Now that he received Tony's request for help, he must investigate the intelligence clearly. Soon, Natasha gave the collected intelligence to Wang Kai, and Wang Kai also had an understanding of this group.

Professor Kratov, the big boss, was originally the leader of a research institution during the Cold War. However, after the end of the Cold War, the institution where Professor Kratov belonged was disbanded, and Professor Kratov started his career. He began to conduct personal research, but suddenly I didn't know what I was crazy about. I wanted to government Russia, so I transformed myself, gave myself superpowers, and seized a Russian arsenal, controlled the armored weapons there, and occupied a city.

And the four superpowers under him were also his experimental products. The research organization he was in was similar to the one that studied the Winter Soldier, but he was researching superpowers, and his four subordinates were him. Manufactured.

Boulder King is from the mountains of Armenia. He has been with rocks since he was a child. After acquiring super powers, he has the ability to control rocks and electricity. He can form rocks into any shape he wants, his rock armor and weapons. "Lightning Stone Whip" is his ability composition.

The scimitar warrior, originally descended from the nomadic people of Kazakhstan, has been transformed by Professor Kratov and has unparalleled speed and strength. It can be regarded as an enhanced version of Quicksilver. Its speed and strength are better than those of Quicksilver. If Kuaiyin confronts him, I'm afraid he will be divided.

The King Kong bear is a pure Russian. The bear seems to have become a representative of Russia. Otherwise, how to become a fighting nation. After transformation, it can be transformed into a giant bear. The strength and defense are very powerful. Normal rifle bullets cannot Inflict damage to the King Kong Bear, the armor of the tank is scum in front of the King Kong Bear.

The Phantom Girl, from Ukraine, which is rich in beautiful women, seems to Wang Kai to be the weakest. She can only be invisible. Although she can invisible the things she wants to be invisible together, she is still together. How could it be sneaked into.

Wang Kai remembers that these four guys should be decent characters. Since they are the protagonists, how can they become villains in this world? Forget it, anyway, they are all their own enemies, and they can all be eliminated. Whether he is a good person or not, how can I say Stark Industries has its own shares. Damage to Stark Industries means that it is damaged. Killing parents, eating their flesh and blood, destroying loved ones, and cutting off people’s wealth. These are all deep hatred. This Professor Kratov is It is tantamount to cutting off one's own financial avenues. Although he does not attach importance to financial avenues, this is a challenge to himself.

In a city in Central Siberia, in a building, a strong man with some instruments on his body was there to debug equipment. The equipment had the Stark Industry logo. This is the man who snatched it from Stark Industry. device of.

"Doctor, Stark Industries has shares in Wang Kai. Will we anger Wang Kai by doing this?"

Beside the strong man, a bearded man said.

"Sisak, don’t be so timid, what can you do even if it is Wang Kai? You are my meticulously crafted superpowers, and we also have an armored army. Even if Wang Kai comes, he must die here. He is just a superpower boasted of by Western capitalist countries, so he shouldn’t worry about it.”

The person called the Ph.D. is Professor Kratov. He needs to use Stark Industries’ machines to prepare for his army expansion, so he attacks Stark Industries, but he doesn’t care about Wang Kai at all, after all. He heard that Wang Kai had relatively few things, most of which were reported by the media. The real situation is not yet known to people at his level.

"Then shall we prepare."

Sisak is the King of Stones. He is the boss of the four superpowers under Professor Kratov. He has been with Professor Kratov. Others manage the army underneath.

"Well, get ready, but we will soon lay down more places. At that time, even if a new country is established, even Wang Kai will not be able to fight against a country."

Professor Kratov said that at the end of the machine in front of him, a motherboard with one motherboard was assembled by the machine. Someone immediately took these motherboards, and then modified the external tanks and self-propelled robots to facilitate the control of Professor Kratov. .

When they came to the balcony of the building, the streets below were all tanks and self-propelled robots. They looked very spectacular. There were also a lot of troops. They were all villains recruited by Professor Kratov. They saw Kratov. If Professor Kratov is so powerful, he wants to follow Professor Kratov to occupy Russia, then the villains at the bottom can also be rich and powerful.

Professor Kratov is preparing in Russia, and Wang Kai is also going to go to Russia to solve Professor Kratov, let him know that Stark Industry is not so good to take advantage.

I took a private jet to a city in Siberia, which was only a few hundred kilometers away from the city occupied by Professor Kratov, and flew very close from here.

When the three of Wang Kai flew to the vicinity of the city occupied by Professor Kratov, the radar had already spotted the three of Wang Kai, and immediately some automatic anti-aircraft missiles were launched and went straight to the three of Wang Kai.

"Look at me."

Mindy took out a few small **** and popped them directly between his fingers. Those small **** disappeared in a blink of an eye with lightning, but a piece of anti-aircraft missile that flew in the distance all exploded, and none of the missiles could get close to the three of Wang Kai.

"Tell everyone that Wang Kai is here. As long as Wang Kai is killed, no one on this earth can stop us."

Hearing the explosion Professor Kratov knew someone was coming. I saw three people flying in the air through the radar. The headed one was an Asian. Professor Kratov knew who came.

"Let's go kill them."

The scimitar warrior with double knives drew out his weapon and made an arrogant noise under the mask. With super speed and power, he no longer puts anyone in his eyes. When he captured the city, he was relaxed. He split hundreds of police cars in half, and those policemen also had their arms and legs cut off by him.

"You go to deal with the three of Wang Kai, I will use firepower to provide cover for you."

Professor Kratov said to his men that although he is very tough, he is not a combatant. The front-line battle still relies on his men. He only needs to control the artillery to provide fire support to his men.


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