Chapter 111 Transformation into a Human (5/5, please reward)

With Hill’s personal intervention, the seafood feast was soon served in Lu Yi’s room, and a charming fragrance filled Lu Yi’s room, and Lu Yi’s room was full of the smell of seafood.

I don’t know if Hill wanted to delay time with food, and wanted to let Lu Yi eat for a while longer, and stayed in his room.

Lu Yi’s current seafood meal really can be said to be a seafood “big” meal, and it really shouldn’t be too big.

In a room of more than 20 square meters, more than half of it was filled with seafood, fried, fried, and fried.

“That’s not good, the taste is too strong!” Taking a deep breath, Lu Yi said helplessly.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yi took another look at the seafood dinner in front of him and the full metal ceiling in the room, snapped his fingers, and walked towards the deck of the aerospace carrier step by step with the neatly flying seafood dinner.

In the room, the dense seafood was like a neatly arranged army, following behind Lu Yi and walking towards the deck of the aerospace carrier.

The people from S.H.I.E.L.D on the aerospace carrier saw this scene, their mouths widened, and they had no idea what Lu Yi was doing. The way to the deck of the aerospace carrier 070 was full of the smell of food.

“What is he doing?” Hill found Lu Yi, and said with a headache.

This is really affecting their normal work.

Air is circulating!

The aroma of the food in the aisle spread throughout the aerospace carrier along the circulating air. Most of the people couldn’t help swallowing, and a small number of people let out a grumbling sound.


Hill’s face became more and more ugly.

“In the beginning, I shouldn’t have found such a good chef to cook him a seafood feast!” Hill muttered to himself, feeling the hunger in his stomach.

After muttering to himself, Hill simply ordered his subordinates to turn on the ventilation system to remove all the aromas.

Lu Yi also felt the opening of the ventilation system, and a lot of fresh air with the smell of the sea rushed towards him, making Lu Yi quicken his pace.

This kind of fresh air with the smell of sea is not bad, but there is really no comparison with the aroma of seafood dinner, so Lu Yi, who is used to the aroma of seafood dinner, can’t stand it at all.

Quickly came to the deck of the aerospace aircraft carrier, Lu Yi snapped his fingers again, outside the aerospace aircraft carrier, a cube of sea water was under the control of an invisible force, under the incredible eyes of the staff on the deck. , slowly cooked to the front of Lu Yi.

Afterwards, under the influence of Lu Yi’s thoughts, it quickly shapeshifted and turned into a long table and landed on the deck.

In the end, all the seafood fell on the water table neatly.

After doing this, Lu Yi didn’t use knives, forks or chopsticks, his thoughts flashed, and he ate the seafood meal in front of him.

All kinds of seafood cooked to perfection automatically peeled off the shell, revealing the edible part inside, and slowly floated into Lu Yi’s mouth like a queue.

“Calm down!”

Stretching for a while, Lu Yi’s body lay straight back, holding his body like an invisible chuang behind him, floating in mid-air.

Lying down while eating seafood, this kind of life is not too comfortable, and this kind of comfort soon aroused the envy, jealousy and hatred of other people.

“It’s really different from the same people!” Bruce Banner said helplessly as he looked at Lu Yi who was eating a seafood feast not far away, and then at the hamburger in his hand.

The gap between people is really big enough!

Lu Yi was invited, and he himself (abde) was invited, but in the end the food difference became what it is now, one is a hamburger, and the other is a seafood dinner.

The hamburger that used to be quite delicious, now immediately becomes tasteless.

Bruce Banner took a bite.

“The burgers are not delicious, are you interested in having a seafood dinner together?” Just as Bruce Banner’s face was full of bitterness, Lu Yi’s voice entered his ears.

“Definitely!” Bruce Banner said without hesitation.

After such a long life of escape, Bruce Banner deeply understands a truth, that is, sugar-coated cannonballs are hit, and the cannonballs must be shot back, but the sugar-coated can also be eaten, and it doesn’t matter much anyway.

Lu Yi obviously didn’t have good intentions. Since he didn’t have good intentions, naturally he couldn’t let this opportunity slip by and eat all the sugar coating.

Lu Yi didn’t know Bruce Banner’s mind, and he was not too surprised that Bruce Banner promised himself so bluntly. That’s how Americans are, and there is no oriental implicitness in inviting others.

“Seafood dinner, doesn’t it taste good?” Lu Yi asked Bruce Banner, who was slowly eating king crab.

“Yes, very good! Your treatment is really good! You are also invited, why is the gap so big?” Bruce Banner asked with a puzzled face.

“That’s because my strength is very strong, and I can control myself. You and I, one is a powerful person, and the other is a powerful Beast. Beast is certainly scary, but in the end, it is also just a Beast and can be subdued. , can be killed, talent should be the master, and people are more terrifying, wise, unable to be dominated, unable to be easily killed, they will be even more afraid!”

Although he was compared to a Beast, Bruce Banner didn’t mean to be angry at all. Instead, he put the king crab in his hand on the water table and fell into contemplation.

He could understand that what Lu Yi said was correct, he was a Beast, and Lu Yi was a person.

“It seems that you understand a little bit, are you interested in turning into a human being?”

“Transformed into a human? How to say?” Bruce Banner was surprised and asked quickly.

“Do you know how your second personality came into being? You are too depressed, you never thought about releasing your emotions, these emotions are more and more suppressed in your heart, combined with the previous changes, your second Personality appears!”

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