004 Freak Student

Old Kent is kind-hearted and helpful, often appears in major news columns, is a famous charity principal, and is as popular as Santa Claus.

In every way, he was a kind and kind person.

And as you get older, you become more respected and admired.

But the disadvantages are not without it.

If you are soft-hearted, it is bound to cause some bad consequences.

When the interruption continues, it suffers from it!

Before leaving the cemetery door, Clark stood in the doorway and glanced at the tombstone from a distance.

Then he turned away and never stayed again.

Old man, there were already some things to deal with when you were alive.

You are a kind person, these things cannot be handled, and you are not willing to deal with them.

But now, after your death, those jumping beam clowns still dare to jump out….

That is, their main action is dead.

“I’m not as kind-hearted as you.”

Clark muttered as he walked along the drizzling road.

The sound is small.

But Jean still heard it clearly.

Don’t underestimate the physical qualities of mutants, especially a super genius like Jean Grey.

Pursing her lips slightly, Jean did not have any objections.

Because she is also very unaccustomed to what some people do.

If you don’t die, you won’t die.

When the old Kent was alive, the method he adopted was to make many things big and small and small, so that the situation became as calm as possible.

That’s what old Kent did.

It has a turtle flow feeling.

Jean disagreed, but did not refute the old Kent.

Because everyone knows that old Kent is such a good-hearted person.

As you get older, you become kinder.

Clark broke the silence:

“Tell me about what’s going on? Is that group of directors pointing fingers again? ”

St. Kent College also has a group of directors.

Old Kent first opened school more than fifty years ago, and it was the hardest time.

It was the infusion of foreign funds that kept St. Kent College open.

So those directors also have some say.

It’s just that because old Kent has always been in power and firmly holds the field, there are no moths.

But after the death….

What cows, ghosts, snakes and gods, it seems that they are all ready to jump out and fight for power.

Jean nodded:

“It’s the group of directors.”

“They encouraged some people, and some students, hoping to put … Get those special students off campus! ”

Clark’s eyes flickered, with a hint of blood red:

“Not a little dare! Those special students were recruited into the school with great difficulty, so that they could learn and grow like ordinary people! ”

“The old man’s fifty years of hard work and honor have been smashed on this matter, so that people have not chewed the root of their tongues! Now, this group of bastards actually dares to take the initiative to provoke trouble? ”

St. Kent College is a school created by the elder Kent!

And in this school, there is a very special group of students, and it is the old Kent who uses his honor to vouch for them to go to school normally.

If something goes wrong, then it’s old Kent who is responsible!

The reason why the whole thing is so solemn is because this group of special students are mutants!

It doesn’t matter how special the identity of the mutant is, and how great the pressure on the fishing boat is.

Clark never paid attention to that either.

There was only one thing he cared about:

This group of students, whether ordinary students or special students, everyone, old Kent remembers clearly!

Old Kent remembers their names, remembers their grades in general, remembers their family situation — all of which can be used for home visits.

They are students of Old Kent!

Old Kent had never made a moth in his life, and now it was Clark’s turn to be an errand, and he would all jump out to find excitement.

Is Clark’s thrill so easy to find?

Who gave you the guts?

Black stewed eggs or purple sweet potatoes?


St. Kent College is not large.

All of them add up to more than twenty classes, ranging from thirty to forty students in a class.

It ranges from the middle school to the university department.

Together with teachers, restaurant chefs, and sweeping aunts, there are more than a thousand people together.

The scale of the college is so small, but the problems caused in it are not small, and the complexity can even be said to be the largest in the country!

Because there is no school that dares to blatantly recruit mutant students!

But St. Kent College dared, and it has been like this for many years!

Although it is not clear what force is behind it, it is protecting old Kent.

But that’s all in the past.

The old Kents are already cold, and the ashes are going to the cemetery.

Living people will inevitably move some careful thinking!

Just today, during the time period when Old Kent entered the cemetery park, a group of ordinary students were propelled by someone with a heart.

They have only one claim:

Kick the mutant freaks out of St. Kent Academy!

“St. Kent College is the academy that belongs to our big guys! How can you get those freaks defiled. Unclean! ”

“Those guys are rubbish! It’s all crazy! God knows what their minds are hiding! ”

“We must not learn to live with those freaks! They will kill us silently! Maybe it will make us freaks too! ”

There are not too many people who gather to make trouble, only more than thirty people.

After all, there are many people with brains, and there are more people with conscience.

The leading troublemaker stood up, holding a large flag, and shouted:

“In the past, when the old principal was there, we didn’t want to cause trouble for the old principal, so we could only endure.”

“But now, the old principal has passed away, and we good students can’t bear it! We must drive those freaks out of St. Kent College and keep such a noble place as the College clean! ”

As soon as this was spoken, the troublemaking students responded one after another, making the leading guy very proud.

There is quite a happy feeling of gathering a crowd to make trouble with our lord!

But before he could say two more, he was directly lifted up by one hand.

A strong man two meters away, wearing a security uniform and holding a baton in his hand, was glaring at the leader:

“It’s not good to go to class during class time, run to the playground and make inappropriate remarks here – I see you want to be deducted credits, don’t want to graduate!”

Being glared at by this strong man, the leader’s first reaction was a little stunned.

Then remembering the benefits promised by the black hand behind the scenes, he suddenly became angry again.

The extra bank gold card in his wallet is his guarantee of toughness.

Just toss some movement, the number in that gold card will continue to grow, such a big benefit, who is not willing to do it?

The old principal’s previous pure and seductive teaching? Simple and simple conscience? What’s the use of that, can the conscience eat a big meal, live in a mansion, drive a luxury car?

The troublemaker leader sneered and looked at the strong man:

“Captain Antonio! Don’t think you’re the captain of the security team, I’m afraid of you! ”

“Others don’t know who you are, but I know you!” You’re also a freak who graduated from the class of freaks! The old principal pity you for letting you be a security guard, not to bully students with a little power! ”

Antonio’s angry words were a little unpleasant.

He gritted his teeth, and the two canine teeth in his mouth were exceptionally slender and sharp, like the sharp teeth of a large predator!

The leader of the troublemaker is insulting him in public!

Because he is a graduate of St. Kent College, and he also graduated from the “freak class” in the mouth of the leader!

He’s a mutant!



PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for comments!

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