The 095 Dr. Lizard incident ends

Natasha took a slight step back, and then waved her right hand slightly, which was regarded as a greeting.

Judging by the momentum, she has already lost.

After all, there are many powerful people on the other side.

Natasha looked at Agent Hill on the side, already having no hope for the latter.

In Natasha’s eyes, Agent Hill was very cautious at this time, expecting her to show her strength, which was impossible.

“What about Agent Coulson? Didn’t Agent Coulson deal with the accident here in Queens before? ”

Natasha asked in a low voice.

Agent Hill was expressionless.

Natasha asked this questioning her abilities?

She dropped an explanation and did not respond:

“There’s a meteorite that fell over there in New Jersey, and it’s kind of strange, Coulson was sent there to deal with business.”

Agent Coulson has a very good relationship with most people in S.H.I.E.L.D., and that is a good old man.

Other agents, on the other hand, have their own circles, even if they are under the orders of Nick Fury, they have their own careful thoughts.

Natasha nodded slightly, signaling that she understood.

Clark then looked at Agent Hill:

“Agent Hill, although I am glad that you are entertaining us on the side, I think it is better for you to complete the mission.”

“The manpower is complete, Agent Hill, you can go and complete the mission and capture the lizard monster, we will just walk around and not disturb you.”

“Or… In other words, how is Dr. Lizard? ”

Everyone has already determined that the identity of the lizard monster is Cottconus, so it is appropriate to call the latter Dr. Lizard.

Agent Hill nodded, then looked around:

“What about David Butler from Osborne? I still need to ask him some questions. ”

The subordinate replied:

“Just left, using the excuse of Norman Osborne… Didn’t stop it! ”

Agent Hill frowned.

Because of Clark’s sudden appearance, she seemed a little confused, and there was such a big mistake.

David is such an important person, actually let him run?

Agent Hill pondered for a while, and then said:

“Osborne’s affairs are going back to settle the account, and the priority is to solve Dr. Lizard first!”

Hearing this, Peter Parker on the side was anxious first: solve it? Kill Dr. Connors? How can this be!

He hurriedly asked:

“What’s the solution?”

Agent Hill glanced at Clark, who was walking around next to him, out of the corner of his eye, and said:

“Catch what you can!”

“Try to keep Dr. Lizard under control!”


At the same time, the old butler David had already left first and hurried back to Osborne Manor.

Dr. Lizard’s affair made the old butler fidget.

Kurt Connors has had such a terrifying change, so will the old man who was also injected with serum also …

“No, no, it was just an accident on Connors!”

“As Connors said before, the serum is very stable, he changed into this appearance by accident, this kind of thing will not appear on the master!”

“The master will be fine!”

David firmly believes in this.

He didn’t even tell Harry Osborne, and he had already sneaked back to Osborne Manor alone.

Go back and meet Norman Osborne!

The moment he opened Norman Osborne’s room, David breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Norman Osborne was sitting at the dining table, eating a steak with a knife and fork in his hand.

The next moment, David was stunned.

Because judging by David’s many years of experience, that steak was raw, and the blood was not cleaned up!

“David, what’s wrong?”

Norman Osborne looked up with a kind smile on his face.

It’s just a mouthful of steak blood, which looks particularly mad.

“It’s okay, sir, it’s just that I miss you a little.”

David said.

It’s okay, it’s okay, the old man is fine, he hasn’t become some lizard monster, eating raw steak may just be a dietary change after a serious illness, it’s normal.

David was in his heart, saying a bunch of self-hypnotic words.



A huge figure jumped out of the water and fell under the piers.

He trembled under the piers in pain, shivering, and the whole looked very hideous!

“Damn, this body’s body is too fragile!”

Dr. Lizard let out a roar, and then his fingers trembled and he took out a brand new syringe from a small bag he was carrying.

He then injected himself with a test-tube lizard serum to stabilize his condition.

“Damn Connors! Fragile body! I have to keep myself in my own shape and never change back into the form of any waste! ”

Dr. Lizard looked at the last three of the five test tubes in the row, and his cold vertical pupils revealed a hint of thought:

“Connors that waste, the finished serum developed is only two rows, a total of ten bottles!”

“That butler from Osborne took one row, and the last remaining row is with me!”

“Now, only these three bottles of serum remain!”

“Damn it! If I want to create a race, I have to leave at least a bottle of serum! ”

The grim vertical pupil glanced a few times at the remaining three bottles of serum, and Dr. Lizard leaned next to the pier, ready to take a break.

He was exhausted, but he couldn’t fall asleep yet.

Once asleep, when he wakes up, he may no longer be him, but become the waste of Connors!

“Time is limited!”

“I must grab the serum raw material as soon as possible, and then create a spray device that will turn the entire city into a race, a race that belongs only to the lizardmen!”

Dr. Lizard thought of the beautiful scene in the future, and the gesture of being crowned king made him even more inextricable.

At this moment when he fell into a fantasy, a head wearing a red hood suddenly appeared from the pier:

“Hey! Dr. Lizard, I hope my arrival didn’t disturb you! ”

With the powerful tracking ability of S.H.I.E.L.D., just resting here on the pier for a while, Dr. Lizard was locked in position!

After being discovered by Spider-Man, Dr. Lizard suddenly burst out, and a claw directly tore out, not attacking the flexible Spider-Man, but tearing the pier stone into a pile of stones!

Spider-Man dodged left and right, and took advantage of his free time to use the spider web launcher to put two cobwebs on Dr. Lizard’s hand, temporarily stopping the latter’s movements.

“Dr. Lizard, I’m not the only one who came to play with you!”

Spider-Man took the opportunity to say.

“Another spider?”

Dr. Lizard has heard the wind behind him!

When he turned his head, he saw a elastic calf getting bigger and bigger in front of him, and then kicked him in the face!

Or rather on the nose!

Lizards, such cold-blooded animals, the face is not a key part, the nose is barely counted!

What stunned Dr. Lizard was that such a powerful attack was actually issued by a red-haired beauty who looked weak and couldn’t help the wind!

Dr. Lizard was violently beaten on the spot, obviously not believing that he had such a dish, and immediately roared and rushed up again.

Dr. Lizard didn’t think deeply about it, no matter how crazy he behaved, his essence was just a half-house researcher.

Combat experience?

Does Connors have this thing?

Dr. Lizard looks like another unhinged monster.

But at the end of the day, his essence is still Cottconus!

Even in how to disparage Connors, Dr. Lizard can’t hide this fact!

With a crackling and violent beating, Natasha, with her superb sensitivity, hit Dr. Lizard hundreds of times in a row, and she was unharmed!

This superb skill made Spider-Man stunned.

He suddenly discovered.

That Agent Hill, compared to this Agent Natasha, was so gentle.

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