Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 345 Solomon Vs Thanos (1)

"This should be our first official meeting, Thanos?"

In fact, Romani has seen the big purple potato more than once, when he peeped into the future, in the memory deep in his soul, but this is the first time to meet in a real sense.

"King Solomon?" Thanos' eyes became serious at this time. It was indeed the first time he met the other party, but it was not because he didn't understand.

King Solomon on the blue star, the powerful man who controlled the terrifying flames of the sun's surface temperature and burned the Chitauri army to nothing. He also investigated some news. This King Solomon is known as the King of Magic, the King of Wisdom, and some people even call him the King of All-knowing and Almighty!

Such a title made Thanos very concerned, but he believed that omniscience and omnipotence were impossible, but the existence of being called the King of Wisdom must be "327" extraordinary.

"You really know me." Romani smiled and said softly.

At this time, Thanos glanced at Tony, and then turned his gaze back to Romani: "You are not the only one who is tired of knowledge."

In his opinion, he, Tony, and King Solomon are all people who are burdened by knowledge. It is because they have knowledge that others do not have, so in many cases, they need to be forced to make some decisions.

"Maybe what you said is right." Romani shrugged, no one knew what was going on in his heart at the moment.

And Thanos actually had a rare smile on his face. He looked at King Solomon as if he were looking at an old friend: "I have learned about your culture, especially about you, Solomon. If righteousness is evil, and the opposite of evil is good, then you are nothing. To be honest, we are very similar, no matter what happens, we will never be shaken."

"If it was before, we might really be friends."

Romani was slightly taken aback. This was the first time he had seen someone look at him like this. In particular, Thanos' view was exactly the same as his own when he was King Solomon: "But that was once, before. King Solomon was not allowed to have himself, to live and think as a human being, because at that time, I did not have such freedom...such, human rights."

Speaking of this, Romani couldn't help revealing a trace of sadness. This is not his current sadness, but the memory of the past that touches the depths of his soul.

Perhaps the era when I was born as King Solomon was really sad.

"Like you, I have to make the most suitable choice in many cases, even if it is not what I want most." Thanos said slowly at this time, as if he really wanted to talk to an old friend, "So, you appear here now, are you planning to stop me, right? What a pity, I thought, with your wisdom, you should be able to understand me."

"Erasure half of the life in the universe, and then make the universe more balanced, so that the surviving lives can understand the preciousness and meaning of life. This is your idea, right?

In an instant, Romani's face became serious: "In a sense, I even think your approach makes sense, after all, for a single planet, resources are limited. If we say that the blue star is half population, then in terms of resources, at least there is no need to worry.

"That's it, like the other planets I have saved, the only person they need to hate is me. Then, time will dilute this hatred, and they will live well in the new world."

A proud smile appeared on Thanos's face, his eyes seemed to see the beautiful world created by him.

"But what about those people you erased? Why did they put their fate in your hands? On Blue Star, I heard a saying that existence is reasonable

You should also have a good understanding of the meaning of this sentence. There are so many creatures in this universe, it is reasonable, and they should not be destroyed by you. "

Speaking of this, Romani took a deep breath, and then a gemstone emitting blue light appeared on his right hand: "Okay, there is no need for us to talk like this, you won't approve of me, and neither will I." Will recognize you. If you want to complete your plan, you must get this Space gem in my hand, and I will definitely not give it to you, have to step over me to get it This gem...."

As soon as the words fell, extraordinary fluctuations of magic power erupted from his body in an instant. At the same time, the nine rings in his hands all emitted a faint light. Purple Sweet Potato Essence, in a sense, is more difficult to deal with than Tiamat and Sesseiin Kiara.

"I didn't intend to convince you, but at the last moment, I will save your life so that you can take a good look at the future world, and then you will know that I am right."

Thanos is also clenching his hands at this moment, and he will not let go of his fists this time. He is well aware of his own strength, so he is more aware of the strength of the one he is about to face, King Solomon.

This kind of power, if he doesn't use the power of gems, there is no way to win!

"It seems that you are ready, and I happened to leave you a big gift."

At this moment, Romani suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, his magic power changed at this moment, the ground under his feet trembled crazily, and the entire Titan star trembled at this moment.

Then, the ground cracked, showing terrifying gullies, thousands of thunder surged in the sky, and every thunder contained the power of destruction. The magic that Trange cast just now was even stronger. Immediately afterwards, fire 4.2 flames burned around Romani's body, and the appearance of this flame made the temperature of Titan star continuously increase.

If it weren't for Romani's use of magic to limit the flames, it is estimated that before he and Thanos start a battle, Tony and the others can go to see Lady Death first.

Because the temperature of the flames that appeared beside him had already surpassed the temperature of the sun's surface, and began to approach the depths of the sun, the terrifying temperature that was enough to burn everything and turn it into ashes.

Immediately, a dark red halo appeared behind Romani. He was standing on the land of Titan Star at this moment, like a Mephista who destroyed the world.

Pushing the power of the Fifth Ring, the Sixth Ring and the Eighth Ring to the extreme, the power you get is this moment...  

Destroyer of all!.

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