Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 130: Black Braised Eggs Are Back

"You're welcome, I know why you let him live.

Romani shook his head. He understood Ancient One's thoughts and what Ancient One wanted to do, "It's just that I have a question, is it really worth it? Even if it's for Strange, you don't have to do it At this level, the Sorcerer Supreme who has guarded this world for five hundred years is qualified to enjoy a long life in my opinion.

"Thank you very much for your approval, Your Excellency King Solomon, but I also firmly believe that this is the best choice I can make."

The Ancient One magician nodded gratefully to Romani, and it is also something to be happy to be recognized by this person: "Besides, Strange will be the best among us, and I can see that he is facing the situation from the universe. When disasters come, he will protect this world. Then, in the face of disasters in the depths of this world's oceans, he will certainly be able to do his part."

"I'm not negating Strange, I just think you don't need to sacrifice your life." Romani sighed, and then said very sincerely, "This world still needs you-, Ancient One magician."

Hearing such a sentence, Ancient One raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a rare smile.

Why do you say rare?

Because although this smile is bitter, it comes from the heart, and it is countless times more real than the smile she has always kept on her face when facing others.

Although she guarded the world and enjoyed a long life, she also doubted herself, especially when Kaecilius betrayed her.

After all, she did borrow the power of the Dark Dimension!

After a long silence, the Ancient One magician said slowly: "I'm a little tired, I'll leave the rest of the matter to Strange and you, Chaldea will not let me down, Solomon who has been famous for thousands of years The king doesn't even know it, does he?"

Yes, she already knew about the relationship between Chaldea and Romani, she is the Sorcerer Supreme after all, not like those idiots in S.H.I.E.L.D. She could clearly feel the changes in the space, as well as the aura emanating from Mephista.

It's just that she is very clear that Chaldea exists to protect this world, and in her eyes, Chaldea created by King Solomon is more trustworthy than that S.H.I.E.L.D who messes around all day long.

"Since you have made up your mind, I won't persuade you anymore." After saying this, Romani opened the portal directly. Although he didn't want to see the Ancient One magician leave, but for a person who is determined to sacrifice himself People, if you try to dissuade her, you are insulting her determination.

Romani is a coward who does not want to see tragedy, yes, but he is also a person who respects the determination of others.

It was as if, when facing Gaetia, he chose to return everything to the heavens!

Seeing Romani walk into the portal and leave the mirror space, Ancient One magician shook his head with a smile, and couldn't help sighing: "What a gentle king, Your Excellency Solomon."

Although the cave base is simple, it is indeed one of the secret bases of the black stewed egg. The scheming black stewed egg has built countless safe houses and secret bases all over the world.

At this moment, the black stewed egg that was declared dead was sitting next to Hill agent, and Steve and the others were also brought here by Hill agent, and they were indeed surprised when they saw the black stewed egg.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that this guy was indeed injured and his body was relatively weak, Steve would have wanted to beat him up!

Fortunately, he also felt that this corned egg went to him at the end of his life, and it was a kind of trust to give him the secret. But now it seems that he is definitely dumping the pot, and he has dumped a lot of pot!

If I hadn't been very smart to find Romani first, I would have been killed by Dr. Zola!

Nick Fury pretended not to see Steve's expression, took out a photo of Pierce, and said to himself: "This man refuses to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. He said that peace is not an achievement, but an achievement. kind of responsibility.

As he said that, he took a special look at Steve, and said without any shyness: "Look, it's because of this kind of person that I can't trust others.

Steve rolled his eyes straight away, it's rare for him to talk to this braised egg right now, or he's worried that he can't help but break the matter in half.

It's really self-inflicted, people who should believe don't believe it, people who shouldn't believe it...

Forget it, Steve felt that even if he complained, he could blow his mentality to pieces.

...asking for flowers......

Natasha Romanoff maintained her rationality at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Romani is now held back by the helper the other party has found, and we have to prevent those big guys from going to heaven!"

"I don't think the council will answer my calls." Nick Fury opened a box with the master's special chip inside.

Hill agent told the function of these chips to everyone present, as long as the chips are replaced, they can regain control of the space carrier, hold the Damocles hanging above the heads of countless people, and hold it tightly in their own hands .

However, Steve firmly disagreed with this point. After hearing Nick Fury's plan, he chose to reject it without any hesitation: "We want to destroy the space carrier... and S.H.I.E.L.D!"


"S.H.I.E.L.D has nothing to do with this." Nick Fury was startled, he didn't expect Steve to make such a drastic decision.

"You give me the task, and I'll do it. S.H.I.E.L.D is a traitor, you said it yourself, HYDRA is growing under your nose, and you didn't realize it." Steve is now completely disappointed in S.H.I.E.L.D, in his opinion , this is not an organization to maintain peace and protect the world, but a...

HYDRA's Umbrella!

But Fury didn't want S.H.I.E.L.D to be destroyed at all, he could only forcefully explain: "Why did we meet in this cave? Because I found out!"

The moment his voice fell, a portal opened directly beside him, and Romani also walked out from it: "But before you find out, many people have died, and with the power of S.H.I.E.L.D, HYDRA has grown Two new heads. How can you guarantee that there won't be anyone lurking in HYDRA after the cleanup? How can you guarantee that there won't be a second Alexander Pierce?"

"Sorry, I used some special tricks to see you here.

As he said that, Romani walked up to Steve, looked at the embarrassing black egg on his face, and said in a deep voice, "I support the captain's decision."

After giving a slight nod to Romani to express his thanks, Steve also stared at the black marinated egg: "As Romani said, many people have been sacrificed in vain.",

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