Just when the Flash and others thought they were about to discover the secret of Speed, in this world, the only female police officer who has ever had close contact with Ross, Patty Spivott, is in unpredictable danger.

Time goes back a few days, Patty has just returned to the city where she was born, intending to start her life again, when she wants to have an intimate relationship with a man for the first time in her life, an unexpected blow suddenly comes, although she and Rose have a great affection for each other, but for some special reasons, Rose does not intend to stay in this world for a long time, so she can only avoid talking about those |sensitive topics.

Although he refused as tactfully as possible, it was still a great hurt to the inexperienced Patti. She had to endure the pain of her heart, accept a job with the Midtown Police Department, and then use the heavy lifting to help herself out of trouble. Her diligence impressed her partner’s police officers, stopping many crimes in just a few days, but also arousing the hostility of some villains.

On this day, when Ross uses the name of Captain Snyt of Cold to send an invitation to well-known super-powered criminals in Midtown to secretly capture them, a guy nicknamed Turtle Man does not participate in the meeting of Wedge Stone City, but carries out his own criminal plan alone, and when he is blocked by Patty during the operation, in a fit of anger he kidnaps her back to his secret lair for revenge.

Dozens of orange-| lamps lit up in the room, and rows of bookshelves lined with books on the edge of the walls, seemed to be some abandoned library, now used as his own special warehouse by the new owner, the surface of the books was covered with dust and cobwebs, it could be seen that no one had observed and read for a long time, but the hundreds of messy collections on both sides of the hall had been carefully wiped, and they reflected the lustrous luster in the light.

“What the hell do you want to do to me?” Patti was handcuffed to a heavy chair on all fours, and could only raise his voice and shout at the turtle man sitting far away in the corner and typing with his head down.

The sound waves echoed through the building, but there was an embarrassing silence, as if she was alone in the brightly lit hall, and it took several minutes for the slow turtle man to answer.

“I just want you to be honest and not get me in trouble. I don’t want to kill you, it’s too hasty to go that way, I like the slow and elegant style, you are different from my other collections, hurting you does not make me more joyful, just now I saw your briefing on TV, poor Officer Patti Spivot is alone, no father, no mother, no friends, not even a lover … You are a completely unappreciated person, and it makes no sense for me to hurt you. ”

“What does this have to do with you!” Patty was stimulated to the most sensitive nerves in her heart|, forgot her fear for a while, blushed her cheeks and angrily accused the other party.

“It’s a lot about it because what I’m taking away is what is most important to people—- like my ex-wife, she wanted to leave me, but she meant so much to me, so I turned her into my collection and never left.” Now I’m thinking about what reasons to convince myself to increase the value of your collection. The turtle man said slowly, slowly walking from the dark corner to the bright light.

This is a short man, full of flesh, with a broad and stubborn chin, deep sunken eyes, slow steps between movements, looking like a silent middle-aged man, only the fierce light in his eyes flickers from time to time, silently reminding people of his dangerous nature.

Under Patty’s nervous gaze, he raised his hand to remove a curtain from the wall, and suddenly a transparent display case was revealed from behind, and a dry and pale woman with her eyes closed, standing quietly in the glass case, looking lifeless.

The turtle man admired the corpse of his ex-wife, and after a while he turned his head and stared at Patty expressionlessly.

Patti looked at him in horror, and the whole person suddenly fell into an uncontrollable trembling, the towering | Xiong’s mouth | violently undulated, and an unspeakable fear turned into a big hand and quietly grabbed her heart.

She would rather die in a |fierce gunfight than silently become someone else’s collection like this.

It’s just that the turtle man has found enough reasons, even if it sounds absurd, he is very serious.

“Now I think that although you don’t have a family, the whole city will cry over your disappearance.”

Whispering to himself, the turtle man picked up a piece of paper and embedded it in front of another vacant glass case, on which Patty’s name was printed in pencil.

Seeing the turtle man approaching step by step, Patty struggled fiercely |.

“No, don’t!” She screamed desperately, trying to find a way to survive.

But the other party did not waver, one hand fixed her shoulder, the other hand silently picked up a syringe, which seemed to be infused with some kind of anesthetic drug.

Once the sleep has passed, you may never wake up again.

Patty’s eyes widened to the limit in an instant, but he could not escape from the control of the turtle man, and could only be firmly locked in a chair, and his terrified eyes revealed indescribable despair.

At this moment, several familiar faces flashed in her heart, and the late loving parents returned to her mind, they were shouting something to their daughter in another world, but Patty could not hear anything, just as powerless as she was in her situation at the moment.

Scenes of light and shadow passed, and finally Patty’s memory stayed on the only man he had had intimate contact with.

Although she and Rose were extremely brief, that day was one of the deepest and happiest memories of her life.

Looking at her expression of painful struggle, the corner of the turtle man’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke an ugly smile.

The sharp needle was getting closer and closer, and it was about to pierce | into the smooth and delicate skin of Patty’s arm.

Suddenly, the blue light flashed.

A tall black shadow forcibly broke through the wall and approached the turtle man who was about to inflict damage.

“Who is it?” Hurriedly straightening up, the turtle man’s two small green bean-like eyes glared hard.

A faint wave of light was released from in front of him.

This is the most proud ability of turtle people, who can absorb kinetic energy with force field light waves and pass it on to themselves, while converting the kinetic energy of others into potential energy, so that they stay in place and cannot move.

With this ability, even in the face of the famous Flash, the turtle man is not afraid.

In fact, in the original timeline, he once made the Flash suffer.

The black shadow fell into the edge of the force field, and the movement slowed down abruptly, as if surrounded by invisible glue, and the whole person changed from a high-speed running state to a slow motion.

In the wave of light, the turtle man was the only being who moved freely, and he lifted the syringe to the black shadow under Patti’s terrified gaze.

“You’re dead.” He declared, raising his hand and stabbing at the black shadow’s throat.

“Don’t!” Patty screamed, her heart grieving for the people who rescued her, and just as she lost her tears, she was stunned to find that the needle pierced | into the void, and the black shadow scattered into a blurry speck of light.

The turtle man then discovered that the shadow in front of him was just an illusion of extreme speed.

Then under his gaze, a faint silhouette crept up from the darkness.

I wanted to release the force field light wave, but it was too late.

At that moment, his hair stood on end, and the whole person curled up, tensing his muscles and crashing sideways towards the other party.

“Don’t underestimate me!” The turtle man shouted, swooping at each other with agility that was very different from his usual style.

The black shadow did not answer, and what responded was a hand knife that vibrated at high speed.

The next moment, the hazy hand knife with the cold air that pierced everything, abruptly cut through the space illuminated by orange | lights.

The crumpled coat and thick thread coat were forcibly separated like air, and the hand knife fell silently on the left side of Xiong’s chest, penetrating muscles and bones like lightning in the direction of the heart.

With a soft “snort”, the wrist | deeply into the Xiong cavity, and the close fingertips came out from behind, and the black shadow’s cold to the extreme blow mercilessly pierced the turtle man’s heart.

The turtle man made a gurgling sound in his throat, and he opened his eyes wide, but he couldn’t say anything.

“I heard that you like collecting, so do you know what is the most ironic?” The low and hoarse voice of the black shadow echoed in the room, which was exactly the speed of Ross’s avatar, and he lifted the turtle man up with a bolt full of lightning.

“From now on, you become my collection.”


Leaving the body of the turtle man, Rose smashes the metal restraint that cuffs Patti and frees her again.

In any case, they had had intimate contact, and Ross was glad that he did not hesitate to find his lair directly after learning that the turtle man did not accept the invitation.

If he came even half an hour late, he might have caused irreparable damage to Patti, which was also an irreparable mistake for Ross.

Patty deeply understood how difficult it was for her to escape, it was simply a miracle, and the black shadow was undoubtedly the one sent by fate to save her, so after she was saved, she hugged Ross’s big | legs tightly, and her whole |body trembled uncontrollably.

“Thank you, thank you, whoever you are, thank you for coming to save me!” She thanked incoherently.

After successive blows, people will realize the preciousness of life, and Patty desperately wants to hold back tears at this time, but at this moment the tears cannot be contained, and finally the crystalline tears still roll down from the eyes, falling to the ground along the smooth cheeks and shattered.

With red eyes, she buried her face deep in Ross, and sobbed softly.

At this moment, she is vulnerable and helpless like an underage little girl, and Rose’s body is her only dependency.

Rose gently stroked her hair |, letting her vent her feelings until a while before she casually pulled out a tissue from the table next to her and carefully wiped the tears from her face.

“Who are you?” Patty asked with tears in her eyes.

Ross’s appearance did not look hideous and terrifying in her eyes, but was somewhat familiar and familiar.

“Don’t go out in recent days.” Rose hardened her heart and stopped her problem.

A breeze passed, and Rose picked Patty up and sent him back to his apartment, then disappeared into the darkness.

After more than ten minutes, anxious police colleagues arrived one after another, and Barry and Joe were also among the crowd.

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