Chapter 107 Scientific Experiments! (1/5, please reward)

The two beams of light are entangled with each other, one from the energy of Tesseract has the characteristics of destruction, the other from the magic power of Lu Yi and the pattern of the gun body, which contains the effect of penetration and explosion.

Although the two beams of light do not affect each other, the difference is clear, and they are only entangled with each other during the period, but at the moment of the outbreak, it will definitely bring huge amounts of chemical reactions.

However, just as the two were about to slam into an all-metal wall and explode, a burly standard American jumped out from the door of the command room.

The moment he saw the entangled beam of light, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the target of the beam of light without fear of death.

His speed was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he was very close to the all-metal wall used by Lu Yi’s experiment. Just when the beam of light was about to hit the wall, she was driven by her.

When he arrived, he stretched out his hand and pulled it from behind, and he held a shield in his hand.

Then, he stepped out with one foot, bowed his thigh, leaned forward, and blocked Shield in front of him.

And at this time, the beam of light just struck!


Alas! Alas!

Two entangled beams of light hit the shield, and the huge shockwave generated by the beams directly turned into huge amounts of kinetic energy.

However, the huge amounts of kinetic energy did not hurt him, and even affected him. The kinetic energy circulated on the shield, and returned with two beams of light, changing the direction of the two beams of light, so that the two beams of light were directed towards the window of the command room- Rush in the direction.


With a sound, a piece of glass on the window of the command room that could not be penetrated by ordinary shells was shattered, and two beams of light streaked across the sky in a graceful path, disappearing into the sky.

Subsequently, due to constant loss of power in the sky, it gradually disappeared.

Looking at the beam of light that was gradually disappearing, and at the man who was still holding his shield, Lu Yi was helpless.

This is probably the result of experimenting with products on someone else’s site, and someone might come out to stop it.

It’s Captain America now, maybe it’s the Hulk after a while.

Captain America?

Yes, you read that right, it’s Captain America, the guy who stopped Lu Yi is Captain America.

Although he was not wearing a uniform, the shield in his hand undoubtedly proved this.

In the entire Marvel world, only his shield is so special, it can block all attacks, and he won’t be injured or even have any impact.

Lu Yi guessed it after seeing that he received the two beams of light he fired without being affected in any way!

The shield can be faked, but the shield’s effect won’t.

“Actually your shield is pretty good, can you show it to me?” Lu Yi asked.

“No!” Captain America refused.

Captain America Steve Rogers didn’t know whether Lu Yi was an enemy or a friend, so the shield couldn’t be easily given to Lu Yi.

It’s just that if he doesn’t give it, Lu Yi won’t read it?

Definitely not, after Captain America refused, Lu Yi kicked his feet slightly on the ground, and appeared in front of Captain America in an instant.

Before Captain America could react, Lu Yi came to him, Captain America’s pupils shrank subconsciously, and then he was about to step back.

But at this moment, Lu Yi’s hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed directly on the shield.

Captain America Steve Rogers stopped.

It’s not that he wants to stop, it’s that he can’t stop.

The shield caught by Lu Yi was like being pressed under a mountain of mountains, even though Steve had used all his strength, he still remained motionless.

Steve’s face was flushed, and the muscles in his arms were correcting, obviously with all his strength.


Lu Yi let out a light drink and shook his hand!

Steve grabbed shield’s hand like being bitten by a poisonous snake, but he couldn’t hold his shield anymore.

The sheer force even pushed Steve against the wall.


A muffled sound sounded, his body made intimate contact with the wall, and hit the wall, and the sound could almost tell just how ruthless it was.

Steve almost stuck to the wall for a few seconds before slowly sliding off the wall. Looking at the wall again, the wall had dented in the middle.

0- ask for flowers…  

Lu Yi no longer pays attention to these now, holding the shield in his hand, he carefully examines it.

After taking a closer look, Lu Yi said, “Things are good things, but it’s a pity that they cannot be copied after all!”

He shook his head and laughed twice, but Lu Yi didn’t pay attention to these anymore, but turned his attention to another matter.

“This shield says it can resist all attacks, I don’t know if it’s true!

Lu Yi grabbed both sides of the shield and started to use a little force.

One percent of the power, the shield doesn’t change!

Five percent power, shield no change!

Lu Yi thought for a while, and his strength was directly increased to fifty percent.


Lu Yi’s arm muscles bulged slightly, but the problem is that the shield has not changed, not even a slight deformation.

Lu Yi thought about it again, and the strength directly increased to 100%, and the basic strength of 70,000 tons burst out.

But this is still of no use, and the shield has not changed.

70,000 tons of strength can’t do anything about this thing, is it really strong and durable? I wonder if magic is the same?” Lu Yi couldn’t help but said.

Lu Yi withdrew his strength, a thought made Shield stand in front of him, raised both hands, palms inwards, facing Shield.

Two magic circles appeared in the palms of both hands, and orange flames and blue Ice emerged from the two magic circles, lingering on the left and right sides of the shield.

The entire command room instantly turned into a sky of ice and fire. The left side was as hot as a sea of ​​fire, and the right side was as cold as a polar region. The cold and heat were intertwined, causing huge amounts of influence on the entire command room.

Steve saw all of this in his eyes, anxious in his heart, ignoring his aching chest, pressing his feet hard, and rushing towards Lu Yi’s direction.

Lu Yi was also too lazy to pay attention to him, watching him rush towards him, a wave of thoughts flashed out, turned into a heavy hammer in the air, and hit him.

There was another muffled sound, and he was directly smashed into the air, knocking out the door of the command room. Husband,

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