In an instant, the golden |-colored lightning stabbed obliquely, and the red figure had not yet landed, and he waved his arm in the air, Ross only felt that his hand was slightly light, and then the faster-than-light particle device arrived in Barry’s hands through the wall.

The blow was really unexpected, even though Ross was faster than Barry, but in a hurry, he could not guess that the Flash would suddenly emerge from the wall.

Barry fell back to the ground with both feet, glided quickly by inertia, and when he was about to run out, he made a complete arc like swimming on an ice rink. When he stopped, looked back at the building he had just crossed, and looked at the opponent behind him who looked a little surprised, suddenly Xiong’s confidence was overflowing.

Since the rapid appearance of Ross’s incarnation, Barry has been in a passive state since this time, always chasing after Ross every day to find it, but it has always been difficult to catch up with his footsteps, this time finally surpassing himself and rushing in front of his opponent, which really makes him feel full of joy.

At this moment, the confusion encountered in the process of tracing the identity of the enemy, the depression caused by Ross’s appearance, and the various unpleasantness and unhappiness in life seemed to be exuded with the impact of this success, replaced by the infinite expansion of joy and confidence in Xiong’s chest.

“Barry did it, he recaptured the faster-than-light particles!” In Mercury Lab, Sisko jumped up from the screen and raised his arms to cheer loudly with the equally excited Caitlin.

Felicity, who came with her, couldn’t help but rejoice, jumping up from her seat and screaming to vent her emotions.

“I know you can, Barry… It wasn’t the lightning that hit you, it was the lightning that chose you. Harrison took off his glasses and whispered to himself, he was the only person here who remained calm, and while several young people cheered, he quietly stared at the two speedsters facing off on the screen, something intriguing hidden in his eyes.

Near the building on the other side, after successful interception, Barry bravely approached the enemy.

“I’ve caught up with you, tell me, who killed my mother?” He clenched his fists and roared at Rose.

“You think you’ve won?” Ross’s deep voice sounded behind the mask, echoing around like faint thunder.

“I already know how to deal with you, I have mastered the divine speed.” Barry’s eyes were firm, and his tone was tougher than ever.

Ross let out a few low laughs, and the strange tone gradually spread in the night breeze.

“The stronger you become, the richer my harvest will be, but unfortunately, you have no chance for revenge.”

As his words ended, at both ends of the building, two lightning bolts, one blue and one yellow, dragged a long band of light and kept approaching, and in an instant, they collided again violently like Mars hitting the earth|.

The two speedsters who rushed | with all their strength collided with each other, just like two roaring high-speed trains hitting head-on | with astonishing momentum, and the huge | rushed forward, causing the two to lose control and shoot backwards.

As Ross and Barry retreated like meteorites, the street trees, bushes, and even the unmanned vending aircraft on the side of the road behind them were all knocked and shattered by the high-speed passing bodies, and the |hard steel plates and trunks of the trees seemed to turn into foam and were knocked out of deep humanoid marks, and a large amount of dust and wood chips swirled and flew with the wind.

Ross’s back had just touched the wall, and with a slight force, he forcibly broke away from the inertia of the sharp retreat and regained his body.

Barry on the other side was not so strong, he held back the pain and breathed deeply, using the method Harrison had just taught and constantly fused with the divine speed force, climbing to the highest speed in his life in the blink of an eye, and once again rushed to Ross and smashed his fist.

A circle of aura visible to the naked eye spread out around Barry’s fist as the center, and the sonic boom instantly shattered all the nearby glass doors and windows, and countless crystalline transparent fragments rained down from the sky.

In the face of this thunderous blow, Ross turned his body |sideways in a ten-thousandth of a second, his two arms collided together, blue lightning and golden light flames burst into dazzling sparks in the void, and after a moment, the two passed by, occupying each other’s original positions.

“That’s awesome.” In the laboratory, Caitlin and others frequently exclaimed.

Harrison looked at the screen and frowned.

Below the building, two rays of light and shadow hovered and intertwined, and the sound of limb collision sounded endlessly like a storm, as if countless hailstones fell from the sky at the same time | to the ground.

In such an incomparably fierce fight, combat experience can play a great role | even determine the victory or defeat.

Although Barry has some simple training, he is a rookie compared to a battle-hardened person like Ross, and he used to go around his opponent and attack while he was unprepared, and now although he has mastered new abilities and tried to learn Ross’s fighting methods, as long as he appears next to Ross, it is difficult to deal with the opponent’s attack.

The yellow | flashed, Barry threw a punch in front of his opponent, and before the fist touched Ross’s body, he directly grabbed his wrist and dragged him back, followed by a sideways body and slammed into his shoulder.

The body suddenly lost his balance, Barry crashed into a nearby building, this time he didn’t have time to adjust and passed through the wall, his forehead resting heavily on the solid wall surface, hitting Venus on the spot.

Without waiting for him to come to his senses, Ross dragged Barry’s ankles from behind and flew the Flash out in full view.

The body landed again, tumbling more than ten times before stopping, Barry shook his head vigorously to sober himself up a little, and then jumped up again to fight with Ross.

After a dozen seconds, they had exchanged hundreds of attacks, and in this short period of time, Barry’s initial ambition continued to fade like a bubble exposed to the sun, and he gradually began to feel the pressure brought by Ross.

Although he has divine speed, Barry can have all kinds of incredible abilities, but his physique is worse than ordinary people, and it is simply impossible to compete with a strong man like Ross who confronts the Hulk head-on. With each collision, Ross’s power would be transmitted down his arm back to Barry’s body, even if the divine speed force could offset most of it, but the remaining reaction force was enough to suffocate his mouth and make his body hot.

Ross did not continue to increase his speed, but used his strengths to almost show off and constantly pressure Barry, stepping on a special rhythm to chase fiercely around his opponent| his body constantly interlaced between light and dark, like a superpower who controls space, flickering at the boundary between shadow and light.

Suddenly forward, suddenly back, the previous moment was still on the left, the mind appeared on the right side, such a tactic made Barry tired of coping, as if the whole world was full of black figures, and the blue lightning on his body was even more galloping, gradually gathering into a dazzling brilliant electric light, compressing the golden | light on Barry’s body to the limit.

For Ross, this is the first time he has really fought with a speedster with divine speed, the two fastest people in the world collide repeatedly at this moment, and his thoughts can’t help but spin at high speed in the void, while silently calculating all the changes and reactions of the opponent and the surroundings, while looking at the overall situation condescendingly, and even gradually spreading to the far-reaching space outside the battlefield, this feeling is like manipulating two bodies at the same time, one chasing the battle on the ground, the other flying high in the air and watching coldly.

Movement and stillness, light and darkness, cold and heat… All kinds of positive and negative feelings ebbed and flowed between the two poles, and under the flashing light, the faint shadows also changed, and he could feel his heart singing the song of life in the xiong cavity, and the turbulent blood rushing in the veins all around his body under the pulse agitation.

The blue light in the void flashed, like a little streamer cutting through the sky in the vast night, and after the starlight gathered, it instantly bloomed and burst into dazzling brilliance.

Ross seemed to melt into the air, extremely fast, but moved slowly little by little like slowing down, and the huge |contrast between fast and slow made all onlookers dazzled, unable to understand why two completely opposite characteristics could be combined into one in him.

The body vibrated at high speed, and the whole person turned into a hazy phantom, and the surrounding air flow lost its direction, and was stirred into an invisible swamp by complex fluctuations.

And Ross’s speed also reached its peak at this moment.

A huge | blue light filled the field of vision, and countless flashing and jumping lightning densely placed Barry in the middle.

The brilliant brilliance continued to expand on Barry’s dark blue pupils, but he could no longer retreat.

The light flashed, and the picture disappeared.

Mercury Lab, the original cheers were completely gone, and the hall was almost silent.

“Oh my God!” Caitlin covered her little | mouth tightly, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

A moment ago, Barry was evenly matched with Ross, and soon after, he was completely in the downside.

This shows that Ross did not use his full strength before, and their data predictions were seriously wrong.

What do you have to do now to free Barry from the clutches of extreme speed?

Caitlin couldn’t find a way at all.

In a desperate silence, Harrison turned and left the hall.

“Where are you going?” Sisko opened his eyes wide and looked at the middle-aged man who was moving his wheelchair.

Harrison didn’t answer, disappeared straight into the corridor outside, and then faintly flashed red and disappeared from Mercury Lab.

“Is there a way now?” Sisko didn’t notice the abnormality outside and turned back to ask the two ladies.

“The person I hired is still on the way, but I guess Barry won’t be able to support it for that long.” Felicia spread her hands in a gesture of powerlessness.

Sisko didn’t know who she was inviting, so he could only wipe the sweat from his head and grit his teeth to make a decision.

“Well, it’s up to me at this time, but fortunately I prepared something in advance, and Caitlin came to do me a favor.”

At Sisko’s signal, Caitlin and Felicia help him push the cart he brought back out of the lab and head in the direction of the battlefield where Ross and Barry are fighting.

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