053 regiment battles can be lost, and the upper gas must die

Clark also guessed so, after all, the race to which the crazy titan belongs, the relevant conditions are quite in line with some of the characteristics of these rings.

After all, that crazy titan likes to ponder what he has in hand, whether it is the Infinity Gauntlet or the current Lord of the Rings, the two have something in common.

If it was really guessed by Clark, it was Clark Bull Batch.

If not, it’s just a fun look, and the impact is not great.


“My Lord of the Rings…”

Because he was forcibly taken of the Ring, Clark would not be so gentle with Mandarin.

The latter’s hands were bloody, and the index finger was directly broken on the spot because of the excessive force of trauma.

But the physical pain, far less than the mental pain, made Mandarin more desperate and bitter.

The ten rings that he became famous for were casually put into his pocket by Clark after weighing them with his palms.

Seeing this scene, the adults were full of despair!

The ten magic rings that he regarded as treasures were so worthless to Clark that he weighed them a little and put them directly into his pocket.

Don’t even bother to put it on your finger and experiment with the power of the Lord of the Rings!

The ten magic spells equipped with those ten magic rings cannot be said to destroy the heavens and the earth, but they are not so unbearable!

Such an unimpressed performance made Man Da’s heart completely chill.

The completely different performance also clearly shows the gap between the two sides.

Mandarin endured the pain caused by the trauma and looked at Clark seriously for the first time.

The latter, as the principal, wore a formal suit, and looked like an intellectual, who would have thought that the latter actually had such great power!

Lord Man lowered his head, already completely discouraged.

Without the Magic Rings, even if he wanted to escape now, he had no chance!

Even his life is at stake, and he is powerless.

“The matter of the Lord of the Rings has been settled, now it’s time to deal with you.”

Clark’s figure appeared in front of the man, looking the man up and down:

“I didn’t go to the Ten Commandments Gang, but you first brought the army to press the realm, how do you say you want to die?”

Lord Man shook his head, but he was unusually calm when he was dying, and he smiled bitterly

“I don’t need to think about my anger anymore, after the Lord of the Rings was taken, my life has already ushered in the countdown.”

“I was originally seriously ill and senile, all relying on the energy supply of the Ring to survive, and after the Ring left my body, I would die in pain in less than a day!”

Clark raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes dyed with blue fluorescence, and once again examined the body and internal organs of the man.

Then Clark discovered that all the organs in Mandarin’s body are rapidly aging and dying, and they will stop working in a few hours!

These organs were still working properly before, only because the power of the Lord of the Rings was keeping them alive.

Now, with the departure of that force, the physical condition of the Mandarin is naturally more completely damaged.

What is this?

You already fell to the ground before I could help?

Clark pouted, somewhat bored:

“What a boring showdown.”

“Mandarin, I admit that I look up to you, and your performance makes me feel… A heartfelt touch of worry! ”

Clark shook his head.

I thought that this head-to-head duel with Mandarin would allow him to feel the experience of fighting.

However, the other party is too weak, and Clark is also helpless.

Mandarin’s face was full of bitterness.

Do you think he wants to behave such a weak chicken? Don’t be so strong if you have skills, I have to show all my housekeeping skills to fight you for three hundred rounds!”

Being ridiculed by Clark like this, the bitterness in the hearts of adults can be imagined.

But all this is a fact, and the Mandarin people don’t know how to refute it if they want to refute it.

He bent down tremblingly:

“Before I die, I want to ask you something… I hope you will allow me to do it and let me kill myself!” ”

Shangqi is still alive, although he is injured and has a bloody face, but he is still alive and well.

Lord Manchu wanted to bring him back to the sphere of influence of the Ten Commandments Gang and then “teach” him well.

In short, how to be happy, how to be cruel and how to relieve hatred!

But…… There is no chance anymore.

Mandarin’s face was full of bitterness.

In any case, Mandarin could not imagine a great situation, and actually turned a big deal here at St. Kent College!

He buried his life with his own hands!

The time of death is coming, if there is anything that Lord Manchu does not blind to death… That is, before you die, you must bring your upper breath!

Otherwise, he won’t be able to close his eyes when he dies!

Death must also be pulled to die together!

Shangqi was lying on a stretcher at this time, already unconscious, and was carried away by two subordinates of the Ten Commandments Gang.

These two subordinates are also considered dutiful, and they have not even thrown away the stretcher by this time.

Clark glanced at the figure on the stretcher, and immediately saw the squirrel braid combed on the back of the head.

Looking at the iconic hairstyle, Clark’s face was a little ugly.

This thing, Clark looked a little upset.

“You want to kill? It’s not that it can’t work… However, it depends on whether your subordinates are able to do enough. ”

Clark pointed to the battlefield on the street:

“If Antonio wins, I will let him handle the upper gas, and if your second boss wins, then you can pull the upper gas to accompany the burial.”

The most resentful thing in Antonio’s life is treachery and selling the country for glory!

The upper breath was handed over to him to deal with, and only Clark needed a look to ensure that this guy would not live to appear the next day.

That is….

Whether Antonio wins or snake man wins, the upper breath has to die.

The difference is only whether it was killed by Mandarin himself.

Clark gave Lord Mandarin a chance to eradicate Shangqi with his own hands, as for whether this opportunity can be seized….

It depends on whether he is used in the second boss!

Give you a chance that you are not useful, so what else is there to say?

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