081 Academy to keep you safe and sound!

Clark picked up his coffee and prepared to take a sip.

Hearing this, he gently put the cup down again, and his eyes looked at Peter Parker like a torch, and the scrutiny in his eyes was enough to make some unstable guys look away weakly.

But Peter Parker looked at Clark squarely and did not flinch.

Clark asked:

“Have you already decided?”

“This is destined to be a very difficult road!”

“If you want to become a hero, you must persevere and adhere to the justice and bottom line in your heart for ten years!

And you have to make sure you go down right, and you have to let yourself win all the way! ”

“Once you fail, or the bottom line you stick to falls into the hands of the enemy, you will be smeared by countless lies, and you will be scolded and hated by countless onlookers who do not know the inside!”

Clark looked at Peter Parker and coldly said a fact:

“As a hero, you are still a hero if you do a thousand good things, but as long as you do one bad thing, then you are a hypocrite in the eyes of those ordinary people!”

“And those bastard evil people, no matter how many bad things they do, as long as they can do a good deed in the eyes of the public, then those ordinary people will exclaim their own exclamation, saying that they also have light in their hearts, and they are also good people!”

“This is the narrow vision of mortals, this is the ignorance of ordinary people!”

“Peter Parker!”

“After I said so much and said everything so cruelly, do you still insist?”

Peter Parker said resolutely:

“Headmaster, I know what you said!”

“In our school, such similar things are not uncommon, I have experienced many different encounters, I know more secrets than ordinary people they don’t know!”

“But all this will not stop my persistence!”

“I used to think about escaping, thinking about avoiding it all.”

“But what happened to Uncle Ben today made me understand that all this is useless, and I have stepped into this world, simply hiding – hiding for a while, not for a lifetime.”

“Headmaster, I have decided… It may be ridiculous and a little self-defeating, but I will work towards this goal! ”

“Well said!”

There was a cheer from the side.

The voice appeared a little weak, and it was obvious that the speaker’s body was still a little weak.

Peter Parker suddenly walked two quick steps over:

“Uncle Ben, are you awake?”

Ben Parker got up half-out of bed, and although he had not fully recovered, his mental state had improved.

He looked at Clark and said:

“Hello Principal Clark, I’ve always heard Peter mention you before, and I heard the old principal mention you when I talked to the old Kent Principal before.”

“This should be our first meeting… We met once at Old Kent Cemetery, but it was clearly not a good time to talk. ”

“Principal Clark, what a young man, well… At least he is much more handsome than our family Peter, and Peter also thanks to your care. ”

Peter Parker suddenly felt the urge to cover his face.

Clark smiled unnaturally.

“My adoptive father also mentioned you once and said that you are a very strong old man, and now I look at it, and sure enough.”

In the face of this older man, Clark did not call any old man, but called the old man his adoptive father.

This is respect, but also courtesy.

Clark briefly talked for two words and asked again:

“Uncle Ben, you just agreed with Peter’s words, and you applauded.”

“Do you support Peter too?”

Ben Parker did not hesitate, nodded and said:

“Yes, I support Peter too!”

“Principal Clark, I am dozens of years older and know a lot of things, and I know that everything you just said is very correct.”

“But I feel… In this world, there are still many good people! ”

“So, some of Peter’s ideas may seem naïve to you, but I will support him!”

Clark nodded silently, already aware of Ben Parker’s wishes.

The Parker family, whether it was this uncle or Peter, had a tenacity and stubbornness in their personalities, which Clark had learned.

It’s a pity that there was no chance to meet with that Richard Parker, and let Clark judge whether this personality is inherited from the Parker family.


After a brief silence, Clark looked at Ben Parker and said:

“Not just Peter, Uncle Ben, you can also work towards this goal.”

“In two days, you will find that your body is not as old as you think.”

“Peter is still very young, and there are many detours that can be bypassed under your leadership Uncle Ben.”

Clark stood up, seemingly ready to leave.

Peter Parker opened his mouth at this time and asked in a low voice:

“Principal Clark, can I learn from Mr. Stark and Mr. Antonio?”

“In my mind, they are all heroes!”

Clark looked at Peter Parker and suddenly laughed:

“Peter, you have your own path to go, no need to learn from others.”

“As for what you said about Tony and Antonio… To be honest, neither of them qualifies to be called heroes in my eyes. ”

“Tony calls himself Iron Man… But at present, he is still more like a cynical son-in-law. ”

Peter was a little anxious:

“What about Mr. Antonio?”

“I obviously saw him fighting bloody battles with those gangsters of the Ten Rings Gang, and fighting to the death to prevent them from entering the academy and harming us students!”

Clark shook his head:

“Antonio… Even more not. ”

“All he wants to protect is St. Kent College, as for protecting the others… Antonio’s heart has not yet reached this point. ”

Clark took one last sip.

This should be the hand-ground coffee specially prepared by Aunt Mei, so that Clark couldn’t help but drink two more sips.

He looked at Peter Parker and finally said:

“In short, Peter, you have graduated, welcome into the world of adults.”

“The way back, you have to go by yourself.”

“As your principal, there is only one thing I can say to you… I don’t care about the rest. ”

“But within the confines of St. Kent College, I keep you safe and sound.”

The flat voice reveals an extraordinary confidence.

Peter Parker was in a slight trance, and when he looked up again, he had lost Clark.

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