Just when Lin Tian was bathing in the sun with Wanda on the beach, a rainbow in the sky descended on Lin Tian’s island of mutants accompanied by thunder.

Lin Tian opened his eyes, and there was a moment of doubt, how did Thor come over, did he come to find the field, but on Earth, Odin will not be his opponent, what is the use of Thor coming over, didn’t Odin tell them!

Lin Tian, who couldn’t figure it out, stretched out his hand and picked up his clothes from the side. Slowly put it on.

Thor is now confronting the island’s Guardian squad.

“Don’t do it, I’m not here to fight, I’m here to find my eldest brother, let my eldest brother come out to see me,” Thor said righteously to the mutants around him.

“Your eldest brother, where do we have your eldest brother here, we are all mutants here.” Magneto looked at Thor suspiciously and said.

“It’s the same man who last stopped the Frost Giant with you and fought Laufey.” Sol said solemnly.


Magneto was choked, to be honest, they really didn’t know Lin Tian’s true identity, after all, Lin Tian had never said it, and they never dared to ask.

Just as the two sides were confronting, a red space door appeared, and Lin Tian flew out from inside the space door.

“Thor, do you still want to get beaten?” Lin Tian asked sharply with a calm face.

“Ah, it’s you, the person who fought against Laufey that day turned out to be you, lean, I said how to ask who my father is as soon as we met, and kept looking for some rotten reasons to beat me, it turns out that you are my eldest brother, hey, I should have thought of it a long time ago” After Thor saw Lin Tian, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but then it was replaced by a look of sincerity.

“What, your eldest brother, hurry up and roll me, otherwise you won’t be able to leave when you want to.” Lin Tian said with a bored look.

“Big brother, I know that you are angry in your heart, or you will hit me out of anger! I came this time to invite you to return to the God Domain to be the king, my father is old, and he owes you too much, follow me back to the God Domain!” Where is our own home? Thor looked at Lin Tian and said with a sincere expression.

Lin Tian listened to Thor’s words, and suddenly looked confused, he didn’t understand what Thor meant at all, how did he feel that Thor said as if he was Odin’s illegitimate son, but he was abandoned on Earth by Odin since he was a child, so he beat him all to get angry.

What kind of situation is this, looking at Sol’s brain supplement that is still continuing, Lin Tian couldn’t help it for a while, quickly flew over, and kicked Sol’s body.

“Swoosh, boom”

Then he saw that Thor was like a football, kicked by Lin Tian and flew away, turned into a star in mid-air, and disappeared.

Lin Tian clapped his hands, it was really inexplicable, was Sol beaten stupid by himself last time, why did he call big brother as soon as he came up! If you call your brother-in-law, I will reluctantly agree.

Lin Tian turned his head and looked at the subordinates beside him, and everyone lowered their heads, looking like they hadn’t heard anything.

Lin Tian sighed a little helplessly, and then drew a spatial door and disappeared in place.

And Thor was kicked out of the earth by Lin Tian, Thor stopped in space, hesitated and said to himself: “Big brother, don’t worry, although I don’t know why my father didn’t take you back in the first place, I will definitely resolve the hatred in your heart.”

After speaking, Thor showed a determined look, and then raised the hammer and shouted: “Heimdall.”

A rainbow landed, and Thor was brought back to the God Domain, and at this time, Heimdall’s eyes were wrapped in a white cloth, so he could only rely on the voice to greet Thor.

Thor stopped, looked at Heimdall and asked, “Did you hear what we said?”

Heimdall shook his head and said, “I don’t care about the affairs of the earth,”


Thor sighed, he thought it was Odin’s order! Then Sol wheeled the hammer in his hand and flew towards the main hall.

In the depths of the universe, Loki, who is dressed in an evil temperament, is pressed by several aliens and walks towards a throne floating in mid-air.

“Kneel down and meet the great overlord of the universe, Lord Thanos.” A Zitari man, who was mostly mechanical all over, said to Loki.


Loki knelt down very sensibly.

“Lord Thanos, we have caught a guy who claims to be the Prince of Asgard.” The Zitari said in a respectful voice.

The throne slowly turned, and on it sat a large purple-skinned man with a stout figure and great majesty.

Thanos looked at Loki’s thin appearance and asked with a domineering look: “You said that you are the prince of Asgard, who is your father.”

“Odin, my father is Odin, my name is Loki, Loki Odinson.” Loki said a little nervously.

It is really this purple-skinned big man, and the sense of oppression is too strong.

Thanos was playing with a yellow gem in his hand, and Thanos asked with a serious face: “How do you prove that you are Odin’s son?”

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