Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 599: The Mystery Of Roman’S Disappearance

"Report to Master Mandela! Someone saw just now that two adults dressed up as sneaky escaped with two children in their arms! One of the children has orange hair!"

Suddenly a guard stepped forward to report.

"Huh?" Mandela frowned, thinking it was an incident of child abduction, but when he heard the last sentence, his expression suddenly became painful.

Orange hair... Could it be Lord Roman? If it is, it will interfere with his game, and I'm afraid there will be no good end.

But if not, wouldn't it be stupid to let the traffickers go!

"Hiss...look, look for it!"

Mandela bit his heart, let alone only half the probability, even if it is possible, he must not let the traffickers go!

There is nothing special today, the weather is fine and the evening remains the same.

Hmm...? This sentence has a strong sense of déjà vu, when did you say it?

On the top floor of the Gothic-style steeple bell tower, there is just a circle under the round eaves of the red roof, and there is a viewing platform where you can lean on the railing and look out.

"Thank you for your hard work, and Pest, I want you to play around with me for a while."

For some reason, Roman, who turned into an eight-year-old boy, was comfortably pillowed on La Ting's thigh at the moment.

The two demons who should have ended the game with the gift and lost everything, the "rat catcher" Latine who manipulated mice and people's hearts, and the "Weser River" Weser who broke floods and disasters appeared beside Roman.

"Whatever you say, no matter what kind of game, no matter whether it is legitimate or absurd, as long as it is Lord Roman's will, we can only do our best to complete it."

Weser had already changed to his military uniform, and he wore casual clothes under his robe. With an incomparably serious expression, Mai Luochang stroked his chest to show his loyalty.

As expected of a demon, it's dangerous to speak delicately.

The older child in the black burqa lifted the hat on his head, revealing a head of rose-colored red hair and two small pointed horns tied with ribbons.

Pest, the demon king who died in the game, puffed up his cute little face, and dragged Roman from La Ting's thigh jealously, and placed him on his knee.


She naturally yelled out a title representing the loss of personal freedom, as if she was monopolizing candy, Balating squeezed away.

La Ting had no choice but to move out of the position with a wry smile. Although the game failed, Pest was still her object of allegiance, but the order of allegiance was ranked second.

The first, definitely is Roman.

Faced with Pest's extremely contrasting performance, La Ting joked: "Ahh~ Master is no different from an ordinary little girl now, should we celebrate`"?"

La Ting still used the previous address for Pest.

"La Ting! Shut up!" Pest even acted a little coquettish, turned her face slightly to cover up the ruddy ears and held Luo Shi's hand at ten o'clock and did not intend to let go.

"Okay, how do you say that sentence, well, now you are all my wings..."

Roman made a joke that made both women look away.

He also chuckled himself, but the onion-colored eyes in the original Roman form were somewhat hollow as if they had lost their pupils.

Weser didn't take it seriously, losing the game meant losing everything, and now becoming Roman's exclusive property without dying is already Roman's greatest gift.

Even if it is reduced to an appendage, there is absolutely no shame in following a three-digit god.

Due to Roman's intrusion, the script planned by Pest and Weser is completely useless.

The real piper in the game, Weser who represents the Weser River and the real Death God, was completely defeated by Izayoi before Pest gave him the godhead.

Even if Pest misled Roman to claim that he was the Death God of the black dead spot, it didn't work.

And in the end, Pest deliberately manifested a projection of a fantasy book of magic spells on his chest. In fact, the real magic book was divided into hundreds and hidden in stained glass, and he also failed to deceive Roman.

After all, a supermodel can't beat a cheater, and a cheater can't beat a guy who peeked at the script in advance.

So after Roman won the game, he took all three of them as his own private property.

"The master's personality seems to be different now from the original."

Pest caressed the young Roman's cheek, and stared at him boldly and fieryly. Even though her voice was still cold, the original coldness in Rose's eyes had disappeared.

Roman closed his somewhat hollow pupils, enjoying the quiet time.

"Well, according to different power forms, I will also have different performances."

"Master Roman, what shall we do next? Should we continue to hide? The range of activities is limited to the five four five four five outer gates, and Salamanda's eyeliner is everywhere."

La Ting glanced down on the railing, and sure enough, he saw the guards of Salamanda constantly searching the block.

"Well..." Roman pondered for a while, opened his dull eyes, and reflected into the dusk sky.

He had some hesitation, but he still said: "...Don't hide it deliberately, if she can really find me according to the rule, then it doesn't matter if I lose this game."


A delicate cold snort came from the girl above her head.

Reluctantly, he stretched out his hand and pinched Pest's face, feeling the tender collagen, Roman was still complaining in his heart, why did Pest become a jealous king...

Don't call her Spotted Lolili from now on, just call her Little Vinegar.

"Ah~ Your gentleness has impressed me." La Ting pretended to bow and salute to Roman, her nature was so flamboyant.

"々However, do you expect the one to find you first...or, Master Shiroyasha to find you first?"

She kept the Joker bowing posture and raised her face, her eyes narrowed, and she deliberately asked Roman a difficult problem.

There is no question of death!

Turning lazily on Pest's lap pillow, Roman glanced at La Ting speechlessly, not intending to make any answer.

Maybe because he is a fun person himself, and he is not above the gods at all, the subordinates are willing to make intimate jokes with him.

I don't know what to think about with empty eyes, Roman said to himself: "They can't find it here yet."

Weser put his palm to his ear, and after a while, he respectfully replied: "From the information sent back by Miss Paimon, at least Lord White Yasha has not planned to make a move yet."


Roman supported Pest's knees and stood up, stretching his waist in the sunless evening sky. Under the setting sun-like candlelight in the North District, his eyes became more and more hollow.

Then he turned around and walked into the attic, leaving behind a nonsensical sentence:

"Let's play it again, a fun game to pass the time. Both of you."

It was as if a cloud of steam rose suddenly from Pest's little head, and her lovely cheeks were flushed red.

She watched Roman walk into the door, and the attic without the light turned on was completely dark, completely engulfing Roman. And I stood there stupidly, kneading the hem of the skirt with my palms, feeling the hot cheeks, and hesitated.

"...The loser, can you not draw a turtle on your face?"

On the top floor of the minaret, the dark pavilion caused her to feel a little bit of fear, and she only spoke half of her coy words.

A pair of hands passed under the shy girl's ribs, and hugged her up.

"La Ting~!"

Regardless of the owner's coquettish mood, La Ting walked into the door with Pest, who was half pushed and half pushed, like a rag doll, and said amusedly:

"Oh, the loser will have graffiti painted on his face by the winner. The little animals on his face couldn't fit last time, so the master didn't plan to win it back?"

The voices of teasing and arguing disappeared into the darkness.

Weiser looked as usual, as if he hadn't seen anything, standing guard outside the door with a straight military posture.

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