Marvel With Zanpakuto

Chapter 80 Do your best!

"Swastika - Dahonglian Binglun Pill!!!"

Lorde's eyes were extremely cold, he was wearing armor made of ice, the ice crystals on his back were condensed into dragon wings, and his right arm was covered by a ferocious dragon head, holding a light blue that was exuding extremely cold spiritual pressure!


The extremely cold Reiatsu formed a huge storm, rushing straight into the sky like a high-spirited dragon, causing the celestial phenomenon to descend!

The twilight, which hell has never changed, was cloudy for a while, and the thick black clouds rolled in, sniping in the sky like waves, covering a range of thousands of meters in a situation that almost covered the sky and the sun!

Under the terrifying spiritual pressure erupted by Dahonglian Binglunwan, within a few thousand meters with Lord himself as the center, it all turned into an ice blue frost field, and even the endless yellow sky in hell. The sandstorm was also miraculously frozen.

"This stone carving... is not simple."

Lorde's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was a little surprised.

This disc stone carving has endured the spiritual pressure of Dahonglian Binglunwan without any damage, and also protected Angela's soul from the extreme cold and freezing air, which is enough to prove its extraordinaryness!

"So interesting, human!"

Mammon licked her lips, her eyes showing strong greed: "I can feel that hell is actually longing for your power!"

Although I don't know the reason yet, Mammon can clearly perceive that at the moment when Lord released his power, there was a slight change in his 'authority of hell', as if he was eager to get this power!

"I've decided, human."

Mammon's eyes flashed fiercely, and she smiled grimly: "I want your body more than this woman's coming ceremony!"

Since this power is even eager for hell, he can't miss it, even at all costs, he will get this power!

"If you want my body, then see if you have the ability!"

Lorde's eyes flashed with cold light, and he aimed the tip of the knife at the demon king of hell, and then said slowly in a cold voice: "Fortunately, this is in hell, I don't need to restrain myself like last time. !"

During the Battle of New York, considering the huge destructive power of the Hirinwan Maru swastika, he deliberately weakened the power of the swastika, and kept the destructive range to a minimum!

But now... no need!

There are no innocent souls in hell, so he doesn't need to worry about his own power, he just needs to release as much as he likes!


The ice wheel pill seemed to sense Lord's heart, and the blade trembled slightly, as if to tell Lord that it couldn't wait and wanted to make the enemy feel the extreme cold!

"Timing begins!"

Lorde's eyes were bright, and he swept to the front of Mamen in an instant,


On the sharp thin blade of Bing Lun Maru, there was a wisp of extreme chill that pierced the bones, and then it fell with lightning speed.

This sword did not burst out with astonishing spiritual power, nor did it have a sharp and vast sword energy.


Only the extreme cold air devoured it violently the moment it touched Mamen!

"The ice dragon spins its tail!"

The cold air that was compressed to the extreme above the sharp blade suddenly exploded and spread, freezing everything it passed, turning it into a world of ice within a radius of hundreds of meters!

Although Mamen was frozen in a thick layer of ice, Lorde was not at all careless, and instead had a solemn look on his face.

Mamen, the dignified hell demon king, could not have been defeated so easily by him!

the most important is......

He did not receive the system's task completion prompt!

As if to confirm Lord's conjecture, I saw the thick layer of ice freezing Mammon,

Suddenly it was ignited by a ray of black flames!

Click! Click!

The ice layer continued to make a crackling sound, and the originally smooth ice surface was already covered with terrifying cracks!

The next moment, the ice layer suddenly burst.

"Arrogant mortal."

Mamen stepped on the black flames that were still burning, and walked out with a grinning smile: "I am the devil of the seven original sins, and you dare to fight with me in hell just with a piece of shit like you?"

Lorde also thought he was crazy.

No... it should mean he's bloated!

He even dared to fight face-to-face with him in the realm of the Demon King of Hell!

You must know that the strength of these dimension demon gods is closely related to the space and region where they are located!

Dimensional demon gods such as Dormammu, Sishorn, and Mephisto do not want to take away the dimension of the earth, but once they come to the earth, the power of the body will be greatly suppressed, and with the The longer you leave your own dimension, the more weakened you will be!

Therefore, the Supreme Master can easily expel them.

If the two sides are under equal conditions, I am afraid that Gu Yi will not be able to stop the dimension demon gods such as Sishorn and Dormammu!

But that doesn't mean he has no chance of winning.

Because the mammon in front of him is just an incarnation of a power projection, not the real devil of hell.

"Your words...too many!"

A ray of killing intent broke out in Lorde's eyes: "Did you, the Demon King of Hell, get you by playing tricks? The other six Demon Lords really have no problem with you?"

It was originally just an unintentional remark, but unexpectedly, it seemed to have stabbed Mammon's sore spot, and a terrifying tyranny burst out in his eyes.

"court death!"

Mamen let out a low roar full of anger, and the turbulent sound waves rolled in, like countless sharp steel knives whistling!

"Instant coax!"

Lorde exhaled, and then his eyes were cold!


Dazzling white lightning entwined Lord, and a terrifying spiritual pressure that could not be described in words instantly erupted. The galloping white electric light ripped apart the surrounding void!


It's just the spiritual pressure that overflows from the whole body, and the countless bursting winds that are rolled up are like sharp blades, tearing up the whistling sound waves.

But... it's not over yet!

Lord knew that if he wanted to really end the battle, he needed more and stronger Reiatsu!

Hell...not just the home of Mammon!

The concentration of spirits here is a hundred times that of the human world. For Lord, who has the blood of a Quincy, it is a natural and excellent battlefield!

"Spiritual son - plunder!"

Lord let out a low roar, his face suddenly flushed red, and his whole body was like fried shrimp, exuding steaming heat!


I saw that the spiritual sons within a radius of nearly a thousand meters were forcibly plundered in an instant, and then roared like a tidal wave, frantically injected into Lord's body!

In this way of almost self-mutilation, Lord finally raised his spiritual pressure to the captain level!

Condition fulfilled!

"Watch it... Mammon!"

Lorde's eyes flashed a touch of coldness, and then slowly raised the blade: "Next, it's all my strength!"

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