Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 66 Special Agency Chaldea

But the document Talin took out was signed by the government of country M. According to the above regulations, Chaldea is a legal special institution and enjoys the same rights as S.H.I.E.L.D in country M.

In addition, Chaldea only needs to ask the government of country M to report the information of every action, and does not need to be responsible to any other agency or organization.

There are also some more special regulations. According to the above statement, if it is only within the territory of country M, Chaldea actually has more advantages and rights than S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seeing such a document, Nick Fury was stunned. He did not expect that Chaldea would be protected by the government of country M. You know, it took decades for S.H.I.E.L.D to develop to the present day, and it took a lot of effort. I don't know how much.

But Chaldea, an organization that suddenly appeared during the Great War, directly obtained the rights that S.H.I.E.L.D had spent decades of hard work on this piece of land, which made Nick Fry hard to believe for a while.

However, after repeated inspections by the Hill agent, that document was indeed genuine, that is to say, they really did not have the qualifications to supervise Chaldea.

To be honest, Ta Lin only got this document the day before. Speaking of which, it was thanks to the cooperation between him and Ami that he was able to get the approval of the country M government so easily.

But he can see through people's hearts, and what the top leaders of this country want can't escape his eyes. And those who really stand at the top already have enough rights and money.

Therefore, most of these people yearn for some special things. They have spent decades chasing power and money, and after getting power and money, what they desire most is life. This is exactly what Ami can give their stuff.

Let a person with power and wealth live ten years longer, what price will he pay?

It was nothing more than signing a document, which was not worth mentioning to them, not to mention that Chaldea had protected the people and the city in the previous war, even if Chaldea was a terrorist organization, they would only hesitate for a few seconds at most.

As long as their interests are not touched, they are even willing to give Chaldea more rights in exchange for a long life!

It can be said that a large part of the high-level people in country M have become the umbrella of Chaldea. As long as they want more lifespan, they have to stand firmly behind Chaldea.

Because of the appearance of this document, the negotiations came to a halt. Nick Fury never imagined that after finally forming Avengers, he met a competitor.

After Iskandar and the others left, Nick Fury called Natasha Romanoff directly to his office: "There is a very urgent task that needs to be performed by you. Regarding the sudden appearance of Chaldea, I need to know their specific situation .”

Natasha Romanoff looked at the information about Chaldea, and frowned slightly: "I will sneak into Chaldea to find information, but there is a more professional person in this area. I think you can ask him if he has something to do with Chaldea learn."

"You mean Romani?" Nick Fury said.

"That's right, since the other party claims to be Alexander the Great, maybe Romani will have some understanding." Natasha Romanoff nodded and said directly.

Nick Fury also thought of this point. Romani’s identity can basically be confirmed to be King Solomon three thousand years ago, and the red-haired Chaldean claimed to be Alexander the Great. Although the two are not from the same era, they are Appeared together in modern times, and there may be some connections.

"I will ask Romani personally, but the task still needs to be carried out. I always feel that Chaldea is not as simple as it seems on the surface." Nick Fury originally had serious suspicions. In his opinion, Chaldea A group of extraordinary people gathered in the dark, and the picture is definitely not small.

Protecting the world? This kind of deception can't deceive a child!

Romani sat in his clinic with a serious face, and while Iskandar was negotiating with Nick Fury, he opened a door to near Siberia.

After going there, he also confirmed that a special space has formed near Siberia, and everything inside has changed, but he didn't choose to go deep into it.

Ivan the Thunder Emperor is very powerful, Romani has no intention of provoking him yet, what he needs to do now is to quickly unlock the seal of his third treasure!

After retrieving the three rings, his power is enough to unlock part of the power of the third treasure, but it just takes a little time.

...asking for flowers......

At this moment, the braised egg in a black windbreaker walked into his clinic, and sat on the opposite sofa without treating himself as an outsider: "Doctor Romani, you seem to be a little troubled?"

"There are some troubles, but I don't believe that you S.H.I.E.L.D are very free recently. After the war, there should be a lot of things to deal with?"

When Romani saw Nick Fury coming, he stretched out his hand, and two wine glasses and a bottle of wine flew over, "Remember to bring wine when you come to my place in the future, don't drink mine every time... just tell me, What's the matter with coming to me this time?"

"No problem, I will definitely bring some good wine from my collection in the future." Nick Fury took a sip from his wine glass, and then got down to business, "There were some special people during the war before, you should still remember them, right? "


"Chaldea?" Romani understood Nick Fury's intention after a little thought, "Have you had contact with them?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D is impossible to let go of the sudden appearance of the organization of extraordinary people." Nick Fury said righteously, "But after contacting them, I found that they are far more special than I imagined, just as special as you."

"Same as me?" Romani pretended to be puzzled, "Is it Adam or Eve? Do you want to tell me that they are the ancestors of human beings?"

"Adam and Eve really existed?" Nick Fury was taken aback.

Romani shrugged: "How do I know? It's you who said that I'm as special as I am... Please, I'm King Solomon. For most people, my history is closer to mythology. Since you said and As special as I am, I can only think of some more fabulous people."

The corner of Nick Fury's mouth twitched slightly, and then he took out a photo and put it in front of Romani: "This person, who claims to be Iskandar, the king of Macedonia, is the Alexander the Great in the history textbook. In terms of specificity, I I think he is no worse than you, after all, you are all people who should not appear in this era.

Romani saw the face of the great emperor with a bold smile, and after pretending to think about it, he said, "If that's the case, then I probably know what Chaldea is."

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