Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 41: Black Braised Eggs Entering Hydra (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

King Solomon was a character 3,000 years ago, and his existence is more like a myth, a king created by a myth, or he was originally an existence close to God. Nick Fury will be sure that Romani is King Solomon, then he must have got the exact news, otherwise, with his temper, he will take this suspicion to the bottom of his heart instead of calling and talking to Romani directly.

But there are very few people in this world who know that they are King Solomon, there are only a few in total, and among these people, except for those who will not reveal their identity, only Mephisto. It's just that Nick Fury is just an ordinary person. Even if he controls the SHIELD, he is just an ant in Mephisto's eyes. Unless he chooses to make a deal with the devil, it is impossible to get news about himself from Mephisto.

Sherlock Holmes has a saying: Exclude everything, and what remains, no matter how incredible it is, is a fact!

Therefore, after Romani ruled out all the impossibilities, there is one guy who has a very small possibility, but is also the most likely to know his identity and will expose his identity——


Although she is still sleeping, she has already bred many monsters, so will she give birth to creatures with high-level intelligence like Jin Gu? If she has already bred such an existence, then it is not incomprehensible to know her identity and reveal her identity. After all, even Mephisto can recognize his identity at a glance, and Tiamat is likely to have a certain degree of consciousness even though he is sleeping.

"Whatever you want to call me, Romani is me, Solomon is me too, you can call me doctor, you can also call me Your Majesty. However, since you are calling me this time, then your purpose is definitely not just to confirm my identity .” After thinking for a long time, Romani said slowly.

"I want to know your position. To be honest, in my opinion, you are a greater threat than anyone else. Andumari around you, and Thor who came to New Mexico not long ago, are telling me that some legends are true. Believe it. King Solomon, the legendary king 3,000 years ago, but to me, it is more like a god, because you are not a single King Solomon, you also have the seventy-two pillars of Mephista." Nick Fury's tone Very serious, in his opinion, Romani can even be compared with Asgard, which he doesn't know much about.

"The threats in your mouth, if I understand correctly, should be Tony, Thor, Hulk, etc.?" Romani smiled and shook his head. The thing he hates most about Nick Fury is that this person has no real trust. No matter who he is, he is suspicious of anyone. After all, he is an agent leader, and he has lost his trust in others.

"That's right, but I can confirm Tony's position, and Asgard Thor also announced an alliance with us. Even if this alliance is more like empty talk, it is his expressed position. So, now I want to know your position, King Solomon’s position.” Nick Fury did not deny it, because Romani is a wise man, and Solomon is a symbol of wisdom in the legend.

Romani said, "My stance? I'm on the human side, and that's the stance I can give. If you want me to work for S.H.I.E.L.D, then there's no need to ask. Or, you can try to overwhelm me by force, For example, let Carol Danvers come back and try, although I have not retrieved all the rings, but I will never be afraid of any provocation!"

He is indeed on the human side, just like Chaldea's philosophy of protecting human justice.

"Enough is enough, I hope we won't become enemies..." Romani's answer is also the answer Nick Fury wants, he knows that such extraordinary people cannot play for S.H.I.E.L.D or for a certain country, and he only hopes that they can stand On the human side, that's why he has the Avengers plan to bring together those who are otherwise uncontrollable.

"Whether you become an enemy or not depends on you, not me. As long as you are also on the human side, then I don't think we will become enemies. By the way, I remind you, don't delve into Tesseract too deeply, that thing is beyond the understanding of ordinary people scope." After thinking for a while, Romani still said this sentence, although he knew that he would not take his reminder to Nick Fury to heart, the second phase of the plan was crucial to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I see." After replying, Nick Fury just hung up the phone, but his heart was not so peaceful.

Since getting Tesseract, he has been closely protecting Tesseract. Except for Dr. Savig who was just found, and the secretly formed scientific research team, no one else can enter the laboratory for researching Tesseract. Even if it is a high-level agent, except for those who are responsible for guarding the experimental base, others are not aware of this matter.

He set the cosmic magic to the tenth level of authority, and there are not a few tenth level authority in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, he feels that he has done nothing wrong. Mining Tesseract energy and using it to manufacture weapons of mass destruction is entirely to deal with various crises that may arise in the future. Especially after Thor appeared on the blue star, he knew that there are lives outside the blue star that are far more powerful than humans, and those lives can call themselves gods. If mortals want to fight against gods, they must have weapons that can kill gods.

And Tesseract is a treasure that can develop a god-killing weapon!

But he didn't expect that Romani would mention Tesseract, which is worth thinking about. He doesn't believe that Romani can really see everything, even King Solomon, he doesn't believe in such absurd things.

Therefore, at this moment, he suspects that there are spies placed by other forces in S.H.I.E.L.D, and the status of this spies is not low!

If Romani knew his thoughts, he would definitely give him a thumbs up and tell him, yes, there are indeed spies in your S.H.I.E.L.D, and there are more spies than real agents. Even your old friend Pierce is a spy, and the biggest one, you, SHIELD Director, are like a daredevil who broke into HYDRA.

However, because Romani mentioned Tesseract, Nick Fury suspected the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D, so he decided to conduct a large-scale inspection, which also restrained HYDRA inside S.H.I.E.L.D a lot, and indeed found out a lot of spies. Although the people he picked out were all discarded sons that Pierce deliberately exposed...

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