Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 470: Task Assignment

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Without the support of the alien races, it would be difficult for Lincoln Campbell to recruit men. After all, mutants are not inexhaustible. Although there are many, most of them have a stable life, and only a few of them have experienced physical mutations or committed crimes. Talents will appear at the bottom of society and be recruited by Lincoln Campbell. After the previous recruitment, there are now very few.

There are fewer and fewer superpowers, which allows Lincoln Campbell to only lower the recruitment requirements. Those mercenaries who dare to work hard are also within Lincoln Campbell’s recruitment range. If it were not for the poor abilities of those addicts, Lincoln Campbell really I want to spend less money, recruit those addicts who dare to kill for the sake of white face, and leave more money to enjoy myself. Unfortunately, while Lincoln Campbell is enjoying his blessing, there is no way to forget the hatred.

"Wang Kai, there is news from Mole. Someone is recruiting mercenaries recently. The information revealed seems to be related to you."

In order to deal with these people, Wade came back from Skull Island. Knowing that Wang Kai had no clues, he returned to New York and found his old friends to inquire about the news. Mole gave him some news.

"Unexpectedly, the rapid response department must be vigilant and ready to deal with those people at any time."

Wang Kai said that without the help of Inhumans, Lincoln Campbell could only win over these mercenaries. Maybe they were well-trained, but their strength could not be compared to the super soldiers of Umbrella Company.

"Don't worry, I will let them know how stupid it is to lose your life for money. By the way, Wang Kai, do you want me to put an eyeliner in these people? I still have a few good friends."

Wade asked, he was a free-spirited mercenary. Although his **** character angered many people, he still had some friends, and they belonged to the buddies.

"Yes, let them get in and listen to the targets they attack, and then you can do an ambush. I want to see how much money they can hire."

Wang Kai agreed with Wade's approach. Insertion should be the best way to find them, and it can also reduce Umbrella's losses.

"I see, I'll make arrangements."

Wade said with a little excitement. After he came back, he patrolled everywhere, but he didn't see the other party attacking. This made him a little anxious. Now that he has clues, he just needs to wait and see.

"Lincoln Campbell, I want to see how much you have. Although you are a little clever, but you have insufficient abilities, you can only live in the sewer like a mouse."

After Wade left, Wang Kai said to himself that he did not expect the mouse to have the nausea of ​​the mouse. Although he did not dare to kiss himself, he dared to move Umbrella to disgust himself.

Lincoln Campbell, who was chanted by Wang Kai, is not in a good mood now. He is in an abandoned shipyard, in a half-built hull, looking at his newly recruited people. They are dressed in a variety of styles, and some are sitting. On the sundries, some leaned against the hull, some were joking, some were carrying wine bottles, and some were holding cigarettes. Anyway, they didn't look serious.

"Shut up all to me!"

Lincoln Campbell roared, if it weren't for not being able to recruit people blatantly, how could he recruit such a bunch of indiscriminate things.

"Cut, a hairy boy, why order us."

"Yes, if it's not for the money, who cares about you."

"Hurry up and tell us what to do, and then give us money. It's been a long time since I went to Blaze Lips. My old friend misses me."

"Hahahaha, Scarface Mark, your old face with flames and red lips has long since empathized, and you are still thinking about what you are doing."

"Fuxku, Redbeard Moody, I don't want to empathize with my old friend, but with so many green hats on your head, don't you want to say something?"

"Scarface Mark, do you want to fight!"

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom."

No one listened to Lincoln Campbell's words, but joked below, and even thought of fighting, which made Lincoln Campbell's face very ugly.


Two guys who raised their arms and sleeves to prepare for everyone fell on the rusty ground in smoke.

"Does anyone still want to say anything."

Lincoln Campbell put down his arm that was still braving the arc. Just now, he released an electric snake to connect the two guys and electrify the two guys into blacks.

Seeing that Lincoln Campbell is so powerful, no one dared to say anything. They all waited for Lincoln Campbell's words honestly, and at the same time comforted themselves in their hearts. This is a superpower, and he is also his own sponsor, so don’t make trouble. , Can't bully the gold master is young.

"Very well, this is like an elite, otherwise I doubt you are worth that much money? This time the mission will be in the envelope sent to you, which contains the mission of each of you, as for the mission. The content, you can choose to keep it secret or share it, but it must be you can’t complete it, I’m sorry, the bonus will not be yours at the end of the task. How to get the money is also explained in the envelope. Don’t worry, Just follow me, there are large sums of bills waiting for you to get."

Lincoln Campbell said, and then someone took out a stack of envelopes with everyone’s name written on it and distributed them to everyone’s hands. After these words were said, Lincoln Campbell left immediately. He was never in a crowded place. To stay, you must be careful enough to deal with Wang Kai. Otherwise, you only have a dead end. Although you are ready to die, you don’t want to send this life out so early before you can enjoy it. .

After each person got the envelope, he did not choose to share it with others, but was ready to go back and see it alone. After all, selfishness is one of human natures. Everyone feels that since it is not something to share, there is no need to tell others, unless it is trustworthy. People.

For example, several people that Weidean intervened. They left the shipyard, met in a secret meeting place, and then opened the faith. They found that their missions were divided into two groups, attacking two different places, and the division of tasks was also different. The person in charge of the assault, and the person in charge of covering the retreat, you can see how sophisticated the planners are. After looking at each other, they passed the information to Wade. This is their mission. As for the mission in the envelope, they They didn't plan to execute it, but they knew Umbrella's company was great, so there was no need to work hard.

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