, Casillas gave up the idea of fighting Karabadama.

Even without illusion, this guy was terribly difficult to deal with.

A single portal was almost played out.

The result of his play should be not much different from Mordo.……

"Just use illusion on me, I want to verify a magic."

Wu Yuyu threw an illusion at him.

Looking at the magic circle lit up on Casillas' wrist, he knew that his illusion would not work on Casillas.

"My illusion has been broken, you are really scary~"

Listening to Wu Yuyu's Versailles words, veins on Modu's foreheads bulged, and they wanted to punch him to the ground...

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