Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 103 Scott's Shock, Protoss Biotechnology

In September 1980, a pickup truck was speeding along the interstate in New York City, and inside the car was the Summers family.

"How are you feeling now, Scott." Inside the pickup, Scott's mother, Catherine Summers, asked with concern.

And on the back seat, Scott's eyes turned red at the moment, even the eyeballs turned red, like pink eye disease.

But the strange thing is that Scott didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, after wearing the exquisite bracelet given to him by his mother, Scott felt great, better than ever.

"I feel great, mother. What's the matter with this bracelet?" Scott became energetic from the original panic and frustration, then he looked down at the exquisite bracelet in his hand, and asked with some doubts.

In fact, Scott is not only puzzled by the sudden bracelet, but even his own family, he has been full of doubts these years.

There are only two fathers and mothers, but they call themselves the Summers family, and the Summers couple don't have any jobs at all, but they have no worries about food and clothing, and can easily get hundreds of millions of dollars a month.

His parents are always talking about it every day, and they often do some weird things, such as worshiping in the direction of the moon every morning, noon and night, and there are often some weird things in their home for no reason. .

For example, I was often sick when I was a child, but every time I got sick, I didn’t need to go to the hospital. Instead, my mother would feed me a bottle of light golden liquid, and every time I drank this kind of thing, Scott would be as good as ever, alive and kicking.

Moreover, his parents are also very strange. Over the years, Scott has never seen his parents get sick or even get old.

The Summers family seems to be shrouded in a layer of mysterious fog, which makes Scott always have doubts involuntarily.

"This is the Protoss bracelet, a biological bracelet that only the Protoss and their people can wear." Christopher Summers, who was driving, looked back at Scott and said with a chuckle.

"Scott, my child, it's time to tell you something." Christopher gave Scott a deep look, and then clicked lightly on the steering wheel with his right hand.

"Biological shapeshifting." Under Scott's astonished gaze, Christopher gave an order softly, and then the old and dilapidated pickup started shapeshifting like running water.

Two seconds later, the original pickup turned into a concept supercar newly developed by the Stark family. The interior of the car was also transformed into a futuristic biological human seat. Scott looked at his seat in amazement Down, countless biological scales perfectly wrapped up Scott at this moment.

"This... what is this?" Scott, who was still a few years old, opened his mouth in shock at the moment. Since his eyes have become different, Scott feels that the whole world has become different.

It became mysterious, it became sci-fi, and it became completely incomprehensible to Scott.

"This is the biotechnology of the Protoss, Scott. There is no need to panic." Catherine said comfortingly, looking at her son's terrified and shocked eyes.

"Watfark, what exactly is the protoss you are talking about~々?" Scott just felt confused at the moment, he had heard the title of protoss countless times, but he didn't know what the so-called protoss was .

"Don't swear, Scott. The Protoss is supreme and possesses the existence of extraordinary abilities that human beings dream of. In the 1960s, the Protoss was still called Mutant, but after the 1960s, our king Lancelot turned out to lead This led the Mutant family to embark on a path of glorious evolution, and the Mutant also turned towards the metamorphosis of the Protoss." Hearing Scott's words, Christopher had a smile on his face, and his tone became extremely fanatical.

"Mutant? Protoss?" Scott only felt that his mind was blank now. He couldn't even imagine what kind of protoss could make his parents worship fanatically

Catherine seemed to see Scott's doubts, she turned her head to look at her husband, and then saw her husband nodded slightly.

"Open space shuttle, destination, evolve Glory Company." Catherine tapped Scott's bracelet lightly with her right hand, and then said softly.


Following Catherine's words, under Scott's shocked gaze, a dazzling azure light beam was released from the bracelet, and in front of the supercar he was in, a magnificent space portal opened, and then the supercar entered instantly. within the space portal.

Almost instantly, Scott discovered that his supercar had appeared in the hall of Evolution Glory Bio Company in the center of New York City.

"Bio-Sentry mode." Christopher lightly clicked on his steering wheel, and the countless biological scales of the original supercar began to gather in mid-air, a human-shaped Sentry appeared in the hall, and at the same time, the three of Scott were already standing into the hall.

Cool toes. Scott looked at the creature Sentry floating above him in amazement, and was immediately attracted by its cool shapeshifting ability.

"Hi, I'm Christopher Summers, the father of Alex of the protoss." When Scott looked at the creature Sentry with a face full of surprise, Christopher had already come to the center of the hall, looking at a girl with beautiful facial features in the center of the hall , said with some excitement.

"Okay, Mr. Christopher. I'm contacting Master Alex for you." The young girl had a sweet smile on her face and then lightly pressed her right hand on her temple.

"What a beautiful girl." Scott, who was in adolescence, shifted his gaze from the creature Sentry to the girl in the lobby. Where did Scott see such a beautiful girl? For a while, Scott stared at the girl.


However, when Scott looked at the girl obsessively, countless biological scales suddenly appeared on the girl's body. These biological scales spread from the top of the girl's head to the bottom of her feet like flowing water, and then the original girl instantly turned into a young men.

"Oh, Waterfark. Who are you? Where's that girl?" The sudden transformation into a living person made Scott startled. He looked at the young man in front of him in amazement, and couldn't help but explode again. A swear word.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your youthful fantasy, Scott." The young man was wearing a decent suit at the moment, walked in front of Scott, and "slightly hit Scott's eyes.

"This is the first time I have seen a clansman Awakening with eyes Ability similar to my king. Scott, you are very lucky.

Oh, by the way, I'm your big brother Alex. "The young man is obviously the big brother of Shockwave Alex Summers, Scott who lives in the Kingdom of God.

"Big brother?" Although Scott knew that he still had a big brother when he was in the car, but at this moment, looking at Alex, who was as elegant as an ancient nobleman and exuded a mysterious aura, Scott still looked a little stiff and surprised.

"Father, mother, long time no see." Alex walked up to his parents, hugged them, and said calmly.

"Alex, my child, we are proud of you." Catherine looked at her child Alex excitedly at this moment, her eyes were full of pride and pride.

Being able to become the parents of the Protoss is something that many people dream of.

"Mother, let me test Scott first." After a few pleasantries, Alex walked up to Scott again, then raised his right hand, and a cloud of red mist billowed out. After the red mist disappeared, a rhombus-shaped living stone appeared In the hands of Alex.

"Is this... magic?" Scott couldn't help exclaiming at the moment, looking at Alex who seemed to be juggling.

"This is the biotechnology of our protoss. You will understand it after you become a protoss. Now, let's test the X gene in your body." Alex moved his thoughts slightly, and the diamond-shaped biological stone in his hand immediately began to unfold, and a A biological chamber similar to a silkworm chrysalis appeared with golden light.

Then, under Scott's astonished eyes, the creature compartment slowly opened, and a sharp, protagonist-shaped barb spread out from something like the tail of the red devil Asazor, piercing Scott's back of the neck in an instant.

As the triangular barb pierced the back of Scott's neck, the biocage completely changed into its own form under Scott's astonished gaze.

"." What the hell is this?" Scott looked at the body that was exactly like his own, and was horrified for a moment.

"Scott, my lucky brother, don't be nervous, this is just a simple test." Alex softly comforted Scott, and then lightly clicked with his right hand on the center of Scott's brow transformed by the biological chamber.

Under Scott's shocked gaze, the body in front of him suddenly opened automatically, revealing the internal organs inside.

Alex glanced at Scott's internal organs and musculoskeletal body, shook his head slightly, and then reached out to remove the eyes from the body.

"The body is weak and has no obvious evolutionary direction. The eyes have evolved an independent energy release device, um, not bad, Scott, your eyes can release laser light." Alex held two eyeballs, and then the body All the internal organs of the body disappeared, leaving only the eye organs.

Alex lightly clicked on the eyes, and the eyes enlarged immediately, clearly showing the energy-like lines in the eyes.

"Okay, let me see your X gene." Alex gently put the two red eyeballs back into the body made by the biological warehouse (Li Dezhao), and the whole body followed Alex's words suddenly disintegrated, and an X-type gene chain emitting red light was suspended in midair.

"The X gene is being activated, but it will take a long time to fully activate it. Well... the strength of the X gene has reached the level of a level 3 mutant just after Awakening. If it is fully awakened, it can instantly become a level 5 mutant " Alex looked at the X gene chain in front of him, and at this moment the fire gene chain began to completely turn into a crimson color under his operation.

And Alex put this X gene chain into the body made by the biological warehouse again, and the eyes of this body immediately began to release violent lasers.


The laser beam swept towards Alex, and the sudden change caused Scott and his parents to change their expressions drastically. Only Alex raised his right hand calmly.

"Energy Absorption." Alex's right hand ring vibrated slightly, and then all the laser light released by the body of the biological chamber was absorbed by Alex's right hand.

"That's right, Scott. Your Cyclops mutant Ability is already comparable to the protoss members of the first echelon." Alex opened his right hand, and the triangular barb instantly detached from the back of Scott's neck, and the original creature Cang also quickly retracted, turning into a small object stone.

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong asks for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more, subscription is really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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