Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 112 Receive Adamantium, Take Control Of Wilhelm Stryker

In Wilhelm Stryker's secret military base, all the experimenters and military soldiers were frozen in place like puppets.

In the entire base, only Wilhelm Stryker still retains his own thinking, but at this moment, Colonel Wilhelm Stryker would rather be like everyone else in the base

Just now, the four were exuding golden light

"Watfak? Sabretooth Victor?" Wilhelm Stryker looked at the golden titan in astonishment, feeling his own three views were shattered for a moment.

He has cooperated with Wolverine Logan for a long time, and also mentioned his mutant brother Sabretooth Victor through Wolverine Logan. After he learned of the existence of Sabretooth Victor, he read a lot of war materials and finally found Viktor. Kedo information.

Wilhelm Stryker was deeply impressed by those tiger-like eyes.

At this moment, the golden titan in front of him clearly has the same appearance as Sabretooth Victor, but according to Wolverine Logan, although Sabretooth Victor is stronger than Wolverine, he is not as tall as a human without changing his body shape. But just over two meters.

The golden titan in front of him was at least five meters tall, and his body exuded golden light. It was said that he was a god who descended from the sky, even Wilhelm Stryker believed it.

"Magefa, what's going on here?" Wilhelm Stryker didn't look like a colonel at the moment, he was frightened by the extremely sci-fi and even surprised scene in front of him, and burst into foul language one after another.

"Poor guy." Walking out of the colorful space bridge, it was the four of Lancelot who descended to the earth.

At this moment, Mystique Raven looked at Wilhelm Stryker's frightened look, and couldn't help but shook his head in pity.

Victor Sabretooth, who was standing in front of Wilhelm Stryker, stared at Wilhelm Stryker indifferently, and then directly raised his hand to lift Stryker up.

"Go away, you monster." Being casually mentioned, Wilhelm Stryker fell into extreme fear. He pointed the gun at Sabretooth Victor and pulled the trigger directly. Inside the pistol, a bullet A bullet flashing with silver-white light instantly struck towards Sabretooth Viktor 15.


Sabretooth Victor's right hand blade popped out, the sharp blade was more dazzling than metal, exuding a cold light, Victor swung his right hand, and five flashes of light enveloped the silver-white bullet in front of him.

Ding ding, craftsman.

However, the tiger claws that were as sharp as a metal blade did not cut it open after hitting the silver bullet, but the silver bullet directly pierced Sabretooth's tiger claw, and continued to rush toward Sabretooth's huge golden body.

"Die, monster. This is a bullet made by Adamantium, it is indestructible." A flash of surprise and madness flashed in Wilhelm Stryker's eyes, he yelled hysterically, and fixed his eyes on Sabretooth Vic Many bodies.


A dazzling energy shield emerged from Sabretooth Victor's bracelet, wrapping Sabretooth Victor in it.

All the Adamantium bullets hit the energy shield, the kinetic energy was absorbed immediately, and they fell powerlessly at Sabretooth Victor's feet.

"Ignorant mortal." Sabretooth looked down at Wilhelm Stryker's astonished eyes with mocking eyes, and said mockingly in a cold tone.

As early as when Wilhelm Stryker shot, Sabretooth had already been reminded by Jean Gray that as long as Sabretooth wanted, he could crush Wilhelm Stryker's head the moment he shot.

However, Sabretooth did not do this, he let Wilhelm Stryker shoot, the purpose was just to test the hardness of Adamantium.

"My lord, what should I do with Wilhelm Stryker." Sabretooth raised Wilhelm Stryker in front of Lancelot like a chicken, and asked respectfully.

"Qin, extract all the information and data about Adamantium in Wilhelm Stryker's mind, and then share it with the spiritual tower of the Kingdom of God." Lancelot did not do it himself, but prepared to train the new generation of Protoss Qin Gray.

"Obey, my king." After receiving Lancelot's order, Phoenix Gray walked directly in front of Wilhelm Stryker, and pressed his right hand on Wilhelm Stryker's head.

"Reading the spiritual memory." The huge spiritual power emerged from Qin Gray's mind, and then all the memories of Wilhelm Stryker turned into mental images and appeared in front of Lancelot and others.

But in an instant, most of the memories disappeared, replaced by pieces of related memories about Adamantium.

From the time when Wilhelm Stryker learned that there was a magical alien meteorite in a backward village in Africa through military news, he got the alien meteorite Vibranium, was hunted down by a mysterious special force, and then led by Wolverine Logan Breaking out of the encirclement, he returned to his base.

After two years of use, the prototype of Adamantium was finally developed on the basis of Vibranium.

Scenes of memory images were read out by Phoenix Jean Gray, and then under the control of Qin's spiritual power, these memory images quickly poured into her bracelet, and were transmitted to the world through the bracelet's spiritual network. Inside the spiritual tower of the Kingdom of God.

"My king, in Wilhelm Stryker's mind, there is only the manufacturing process of Adamantium, and there is no specific data information." Qin took his right hand away from Wilhelm Stryker's head, and reminded him.

"You, what did you do to me?" As Qin stopped reading the memory, Wilhelm Stryker also collapsed from mid-air. At this moment, he looked at Jean Gray in horror. The previous scenes made Wilhelm · Stryker feels terrified.

In front of this goddess-like existence, Wilhelm Stryker felt that he had no secrets at all.

"Wanxiang Tianyin." No matter how frightened Wilhelm Stryker was, no one paid attention to him. Lancelot just raised his right hand lightly, and a terrifying gravitational force was released from the palm of his hand.

Bolivar Trask, who was standing still in front of the test bench, was suddenly pulled by gravity and appeared in front of Lancelot.

"There is data about Adamantium, all in the mind of this talented material scientist." Lancelot looked at the little man in front of him appreciatively.

In the original timeline of reversing the future, it was the little man in front of him who created the Sentinel and set off the end of the Mutant.

And that timeline has been destroyed by Lancelot, and the fate of Bolivar Trask has become very different in this main time and space.

Bolivar Trask did not create Sentinel, but collaborated with Wilhelm Stryker to develop the hardest super metal in the universe, Adamantium

Even Lancelot has to admit that Bolivar Trask in front of him is a super talented materials scientist.

"The way of the world. Read memory." Lancelot pressed his right hand on Dr. Trask's head, and the memory of his life was instantly read by Lancelot.

At this moment, Lancelot has fully grasped the research and development data of the original Adamantium, and then Lancelot's spiritual power swept across, and transmitted all the research and development data about the original Adamantium he read to the spiritual tower of the Kingdom of God.

Looking back at Wilhelm Stryker, who was limp on the ground and terrified, a fiery red bird flapped its wings out of Lancelot's pair of red reincarnation sharing eyes.


Wilhelm· Stryker only felt his brain vibrate slightly, his mind had already been imprinted with a thought stamp by Lancelot, and at the same time all his memories were instantly rewritten by Lancelot.

At this moment, Wilhelm Stryker has a brand new memory. He was originally a soldier of the Kingdom of God who was eternally loyal to Lancelot. After receiving the order from the Kingdom of God, he lurked in the U.S. Army and became a colonel. .

The research and development of Adamantium was also developed under the order of the great ruler of the kingdom of gods, God King Lancelot.

When Wilhelm Stryker's rewritten memory was completely integrated into his mind, his fear was replaced by extreme fanaticism.

"My King Hail, Private First Class Wilhelm Stryker of the Kingdom of God is reporting to you." Wilhelm Stryker knelt on one knee, staring at Lancelot in front of him frantically, as if looking at his own god.

"Continue to carry out your orders, soldier." Lancelot just glanced at Wilhelm Stryker calmly, and then continued to order.

"Obey, my king." Wilhelm Stryker shouted enthusiastically. In his memory, as a private first class, it was a supreme honor to be able to meet the God King of the Kingdom of God.

Lancelot walked in front of Bolivar Trask again, and the spiritual power was released, and Trask, who was originally sluggish, immediately recovered.

"What happened?" Before Trask figured out what happened, he saw a pair of bright eyes.

Lancelot did the same, implanted Geass absolute command for Trask, and used Geass' ability to modify memory, instantly rewriting Trask's memory.

"My king Yongyao, Bolivar Trask, a material science scientist in the Kingdom of God, pays you the highest respect." Trask's originally puzzled eyes became as fanatical as Wilhelm Stryker's. At the same time, in his memory, from the beginning In the end, he was an insignificant material scientist in the kingdom of gods.

His ultimate goal is to go to the earth to develop a special material that can be applied to mutant rough stones for the kingdom of gods. Now, he has completed his mission and developed the indestructible Adamantium.

"Wilhelm Stryker, bring your son Jason Wingard, and I will take him to the Protoss residence." Lancelot ordered Wilhelm Stryker, and Wilhelm Stryker immediately saluted respectfully, his eyes full of excitement color.

In his memory, being able to become a Protoss is everyone's dream. At this moment, his son Jason will become a glorious Protoss. How could this not make Wilhelm Stryker ecstatically excited.

Wilhelm Stryker went to his son's room, while Lancelot, led by Bolivar Trask, a material scientist who had already metamorphosised into the Kingdom of God, walked in front of the original Adamantium.

"My lord, this is the original Adamantium." Dr. Trask excitedly introduced various data parameters of the original Adamantium to Lancelot.

And Lancelot already knew all the data through Trask's memory, so he just waved his hand lightly, and Trask immediately shut his mouth.


Lancelot looked at the primitive Adamantium in the crude container in front of him. At this moment, the primitive Adamantium was rolling like boiling mercury, emitting a silvery white light all over.

"Molecular control." Lancelot opened his right hand, and the molecular control power belonging to the god of heaven, Ego, was released. Under the power of molecular control, the original Adamantium in front of him was rapidly enlarged, and the countless molecular bonds were like a huge amounts of hemisphere. , appeared in Lancelot's eyes.

Looking at the molecular bonds like stars, Lancelot's face

There was a smile on his face.

"Mutang." Lancelot directly activated his pupil technique, Mutang. Mutang has the ability to remember everything instantly, and at this moment, Motang is used by Lancelot to record the original Ed

Molecular bond distribution anchors for Mann alloy alloys.

"Molecule creation." A minute later, Lancelot's right hand opened, and the molecules in the surrounding air quickly gathered towards Lancelot's palm.

All the molecules, in the hands of Lancelot, were changed shapeshifting at will, but in an instant, a mass of silvery white appeared from nothing in Lancelot's right hand

metal solution.

Faux Metal, Raw Adamantium.

647 was easily reproduced by Lancelot with the molecular control of the god Igo. The molecular control of the god Igo is a way to change the molecular structure at will and create a molecular structure.

The god-level ability of the structure, in the body of the god Yi Ge, such a god-level ability, was shredded by the god Yi Ge.

But in the hands of Lancelot, molecular control has successfully radiated its due brilliance, the ability to create all things, so that Lancelot can almost effortlessly, at will

Create the original Adamantium as you please.


In the palm of Lancelot, the boiling primordial Adamantium cooled instantly with the power of Lancelot's molecular control, and was transformed into a silver-white metal Rubik's Cube.

"Hank, check whether the original Adamantium can be applied to the mutant rough stone." Lancelot's right hand distorted the space, and instantly teleported the Adamantium Rubik's Cube in his hand to the

within the divine power space.

After sending the Adamantium into the Shenwei space, Lancelot walked up to Wolverine Logan, seeing how Wolverine Logan was unconscious due to suffocation at the moment.

Lud shook his head helplessly.


A mass of spiritual power emerged from Lancelot's brain, violently pouring into Wolverine Logan's spiritual world.

Looking at the endless grassland in front of him and the huge lone wolf running on the grassland, Lancelot opened his right hand, and the running lone wolf instantly flew in front of Lancelot,

Then transformed into Wolverine Logan.

"My king." Wolverine Logan saw Lancelot appearing in her spiritual world, her eyes were full of enthusiasm, and she knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"Logan, you are really about to become a lone wolf, living in isolation and not caring about world affairs." Lancelot looked at Wolverine Logan in front of him with a sigh, and what he said made King Kong

Wolf Logan was ashamed.

"From your memory, I see your desire to become stronger. Logan, tell me if you really want to implant Adamantium." Lancelot looked at

Looking at Wolverine Logan, he asked inquiringly.

"My lord, I want to become stronger, I want to be a sharp knife in your hand." Wolverine Logan's eyes were extremely firm, and a great desire to become stronger emerged in his heart

, He longed to become stronger, not for anything else, just to become an extremely sharp and indestructible sharp knife in Lancelot's hand.

"If that's the case, it's as you wish."

"I will make you into the real Wolverine." Lancelot took a calm look at Wolverine Logan, and then left Logan's spiritual world.

"Raven, it's up to you to inject Adamantium into Logan. I will make Wolverine Logan into an invincible kingdom of our gods. "The real Wolverine." Lancelot said to

The shape girl Reman ordered and said.

"As you command, my king."

PS: Little Chongchong has the cheek to ask for a subscription. Xiaochongchong is looking for the first subscription, and I hope that the big guys can subscribe more and support more. Subscriptions are really important to Xiaochongchong. .

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