Chapter 475: Hundreds Again (4/5, Please Customize)

“How are you sure we won’t be surrounded?” Wolverine asked suspiciously after Lu Yi finished speaking.

Sentinel is an existence that can produce, even if Lu Yi is strong enough, but there is always a comb, he does not think that Lu Yi can block all Sentinels.

“But I’m sure!”

“What’s the meaning?”

“Understand it!”

Lu Yi smiled lightly, then stopped paying attention to Wolverine, and turned his attention to Wanda and the little naughty who fought against Sentinel. Sentinel finally learned to be smart, and no longer melee combat with the two, either with fire or spikes. , Do not let the two approach.

Lu Yi wanted to know how the two of them would solve it. As for Wolverine, let him slowly comprehend it.

The Wolverine that I was slowly comprehending was not fake. Suddenly I had an epiphany, and I thought of a possibility. If I wanted to prevent Sentinel from surrounding them, blocking Sentinel was one way, but there was another simpler way. The method, kill all the people behind the scenes, then receive 900 of all Sentinels, including all Sentinel production lines.

“If that’s the case, you don’t have to worry about being surrounded. After today, I’m afraid Sentinel will disappear, and the worst will be controlled by Lu Yi, but we are also under the protection of Lu Yi, and we will never again. Encounter Sentinel!”

Wolverine was the truth in an instant, and some of the worries in her heart completely dissipated.

With Lu Yi intervening in it, to eradicate all the people behind the scenes, how could there still be fish that slip through the net?

The worries in her heart were gone, and after adjusting her mood, Wolverine followed Lu Yi to look at Wanda and the little naughty who were fighting Sentinel in the barrier.

As time went by, the Sentinels had flashes of fire, spikes, and the like, and the battles became more intense and exciting, and Wolverine wondered what would happen next.

Under the attention of other people, Wanda and Little Naughty started their more exciting performances. The power of the two broke out completely. They used the remains of the Sentinels on the ground as weapons to attack those Sentinels who were not good at melee combat.

Boom! Boom! Boom..


The collision sound constantly sounded, and the fire spikes and the like were of no use in front of Wanda and the little naughty, the fire light was blown away by the passive wind, and the spikes were directly interrupted.

For a time, Sentinel once again turned into a thornless Quill, who was easily and continuously killed.

The Sentry robot constantly turned into parts, and within a few tens of seconds, all the Sentinels were destroyed.

“Good job!” Lu Yi lifted the barrier and praised Wanda and Little Naughty.

“It’s okay to be reluctant, but it doesn’t mean much, it’s a bit weak!”

“Naturally, it is weak. The current Sentinel still has flaws. The speed of change and simulation materials are very small, and the number is not large. It is impossible to form a group attack and exert the greatest advantage. It would be strange if you would lose!


Wanda and Little Naughty also nodded, as if it was true, they discovered these problems when they were fighting Sentinel.

“It’s a pity. I thought I could play as much as I wanted, but I didn’t expect that in the end!” After that, Wanda said a little unhappily.

“There is still a chance!” (abbf)

“When?” The little naughty asked, unable to help but brighten his eyes.

“Now you can!

As if to verify Lu Yi’s words, at the moment when Lu Yi’s voice fell, the faint sound of the propeller turning came into the ears of the two of them.

The two of them looked in the direction of the sound, but they saw right in front of Mutant School. At the limit of their line of sight, the countless metal boxes that could not be counted were dragged by helicopters and trucks. , constantly flying towards the direction of the school.

“This is?”

“It’s all Sentinels, and there are at least hundreds of them!”

“How come there are so many?” Wanda asked with a puzzled face.

“There are already so many Sentinels, as a thing that can be mass-produced, how can there be only more than ten Sentinels? The previous ten or so Sentinels were only used because they wanted to test their performance. number, and only part of it!”

“Then these Sentinels appeared to deal with you?”

“Naturally!” Lu Yi said lightly.

The group of people behind the scenes controlling Sentinel, in order to better test the performance, prevent problems in the middle of the dozen Sentinels, Mutant School is too strong and more than ten Sentinels are useless and many other problems.

From the beginning, while preparing more than ten Sentinels, they also prepared hundreds of useful Sentinels around Mutant School.

Originally, they thought that these Sentinels could not be used, but they did not expect that Lu Yi actually appeared.

Then the spare hundreds of Sentinels were used and sent to Lu Yi to try to see if they could destroy Lu Yi, although they themselves didn’t believe they could do it.

So “It seems that there is another fight to be fought!” Wanda said with a high fighting spirit.

Wanda wanted to fight, but the Sentinels didn’t turn on the Mutant identification device, they all locked Lu Yi.

Before she and the little naughty shot, this group of Sentinels took the lead, opening a gap in the metal box they brought, exposing all the Sentinels’ faces.

After a slight sound and a faint scorching smell appeared in the air, hundreds of crimson laser beams shot towards Lu Yi, converging into a huge and incomparably thick beam in front of Lu Yi. The energy beam even completely blocked Lu Yi.

This scene looked extremely amazing, and all the X-Men couldn’t help but change their color, and only Wanda and the little naughty remained calm, as if they didn’t see anything.

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