“Okay, keep the lemonade for yourself! I have time to learn more about Steve, and that’s what people call steady, and I don’t want to see you in prison in the future. Fury said with a sad look.

“Okay, I’ll have a good conversation with Steve.” Tony said with a perfunctory look.

“Well,” Fury nodded and continued: “I’ve laid out your affairs for you, I hope that next time you have any questions, you can tell me in advance, after all, we are a team, okay, I’m leaving, you continue to study!” Fury waved his hand and turned to leave Tony’s villa.

While Fury was talking to Tony, Steve arrived at 177A Bleek Street in Manhattan, New York with a wig.

Steve had been awake for a while, and he had visited New York several times, but he had never noticed that there was such a historic temple here.

If Lin Tian hadn’t told him the exact house number, he would have subconsciously ignored this building even if he passed here, so Steve noticed the difference here for the first time after he came here.


Steve gently pushed open the door of the temple, and a breath mixed with the smell of time entered Steve’s nostrils.

Slowly walking into the temple, the inside is very neat, spotless, and unusually quiet, like a paradise, the structure of the room is full of history, in sharp contrast to the bustling city outside.

“Outsiders are not welcome here, please leave automatically.” A somewhat vicissitudes of voice came into Steve’s ears.

Steve turned his head and saw an old man in an ancient monk’s robe standing on the steps of the second floor, and the old man’s body exuded a convincing power, which made Steve very relieved.

“Ah, hello, I’m here to find the ancient mage.” Steve said with a respectful look.

“You came to find the ancient mage? Who are you. When the old man heard Steve’s words, he opened his eyes in some surprise.

“Well, I came to the ancient mage for help after the guidance of a master.” Steve said with a reverent look.

“Since you know the Ancient One Mage, then come with me!” The old man nodded, turned and walked towards a gate.

Steve hurriedly followed and followed the old man into the space door.

By the time Steve walked out of the space door, he had already arrived at Karma Taj.

At this time, Gu Yi was drinking tea in the room, and after feeling a spatial fluctuation, Gu Yi looked at the space door on the side with some doubt, and then Mage Daniel walked out with Steve.


Gu Yi was obviously stunned when she saw Steve, she really didn’t expect Steve to come here, because in all the timelines she had seen, she had never seen Steve come here!

Gu Yi forcibly suppressed his curiosity, and then calmly put down his teacup, waiting for Steve’s arrival.

“Ancient Mage, this guest said that he came to find you.” Daniel said with a respectful look.

“Okay, thank you Master Daniel, please come back! Just let me talk to this guest. Furuichi said very politely.


Daniel saluted respectfully, then nodded at Steve and turned to leave.

“Please sit, Captain Steve Rogers.” Gu Yi said politely.

“Oh, thank you, are you the Ancient One Mage?” Steve said with some excitement.

“Yes, I am Furuichi.” Gu nodded, then poured Steve a cup of tea.

“Oh, thanks, I’m here today to ask you for help.” Steve said straight to the point.

“Oh, I don’t know what you’re looking for help.” Gu Yi asked calmly.

“I want to ask the ancient mage to intervene and restore my girlfriend’s youth, and if the mage is willing to intervene, I can do anything,” Steve said excitedly.


Furuichi listened to Steve’s words and accidentally spilled the cup in his hand.

Gu Yi took a towel and wiped his hands, and said calmly: “The captain is serious, we are just a group of mages who have escaped the world, where will we restore the magic of youth.”

Hearing that Gu Yi didn’t want to make a move, Steve knelt in front of Gu Yi and said: “I know that Ancient One Mage has a time gem that can restore people’s youth, so I want to ask Ancient One Mage to help me once, I can pay any price.”

Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, looked at Steve and said, “How does the captain know that I have time gems!”

“Uh, I, I just heard about it.” Steve said for a moment.

Gu Yi did not continue to ask Steve this question, but said: “Since the captain knows about the time gem, he should also know the use of the time gem, I can’t agree to your request, the captain please come back!”

“But the person who asked me to come to you and say that using the time gem to restore the youth of an ordinary person is nothing more than a show of hands for you.” Steve said helplessly.

“Yes, but he didn’t tell you that the random use of time gems will cause chaos in time and space, which in turn will create endless parallel space-time!” Furuichi said in a serious tone.

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