Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 576: It was not a private date

Although the two old people An Chuxia hadn't met, they knew they must be the elders of the Xiao family. The old man leaned on a cane and looked at Xiao Mingluo with a cold eyebrow, and said, "Sure enough, my wings have grown harder. You talk to your mother like this, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?!"

"This is Mingluo's grandfather and grandma, don't talk nonsense, the old man has a bad temper." Han Qilu saw the two old people come in, the first reaction was to whisper to An Chuxia.

An Chuxia nodded, she was not mindless, knowing that she could not talk too much at this time.

It can be seen that Xiao Mingluo was still very jealous of this grandfather, and the steps he had hurried to walk also stopped, lowered his head and cried out, "Grandpa."

"Grandpa? You don't even know what grandpa is in your mind?" Xiao Mingluo's grandpa tapped the ground with a cane while talking. An Chuxia was really worried that the floor tiles would be broken by him.

"What did the old man say? How can my grandson deny my grandfather?" The grandmother on the side scolded, it seemed that it should be Xiao Mingluo's grandmother.

An Chuxia just felt that this old lady was kind-hearted, and she didn't think that the next sentence of this old grandma was: "Quickly apologize to your mother and your grandfather, and promise not to associate with that girl again."

"Sorry, I can't do this." Xiao Mingluo finished speaking bluntly, bending over at the two old men, and dragging the cute boy to walk out the door quickly.

"Smelly die back for me!" The old man looked at the ground fiercely with his cane again and made a "snapped" sound.

Of course Xiao Mingluo won't come back. Han Qilu also nodded to the old man and took An Chuxia out.

The air outside was not so depressed, An Chuxia took a deep breath, and Xiao Mingluo's car had already driven away when the two people walked to the parking place.

"Where will they go?" An Chuxia asked unconsciously after getting in the car.

"I guess it should be Atlantis." Han Qilu sinked for a moment, started the engine and said to An Chuxia at the same time: "Send a text message for Hanyu to go to Atlantis, and several people will discuss the next step. do."

"En!" An Chuxia hurriedly followed suit.

During this period of time, Atlantis had almost no guests. As soon as the two of them walked in, they saw Xiao Mingluo drinking wine, while Meng Xiaonan stood silent.

Just as they were about to walk over, they suddenly heard Meng Xiaonan say: "Otherwise, let's separate. It seems that I won't get your family's admission."

"No!" "No!" "No!" The three voices sounded simultaneously.

Meng Xiaonan heard the sound and looked at An Chuxia unexpectedly.

"He has already confronted the elders in the family for you, how can you say such things at this time. Meng Xiaonan, let me tell you, the more this kind of thing, the more you can't be counseled!" An Chuxia quickly walked up. , Raised Sheng Bei said.

"Jiangnan." Xiao Mingluo stood up and said: "I can do nothing for you, so please don't give up our future at this time!"

Meng Xiaonan's eyes flickered, and the light in Atlantis was dim, but her eyes became brighter.

"En!" Meng Xiaonan nodded fiercely.

At this moment, Ling Hanyu just walked in from the door with a mess of hair and a motorcycle helmet in his hand. The helmet was dark brown with a handsome streamer pattern printed on it.

"I thought you were going to date me privately. I didn't expect it to be so lively!" Ling Hanyu, who was unknown, was still joking at this time.

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