Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 284: Skulu Empire situation (6)

The gray-white dust was flying all over the sky, and in the whistling sound of a ghost, the visibility was only five meters.

The ground is full of barren sandy land and boulders smoothed by aeolian sand, and the air is filled with dry and cold.

Li Mo's clone can breathe for a dozen hours with a single breath, but even so, dust still accumulates in the nose and mouth.

"Where is this fuck?"

Li Mo squinted his eyes and looked around, couldn't help whispering.

At the most critical moment of Lunar Star, he relied on the powerful soul power and understanding of the rules to reposition the portal stiffly.

However, the price is the disorder of space coordinates, so that alien stars are now in circulation.

The good thing is that the Fairy Galaxy is still here, because McQueen can be easily reached.

On the other side, McQueen is hiding in a meteorite belt, 0.5 light-years from the Lunar system.

Although the people on the boat escaped by chance, they could not help feeling depressed.

"OK, the rescue failed, and the Skulus were alarmed and separated from Li Mo." Luke Cage hit the wall with an annoyed punch. "What should we do now?"

"Don't be discouraged." Reed calmed down instead. "At least we've confirmed that Susan and they are still alive."

"Yes," Captain America nodded. "The harder it is, the less confidence you can lose."

At this moment, McQueen's voice suddenly sounded, "Sirs, I have contacted the boss. He has rescued the Skullurs and will ask where the detainees are being held."

The crowd frowned, and Johnny was thrilled with the Stone Man's fist.

Above the alien, Li Mo looked at the last person and the person who had transmitted him.

Carter, dwarf scientist Mondir, and the little royal girl, the three Skullurs were all in a coma because they could not adapt to the intense space teleportation.

In addition, there are two magic puppets guarding the side, watching the fire around the Nether Fire.

Li Mo walked over and woke the three of them one by one.

"I'm still alive?" Carter was a little confused after waking up slowly, then her pupils shrank, and she turned around to see the royal girl next to her safe and relaxed, "Where are we?"

"Sorry, I don't know." Li Mo shook his head.

Gnomish scientist Mondial moaned in pain, rubbing his head: "Really powerful and terrible teleportation technology ..."

Seeing Li Mo's mischievous eyes, he smiled awkwardly, and clicked the watch-like device on his wrist.

A ray of light shot out, then diverged into a three-dimensional three-dimensional image of the fairy galaxy, and in continuous zooming out, they located their current location.

"Oops." The guy's face was bitter immediately, "how did it get here ..."

Li Mo frowned, even though he was unfamiliar with the fairy galaxy map, but he could see that his current location was separated from the Coulomb region where Lunar star was located by more than half of the fairy galaxy.

"What the **** is this place?" Li Mo asked.

"Ancient Central Star District." Carter led the little girl over, and a look of sadness appeared in his eyes. "Once the most prosperous star district of the Skulu Empire, after the destruction of the capital star, it became the battlefield of many warlords. The lack of resources is gradually being abandoned ... "

Gnome Mondial scratched his head. "He meant that we were trapped here and no spaceship would pass by at all."

"Stop that." Li Mo grabbed Mondell's collar at once, "said, where are our companions held by you?"

Mondell raised his hand with interest, "Don't do it, I said, on an interstellar fortress, number θΔ6397. But the Duke of Brund also knows, maybe ..."

Li Mo threw him directly on the ground for a dozen laps, and then contacted McQueen.

After McQueen told the news to the people on the spacecraft, Captain Steve stood up and said, "Well, everyone, Li Mo has no time to rush back. This time we can only rely on ourselves, OK, and start immediately!"


On the strange planet, Li Mo looked at the sky speechlessly after transmitting the message.

The rescue was far more difficult than he imagined, but unfortunately, the cortical teleportation of ignorance could only work in the galaxy, otherwise things would be much simpler.

Just then, Carter called up his military database and looked at it for a while and said, "We have no time to spend. Here was a famous resource star. There was an ancient city nearby. Maybe we can find the spacecraft left . "

After speaking, she picked up the little girl directly.

Li Mo nodded and reached out a move, and a magical urn immediately knelt down, embracing his hands to form a seat.

Seeing them leaving, Mondiel lying on the ground was anxious, limping and ran over, shouting anxiously: "Wait, don't leave me!"

Li Mo thought about it, it might still be useful to keep this guy, so he asked another puppet to hold him in his hands.

Carter carried the little **** his back and flew forward in flames, followed by two magic puppets, flying towards a city on the ancient map.

Ten minutes later, the sand gradually became smaller, and the landscape of the planet appeared in the eyes of several people.

The endless Gobi Desert is full of sandy deserts and prominent rocks, not to mention green vegetation, not even a trace of water.

After another half an hour of flight, the shadow of a city finally appeared on the horizon.

Looking at it from a distance, Li Mo had no hope.

Sure enough, the city has long been reduced to ruins, and only a few frame structures were left behind by the wind and sand, and a large-scale collapse occurred.

After circling the city for a week, they were about to leave, and suddenly they saw some moving dots on the city ground.

"Someone else?" Li Mo was a little surprised, letting the magical maggot land slowly.

It was indeed some of the Skullurs, wearing furry clothing of unknown animals and carrying primitive and primitive spear-like weapons, just like savages.

The enchanted look completely frightened them, throwing their weapons and kneeling on the ground constantly, still wondering what was in their mouths.

Li Mo frowned, it was not Skulu, and even the universal translator couldn't translate it.

Carter looked at these people and asked with a heavy heart: "Is anyone able to speak Skulu?"

Mundell jumped out of the robotic arm and shook his head. "Don't ask, thousands of years have degraded these guys into savages, perhaps descendants of refugees at the time."

Carter sighed, his fists tightened.

Mondell looked at these Skullurs who regarded them as gods, and a sorrow appeared in his eyes. Then he said to Carter, "Since it has reached this point, I think the mystery of the royal bloodline should be solved. opened?"

Carter glanced at him alertly, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Do you think I'm still qualified ..." Mondir smiled bitterly. "I'm just a dog of the bereavement now, and the only wish is to see the dual theism collapse and the false gods be killed."

"He's right." Li Mo heard the words and came over. "In this case, your only chance of winning is to find the world shaper, and I'm also curious what this is."

Carter was silent for a while, then nodded and took out a simple brass-like badge from his arms.

"Finkel, don't be afraid." He comforted the little girl first, then placed the badge on the little girl's palm and pressed the top button.

The surface of this badge looks very smooth, but it is a magical mechanical creation that changes shape like a lotus flower in full bloom.

"Ah!" The little girl named Finnish Ke screamed, and the badge pierced her palm to draw a drop of blood.

Although he withdrew his hand in horror, this badge still floated magically in the air, and projected a star map around it.

"Exloo!" Mondir exclaimed. "It's actually there."

Looking at Li Mo's inquiring eyes, he said with excitement: "I should have thought that Exelo was once the most beautiful primitive planet, known as the crown jewel of the Skulu Empire. It has always been the royal leisure planet. "

Carter was also excited. "And the most important thing is not far from here. Is it really the arrangement of the ancestors?"

"Not far from here." Li Mo looked at the two and asked. "Where is it?"

Carter and Mondir looked at each other while pointing their fingers at the sky.

At this time, just after the wind and sand, the sky was blue and cloudless, and a building-sized planet straddled the horizon.


Kubu Star District.

In the dark universe, a gyro-shaped space fortress that is several kilometers high is quietly floating in the orbit of a water-blue gaseous planet.

This is the space fortress number θΔ6397. As a subordinate territory of the Academy of Sciences of the Duke of Brent, it is mainly responsible for deep space weapon experiments.

Reed, they were fortunate. The Duke of Brund thought that their party had disappeared under the bombardment of the planetary orbit, so they did not transfer the hostages in the first place. After all, the research on Super Skullou needed to find a new leader.

McQueen jumped out of the nearby starry sky, and the slight fluctuation did not touch the space radar's quantum radar alarm.

Because Li Mo was not present, McQueen closed the cockpit, and everyone was observing the Battlestarn in a three-dimensional image in the conference room.

"Sirs." McQueen's voice suddenly sounded. "We can't move forward anymore, and we will be detected by radar when we get closer."

The black widow Natasha shrugged. "Perhaps we should hijack a ship again and sneak in."

"Fortunately, I already have an experience." Captain Steve shook his head. "Okay, let's make a plan of action ..."

As the crowd approached, the lights in the cabin suddenly turned red, and McQueen's voice sounded: "Warning, warning, a lot of spatial fluctuations have been detected!"

The crowd was startled and quickly looked at the real-time 3D image.

A large fleet suddenly jumped out of the void, the number kept increasing, reaching tens of thousands of ships in ten seconds, and it continued to increase, almost covering the entire starry sky.

Reed's pupil narrowed, and he immediately enlarged the badge of the central flagship, "It is the Countess of Shabak!"

"This is a large-scale operation with a premeditated plan!" Captain Steve stood up sharply. "We have no time, we must start rescue immediately!"

Reed shouted anxiously: "McQueen, can you take us into the fortress, Susan is in danger."

"Yes, but you need to take some risks." McQueen's voice was a little excited, "Everyone, get ready!"

At this point the outside Star Wars had begun.

The Duke of Brent stationed a fleet of thousands here. Although far from the strength of the Fleet of Shabak, he launched a large number of ultra-long-range missiles.

There was a mess at the Battlestar at this time, and everyone knew that it was a time of life and death. A call for help had been sent out. As long as it persisted for 20 minutes, a continuous fleet would come to the rescue.

"Activate all energy shields!"

"All railguns are warmed up!"

"Load those black hole bombs ..."

"Sir, indicators have not been tested."

"Stop it, throw it all out!"

The long-range missiles of the two sides collided and exploded in the air, and countless blue **** of light bloomed like fireworks in the void.

The explosion obscured McQueen's space fluctuations, and at the same time, Baroness Shabak had a large number of missed missiles flying towards the space fort.

"It's now!"

McQueen's voice suddenly sounded, and then the pen-sized spaceship followed the missiles closely and accelerated towards the space fort.

The dense laser cannons on the Battlestar sprayed a laser-like laser, and the missiles leaking from the network were intercepted instantly, and explosions continued to occur in the air.

Using the explosion to cover up the fluctuations, McQueen slammed down, drawing a beautiful large arc, while avoiding the laser gun, he entered the spaceship entrance and exit of the space fort.

The space inside the fortress is too large, and the red light flashes with the vibration.

McQueen shuttled through the fortress at an amazing speed, and soon came to the vicinity of the central intellectual brain.

The guards here were frighteningly watching the battle outside, and did not even notice the pen-sized McQueen.

"Start link, hack!"

As McQueen invaded the Central Intelligence Brain, the Space Fortress's firepower suddenly stopped. Numerous bombs hit the energy shield, and the defense value reached the red line instantly.

"Damn, what happened!"

The Battlestar commander yelled at the lieutenant next to him.

"Someone is invading Central Intelligence."

"Go stop it!"

The guard next to the central intellectual brain also got the news at the same time ~ ~ looked around aggressively, and found no McQueen hidden under the intellectual brain.

Just when a large number of robots arrived, McQueen had found Susan's location and left here, flying towards the laboratory inside the fort.

In this short period of time, because of McQueen's troubles, the space fortress has been completely lost, and explosions are happening everywhere. At the same time, the black hole bombs thrown by them have also caused dramatic spatial fluctuations in the outer space.

Everyone in the McQueen was a cold sweat in his head, his heart beating fiercely.

Finally, in the sound of constant explosions, McQueen came to the Super Skullu Lab.

It was Susan and Jessica in the rows of dorms.

A pim particle beam shot down, and all the dormant capsules suddenly shrank into the McQueen.

The Battlestar had exploded from the middle into two parts, McQueen flew down the gap into the void, and a jump fled here, leaving behind a terrible battlefield ...

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