Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 62 You should feel honored!

"Who are you?" A voice sounded in the corner, deep and slightly old.

"Captain?" Eric called out tentatively, but in fact he was basically sure that it was him!

"Who are you? I won't ask a third time!" He was still hiding in the corner, not coming out, and his voice was still tough.

"Eric Lansheer! President of Alice Industries." Eric didn't want to fight at all at this time, he just wanted to find out whether he would live or die in the future! "Captain, I have no ill intentions, please come out, I have something to talk to you about."

"No ill intentions? Normal people won't break into private houses! You know, according to the Castle Law, I can beat you into a sieve at any time."

"I'm afraid there is no gun in the world that can beat me into a sieve! Captain, or, do you want me to call you Steve Rogers?" Seeing that he didn't come out for a long time, Eric walked over slowly.

"Who? I don't know what you are talking about!" Hearing the footsteps, the man over there no longer hid and walked out slowly. His face was full of wrinkles and his hair was slightly gray, but the high bulging muscles on his body and the inadvertent expression in his eyes told Eric that this was him! Captain America, Steve Rogers!

"If you don't leave quickly, then I can only ask you to leave with my fist!" Steve stared at Eric closely, his fist clenched.

"I have no ill intentions and don't want to fight, I just want to talk to you..."

Before Eric finished his sentence, Steve pounced like a cheetah and punched Eric in the face.

When the fist was less than ten centimeters away from his face, one hand gently caught the fist. No matter how hard Steve tried, he couldn't move forward.

But Steve would not give up easily. He grabbed Eric's wrist with his other hand, used it to gain strength, and stepped hard on Eric's chest with both feet.

Eric twisted his waist to avoid the kick, and at the same time, he used his arms to throw him out.

Steve quickly stood up, took an offensive stance, and looked at Eric warily.

"Captain, it's useless. You are no match for me. I have also been injected with the super soldier potion, and I have more than that!" Eric waved his hand gently, and the famous shield floated over and slowly floated in front of Steve.

Steve hesitated, took the shield, and blocked it in front of his chest, still keeping alert, "Magic? Or other messed up things? Let me tell you, I've seen more bizarre things!"

"Yes, such as the big green fat man? The god wielding a hammer? The playboy flying around in iron armor? The magician who plays close combat? The talking raccoon? And the big tree that can walk?" Eric said casually, spreading his hands, "Captain, I know you are from the future. I say again, I have no ill intentions, I just want to talk to you!"

As Eric mentioned the familiar characters one by one, Steve's face gradually changed. He looked at Eric in shock, "Who are you?"


"I come from a parallel universe!" The two finally sat down. Steve poured Eric a cup of coffee, but Eric's first sentence shocked him. This was more outrageous than his crossing the timeline.

"A parallel universe refers to other universes that are separated from a certain universe and exist in parallel with the original universe, which are both similar and different. According to quantum mechanics..." Afraid that Steve didn't understand, Eric began to explain the concept of parallel universe to him.

But Steve interrupted him: "Eric, I only have a high school diploma!"

Eric's breath was choked, "Okay, I'll try to keep it simple."

"No! What I mean is that I only have a high school diploma, but I know all this! After marrying Carter, I have been drawing comics to make a living. In comics, parallel universes are used up." Steve picked up the coffee and smiled and gestured to Eric. Obviously, he did it on purpose...

"Okay, Captain, I just want to know, how am I in the future?" Eric can't appreciate his dry humor now, and asked the doubts in his heart directly.

"You?" Steve looked at him doubtfully, "I don't seem to have heard of you in that future."

"What about Alice Industries?" Eric asked again hurriedly.

"No." Steve hesitated for a moment and still shook his head.

"What about the maglev train? Has any company made it?"

"Maglev train?" Steve suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "I remember it. I was wondering why it sounded so familiar. You are the lucky guy who developed the maglev train. I saw you in the newspaper. They said they would give you a Nobel Prize."

"Captain, I am not interested in the Nobel Prize!" Eric interrupted him impatiently, "I just want to know, in that future, are there any traces of my existence?"

Steve thought for a long time before slowly shaking his head, "I'm afraid not! I have never heard of you and your company, and no company has built a maglev train in the United States!"

There is no him in the future! Eric frowned, thinking this was unreasonable.

He exists objectively, but not in the memory of the old Captain America. In other words, his arrival has completely changed the direction of the world. The future will be different from what the old Captain America remembers!

But if this is true, why does the old Captain America still exist?

"Captain, come with me to New York. I think only she can answer my doubts."

"Going to New York?" After hearing Eric's words, Steve couldn't help but be startled, with a look of reminiscence on his face, and slowly shook his head, "Since I got married to Carter, I rarely go out."

Of course Eric understands what he means, "Captain, I will take you invisible and fly over, no one will see you, I promise!"

"Are you Strange's teacher?" In the New York Temple, Steve looked at the Ancient Master curiously. This was not his first time coming to the New York Temple, but it was the first time he had seen the legendary Master. The patron saint of the earth.

"No, it's the future teacher. He is still just a trainee surgeon." Gu Yi also looked at Steve, with green rays of light flashing in his eyes.

"Master, do you know what's going on?" Eric interrupted the exchange between the two of them. He was eager to know the answer.

"Don't you already know?" Gu Yi suddenly laughed, closed the folding fan in his hand, and drew a circle in the air.

"Parallel universe?!" Eric blurted out. He already had a conclusion in his mind, but he just couldn't believe it.

In the sky, the circle with golden light suddenly became blurred, and then slowly separated, turning into two extremely similar circles. "Yes, parallel universe! Eric, you should feel honored! The moment you came to this world, a new parallel universe was born!"

Let me tell you some good news. Double Eleven will be over in more than two hours, and your wallets will be put away soon...

At the same time, I also want to tell you some bad news. There is only one month left before Double Twelve...

Haha, just kidding, happy Double Eleven everyone!

Thanks to the book friend for the reward...

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