Chapter 472

Chapter 475

It is estimated that it will take a while before they can be captured. This material is simply great.

After Murphy entered it, he found that there were a lot of monitoring equipment, which just happened to be able to observe where they had just entered.

Murphy was curious about a question just now, why were Tony and Major Carey discovered by them? Before, they were all wearing invisible battle suits.

This invisible battle suit itself is very meticulous, and its own technology is the most advanced, how can it be seen? Murphy is deeply suspicious of this.

There is also that the two of them will not expose themselves at all. They are already close to the small bright spot in this place, how can they be able to expose themselves?

They are already very close to their destination. You can reach that location by crossing this mountain range, but how can this be discovered?

“These weapons are pretty good, and all of them are very advanced. I am quite optimistic about these weapons.”

After Escherit entered here, unlike Murphy, Murphy saw the monitoring equipment at first glance, and Escheriter focused on these weapons as soon as they heard their gunshots. Know that their weapons are also very advanced.

After entering, the first thing I paid attention to was the problem of this weapon. I looked at it. Although it was comparable to my own weapon, I felt that my own was more perfect than his.

Murphy looked back and watched Escherette fiddle with the gun. Murphy could see that gun at a glance, and it was indeed good.

This design is also quite perfect, but according to himself, Murphy is still relatively humble. I feel that you are really comparable. It seems that the people in the Hulk team are all very elite. Well.

How could he be able to regard Hulk as his opponent? Those people before him never regarded him as his opponent, because Hulk is really comparable to his personality.

But I still feel that Hulk is more prosperous because he destroyed one of his locations. Hulk still hasn’t found his location because the location where he hides is just that place.

· ··Seeking flowers· ··

It was one place, but there were more places he could find. Hulk probably wouldn’t dare to find where his place was now. He was afraid that he would get hurt if he found it.

Hulk’s heart is still a little weaker than him, and he dared to try, but this Hulk would only hide from himself, not dare to try, this is much better than Hulk.

…. ……. …

Still laughing at myself here, this is really too self-defeating, everyone has this.

“Don’t say it’s you, I also think these weapons are pretty good.”

Eskilett looked at the hole he had just opened, which was enough to prove how good their bulletproof measures were. If he didn’t hold the rocket, it really couldn’t be opened.

Looking at the situation inside, at that time, it was only the fur on the outside. The inside was just that they came out. They didn’t hide inside. If they hide inside, there will be a fierce gun battle. All were executed. Ding.

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