Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 125 Terrifying Protoss Warriors, Offering Glory And War To My King

In December 1982, the isolated kingdom of Wakanda finally woke up from its complacency and defiant state.

Before 1982, the Kingdom of Wakanda once regarded itself as a super technological kingdom on the earth, especially with its huge and infinite Vibranium technology, which made this ancient African tribe metamorphosis become a leader in earth technology for hundreds of years at an unimaginable speed. superpower.

They regard Wakanda as a glory, and the powerful technological power has brought them infinite self-confidence.

However, the protoss warriors who fell from the sky smashed the pride and complacency of the people of the Wakanda kingdom to pieces.

"Waterfa, what's going on?" T'Chaka, who is the king of Wakanda in the royal capital of Wakanda, was full of astonishment at the moment.

His eyes looked at the projection of the vast planet in front of him. Even King T'Chaka of Black Panther, who is known as the patron saint of Wakanda, couldn't help being horrified, especially when he saw the god floating above the planet. After taking the throne, King Shichaka grew fear rapidly.

"Father, father..." King T'Challa's voice sounded in the ear of Prince T'Challa.

"Father, give the order." Seeing his father in a trance, T'Challa frowned slightly, and reminded him.

After being reminded by his son T'Challa, King T'Challa finally came to his senses, and he lowered his head to look at the virtual projection in front of him, Jabba Plains.

Looking at the 5,000 warriors of unknown civilization on the Jabba Plain, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. King T'Chaka finally showed his courage as a king and the patron saint of Wakanda.

"Wakanda warriors, destroy this mysterious army." King T'Chaka looked at the 5,000 protoss warriors of various shapes on the Jabba Plain, and directly issued an order to the Wakanda guards.

"Wakanda, line up! Attack formation" Following the order of King T'Chaka, on the Jabba Plain, Domura raised his Vibranium spear with serious eyes and directly issued the order to fight.

"Wakanda, forever." The Wakanda fighters quickly gathered towards Domura, and within a minute, they turned into a huge amounts of attacking phalanx.

There are 300,000 Wakanda warriors waiting for the battle. Under the order of Domura, they directly raised the Vibranium gun and Vibranium spear in their hands.

"Prepare for the first round of attack." Domura also raised the Vibranium spear in her hand, pointed the spear at the Protoss warrior, and then threw the Vibranium spear in her hand out suddenly


The Vibranium spear pierced the air and made a piercing gas explosion. Its speed was so fast that the distance of several hundred meters was almost fleeting.

Domura is confident that her Vibranium spear can easily penetrate an armored vehicle, and she is the captain of the female escort, so she has long been proficient in the application of Vibranium weapons.

However, Domura's confident smile disappeared instantly and was replaced by astonishment.

On the opposite side of Domura, an ordinary protoss warrior just raised his right hand lightly, and easily grabbed Domura's Vibranium spear that was thrown over like lightning.

The energy inside the Vibranium spear erupted from the tip of the spear and turned into a dazzling energy cannon. However, before the energy cannon left the spear tip, it was absorbed by the biological Sentry armor on the protoss warrior.

Energy Absorbing is just one of the most basic abilities of Sentry armor.

"Ridiculous Vibranium technology." The indifferent voice of the protoss warrior exuding golden light spread throughout the battlefield. He raised his right hand lightly, and flicked it with his fingers.


The Vibranium spear galloped towards Domura at a faster speed than before, and its speed even surpassed the speed of sound.

"Defense." The female guard quickly blocked Domura in the middle, and quickly pulled the cloak behind her to her front.


A faint blue light emerged from the cloak, and the original cloak turned into energy shields, and then these energy shields were quickly connected together to form a thick energy shield.


The Vibranium spear smashed on the blue energy shield in an instant, and the terrifying kinetic energy burst out, "It penetrated the missile-proof shield without hindrance at all."

Royal Shield.


The Vibranium spear exploded, and the female guards that were blocking Domura were blown away in an instant. The berserk energy spread in all directions, and Domura, who was in the center of the defense, was also instantly blown away by the Vibranium. The spear pierced through the shoulder.

Domura was severely injured immediately, and blood was sprayed from her mouth. However, as the captain of Wakanda's female guards, she has undergone various painful training since she was a child, and she has an extraordinary tolerance for pain.

At this moment, Domura's face was indifferent, her right hand was opened, and the Vibranium spear on her shoulder suddenly came out and returned to Domura's hand.

"Wakanda warrior, saturated attack." Domura's face was cold, and he hit the Vibranium Emperor on the ground again with his right hand.

"Wakanda, we must win." Hundreds of thousands of Wakanda fighters immediately raised the Vibranium energy guns in their hands and directly pulled the trigger.

At the same time, all the muzzles of the Wakanda spaceship suspended in the sky had already been fully charged, and huge amounts of blue energy cannons blasted towards the Protoss warriors.

bang bang bang.

A series of fine blue energy beams quickly occupied the sky above the Protoss warriors, covering the sky and covering the Protoss warriors.

Saturation attack, the attack method that Wakanda fighters are best at, through the energy weapon in hand, all-round coverage attack, once tested by Wakanda scientists, a round of saturation energy attack in Wakanda is enough to destroy any country on the earth troops.

"It's really gorgeous fireworks." In front of the protoss warrior, Evans, the protoss warrior wearing the biological Sentry armor, looked up at the overwhelming blue energy beam with a relaxed face, and said leisurely.

"Then, from now on, my fellow protoss warriors, let us dedicate a wonderful war to our great king Lancelot." The protoss warrior Evans's originally leisurely expression suddenly became fanatical , His voice became impassioned and extremely fanatical.

Following his voice, he directly raised the golden energy gun in his hand, and then casually pulled the trigger.


The violent golden energy was released suddenly, and the entire Jabba Plain was illuminated by this vast golden energy.

Chi chi chi.

In just an instant, the originally overwhelming Wakanda energy beams were emptied by the golden energy column, and at the same time the golden energy column crashed into Wakanda's phalanx.


A huge amount of explosion sounded, and thousands of fully armed Wakanda fighters were turned into fly ash in the explosion, and a deep pit hundreds of meters deep also appeared on the ground.

"This... what kind of weapon is this?" In the royal capital of Wakanda, King T'Chaka stood up in a moment of horror. The energy beams that were overwhelming before were the result of the attack of hundreds of thousands of people from the entire Wakanda army. .

And what did King T'Chaka see now? He actually saw that the enemy just used a sci-fi energy gun to swallow all the energy attacks and directly killed thousands of warriors in the Kingdom of Wakanda.

"Counterattack, counterattack." Domura was the first to react. She gave the order loudly, and then rushed towards the Protoss warrior first.

"Wakanda must win." Behind Domura, the mighty, tide-like Wakanda warriors followed closely behind, and also launched a war charge towards the only 5,000 Protoss troops.

Peng Peng, Peng.

When charging, the Wakanda fighters displayed excellent military qualities. Even when they were running at high speed, their formation was not loose in the slightest.

And, during the charge, the Wakanda warrior at the front raised the Vibranium shield in his hand, one by one energy shields blocked the front of the Wakanda army.

Behind the energy shield, the kinetic energy generated by all the Wakanda soldiers charged was absorbed by the Vibranium battle suit on their bodies, forming thick energy shields to envelop these Wakanda soldiers.

"Wakanda, we must win." Domura was still charging at the forefront, and the Vibranium spear in her right hand spun rapidly, and then the Vibranium spear hit the ground heavily, and a shock wave of energy swept across the ground Go out and rush towards the area where the Protoss warriors are.

Seeing the Wakanda warriors coming like a tide, Evans, the head of the Protoss Ordinary Warrior Legion, simply raised his right hand.

"Go, show the strength of our Protoss warriors. Let the enemy feel fear." Elsie's voice spread out like rolling thunder, and at the same time, the 3,000 Protoss warriors who had been waiting in full force immediately stepped forward.

"Don't carry out a saturation attack, let my king enjoy the fun of this war." Evans glanced at the 3,000 Protoss fighters in front of him, and said solemnly.

"Now, freedom to attack. Evans gave the final order.

Boom, boom, boom.

After receiving the order from Evans, 3,000 Protoss warriors stood proudly in front of the vast tide composed of Wakanda troops, watching the tide of Wakanda warriors rushing indifferently.

"Turn on the laser mode." The 3000 protoss fighters raised their golden energy guns in unison, and at the same time clicked on their protoss bracelets to adjust the attack mode of the energy guns.

With the adjustment of the protoss warrior, the golden energy gun in his hand began to rapidly shapeshift in an instant, and then formed a crimson laser laser gun covered with laser lines

"Fire." Els gave an order, and 3,000 Protoss fighters pulled the trigger immediately, and red lasers swept out.

Boom, boom, boom.

The berserk laser light penetrated the energy shield wall set up by the Wakanda warriors almost instantly, and slammed into the frontmost Vibranium shield.

The originally icy Vibranium shield began to become hot under the violent laser irradiation, even though the Vibranium shield has the characteristic of Energy Absorbing, but such violent laser energy still makes the energy absorbed by the Vibranium shield too large , the internal molecular bonds are broken instantly.

Click, click.

……ask for flowers…

There were bursts of ear-piercing metal shattering sounds, and the shattering sounds of Vibranium shields resounded throughout the battlefield. At the same time, the Wakanda warriors behind the Vibranium shields were pierced through their chests by streaks of bright red lasers.

It was just a simple laser attack, and the defensive wall composed of tens of thousands of Wakanda fighters at the front was instantly pierced through gaps one by one by the laser.

The two sides have not yet come into contact, and nearly 10,000 Wakanda fighters have been hit by lasers, and the energy shields on their bodies were directly burned, pierced through their chests, and died in battle

"Switch, the siren is howling." The God Race fighters obviously only have 3,000 people, but they seem like an insurmountable mountain. They lightly clicked on their God Race bracelets, and the red laser guns in their hands began to change again.

Shaped, countless biological scales spread like flowing water, and a firearm like a siren creature in ancient myths and legends appeared in the hands of a god warrior.

The siren howled.

A form of energy in the golden energy gun of the protoss warrior, which can release terrifying sonic energy and smash everything in front of it.

And as the protoss warrior gently pulled the trigger, the energy gun like a siren opened its mouth and howled, rolling sound waves sweeping the entire battlefield.


There were sonic explosions one after another on the entire battlefield, and the violent and vast sound waves rushed into the Wakanda army, causing a commotion in the entire army, and countless people embraced

The head screamed in pain, and some Wakanda warriors with low endurance were bleeding from their seven orifices and died instantly.

"Guardian of the God of Black Panther." Domura roared in horror. On her body was a Vibranium Black Panther engraved with ancient tribal patterns, and her eyes were shining

Standing up, a thick energy shield turned into a huge amounts of Black Panther, protecting all Wakanda warriors within it.


This is the top energy shield developed by the Kingdom of Wakanda, named as the guardian of the Black Panther god. After release, the energy absorbed in the Vibranium Black Panther will burst out instantly, forming

Form an impenetrable shield in the form of the Black Panther god.

"Counterattack, counterattack." Under the protection of the Black Panther god, the Wakanda warrior finally recovered from the chaos, then raised the energy weapon in his hand, and adjusted the energy power to

Max, began to fight back.

Boom, boom, boom.

Columns of blue energy blasted out, and the entire battlefield turned into brilliant blue again.

Countless blue energy columns rushed towards the 3000 Protoss warriors.

However, in the face of the attack of Wakanda forces, the protoss fighters remained calm and let these energy columns bombard them.


Explosions sounded one after another, and the violent energy could drown 3,000 Protoss fighters in it.

The explosion lasted for ten minutes, and the original plain became riddled with holes under the bombardment of Wakanda Vibranium technology.

And all the Wakanda fighters are on the alert at this moment, not caring about the surrounding potholes, their eyes are fixed on the center of the energy explosion, looking forward to the success of this attack.

Enough to annihilate the enemy.

despair. despair. despair.

The sound of steady footsteps is particularly harsh and prominent in the chaotic battlefield where explosions sound one after another.

The pupils of all Wakanda fighters constricted violently at this moment, Shen Guang looked at the center of the explosion with doubt and horror.

In the center of the explosion, one by one God Race warriors exuding golden light stepped out, like the energy explosion of a small nuclear bomb, without causing any impact on them.

"Ridiculous energy weapons, ridiculous Vibranium technology, let you have Vibranium, it's a waste of money." The mask on the head of a Protoss warrior opened, revealing a

silhouette of a handsome caucasian man.

John Gray, the variant Protoss of the Kingdom of God, the father of Phoenix Jean Gray, and the current Protoss warrior.

The biological Sentry armor worn by the protoss warriors is made of Adamantium shapeshifting metal, which has extremely terrifying defensive power, not to mention hundreds of years ahead of the earth

Technological bombardment of Wakanda Vibranium energy technology.

Even if Thanos slashed wildly with his sword, he couldn't leave a mark on the Sentry armor of these creatures.

If you want to hit the protoss warrior, unless you have the ability to drag the protoss warrior out of the biological Sentry armor, or as now, John Gray gently

One click on the bracelet, and then the biological Sentry armor decomposed into countless biological scales, which were stripped from John Gray's body.

"Since it is a wonderful battle for our king, then the biological Sentry armor seems to be a little in the way." John Gray moved his body slightly and looked at the front

The Wakanda troops showed excited and fanatical smiles on their faces.


Behind John Gray, 3,000 Protoss warriors also stripped the biological Sentry armor off their bodies, revealing a physique as strong as a bodybuilder.

Perfect muscles, perfect body proportions, perfect physique.

Just looking at the bodies of these protoss warriors made the Wakanda warriors on the opposite side feel ashamed.

Compared to himself, the group of unknown enemies on the opposite side is the truly perfect God Race Warrior Four. .

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