Steve lowered the brim of his hat and stood in the middle of nowhere, waiting for Hope to leave work.

Half an hour later, Hope, dressed in professional clothes, followed a bald man and walked out with a smile.

Seeing that the two were about to get into the car, Steve, who could no longer wait, hurriedly walked over.


Steve reached out to block the door that was about to close, and then punched Darren Krauss, who was sitting in the driver’s seat.


Hope screamed, then quickly got out of the car, intending to escape.

Steve jumped lightly, jumped over the car, and knocked Hope unconscious with one punch.

Steve’s actions caused panic at the entire company door.

Seeing that the president and director of his company were knocked unconscious, more than a dozen security guards suddenly poured out of the company, intending to intercept Steve.

Steve put Hope in the car, then walked over and knocked the dozen security guards unconscious very easily.

Steve then went to the driver’s seat and threw Darren Krauss out, and then drove away.

Half an hour later, Hope appeared in a luxurious suite in a hotel.

Hope, who was in a coma, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the luxurious ceiling of the hotel, and Hope immediately sat up with a panicked face.

Hope sat on the bed and looked at her intact clothes and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The sound of a lighter sounded in the room.

“Ah” Hope couldn’t help but be startled, and hurriedly turned his head to see a man whose face was always shrouded in fog sitting on the sofa smoking.

“Hi, Miss Hope, nice to meet you.” Lin Tian sat on the sofa and said with a smile on his face.

“Say it! How much money you want, ten million dollars is not enough. Hope calmed down and said.

“No, I don’t want money, hurry up, tell me, what is your father’s name.” Lin Tian said lightly.

“I don’t have a father, my father is dead.” Hope said with a serious face.

Now Hope has severed the father-daughter relationship with Hank Pym, and has used his shares to drive Hank Pym out of the company.

So Hope actually really doesn’t like when people mention his father.


Lin Tian spewed out the smoke in his mouth a little angrily, how could everyone be like this! Honestly cooperate with me, say your father’s name, everyone has nothing to do with each other from now on, and you have to let yourself be rough.

Thinking of this, Lin Tian looked and found that there were no guys in the hotel, and then Lin Tian stood up and wanted to pull out his belt to scare and scare Hope.

Hope watched Lin Tian take off his pants without saying a word, and immediately knew that Lin Tian wanted to rob the color, and then Hope, who looked helpless, also began to take off his clothes generously, anyway, he couldn’t beat him, since he couldn’t run, then cooperate.

Then after Lin Tian pulled out his belt, he saw that Hope had basically taken off.


Lin Tian subconsciously dropped his belt, and then Hope said with a look of embarrassment: “You like this!”

Lin Tian looked at the cooperative Hope, and didn’t know what to do for a while, but the flames that had been provoked by Natasha in the past few days had not yet dissipated, anyway, they were not in a hurry, and then Lin Tian pounced.

At the first time Hope was kidnapped, Hank Pym received the message, after all, he is the founder of the company, and his control of the company is deeper than all imagined.

Hank Pym looked at the man who kidnapped Hope in the video and roared angrily: “Nick Fury, you are too much.”

The man who kidnapped Hope may not be known to others, but Hank Pym knows very well because they are a man of the same era, and this person is called Captain America, Steve Rogers.

Seeing this, Hank Pym picked up his phone and called Fury.

“Oh, Dr. Pym, are you okay? It is a great honor to hear from you. Fury said with a smile on his face.

“Fury, you’re going too far!” Hank Pym said in a low tone.

“Oh, Doctor, did you misunderstand something, how can I not understand!” Fury said with a puzzled face.

“Don’t pretend, I’ll limit you to three hours to send Hope back to me, otherwise, you know the consequences.” Hank Pym said in a grim tone.

“Hey Doctor, I really don’t understand what you’re saying, can you elaborate, Hope, what’s wrong with Hope, she was kidnapped?” Fury asked with a puzzled face.

“Don’t play the fool with me, what did you let Steve do, don’t you know? In country M, who but you can order Steve to kidnap. Hank Pym said with a forced anger.

“Steve kidnapped, no, Doctor, I think you misunderstood, in fact a new Steve has really appeared, I’ll send you a video and you’ll know, the real Steve is still in a coma.” Fury said with an anxious face,

A video of the two Steves’ battle at Stark Industries then reached Hank Pym’s computer.

Hank Pym looked at the two Steve in the video who looked exactly the same and had the same moves, and fell into confusion for a while.

Hank Pym hung up the phone, and then said with a gloomy face: “Imitation master, polar bear imitation master,”

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