Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1107: :erysipelas

It can be seen that the South Korean Li Yinzheng and Zhang Rihuan are of the same type. However, Li Yinzheng is able to enter the finals, which shows that his Chinese medicine skills are higher than Zhang Rihuan.

When he saw Ye Chen's gaze, Li Yin gave Ye Chen a provocative look.

Ye Chen didn't know the identity of the other party very well. If Yang Yi hadn't just said it, he might not know the identity of that stick.

However, Li Yinzheng learned about Ye Chen's situation on the day of the preliminary round.

At nine o'clock in the morning, when the organizers announced the start of the finals, Ye Chen found his seat number plate and sat down. In addition to the two women Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue, and the female translator Wu Yu, there were also Students from the Medical College of Hanoi University gathered around.

Here in Vietnam, whether it is economic, military, or other aspects, it imitates China, because it is so similar to China in all aspects.

Therefore, if China has achieved good results in a certain area, Vietnam will imitate it as soon as possible. Although its national power is small, it did not achieve the same results as China. However, because of China's experience and development online, naturally there is no fear of failure.

Like China, the government encourages students to learn Western medicine while studying Chinese medicine. Those who learn Western medicine should also understand Chinese medicine.

In the eyes of the Chinese government, if doctors know both Chinese and Western medicine, they can naturally bring out the advantages of Chinese and Western medicine.

However, Ye Chen had long believed that a person's energy is limited after all. Even though he started to study Chinese medicine with his grandfather since he was a child, it has been more than ten years that he has only achieved a good year.

However, if other ordinary college students started to study Chinese medicine or Western medicine after entering the university, in a few years, they would also study Chinese and Western medicine concurrently. He felt that most of the college students who studied medicine would only be considered mediocre. That's it, there is no talent at all.

Like the university medical school here in Vietnam, they are also studying Chinese. They both learn Western medicine and Eastern medicine. If they are doctors in rural Vietnam, they may also learn some of their local witchcraft to cure diseases.

Ye Chen's expression was still the same when he saw these Vietnamese college students coming around to look around.

Soon, Ye Chen looked at the three patients who came to see the doctor, and among them, he found that it was an old Vietnamese woman in her 50s. However, compared with those old women in Shanghai, this old woman seems to be older.

"Old lady, sit down." Ye Chen said while looking at each other.

He saw that the other party was covering the back of his right hand. There should be a problem with the back of his hand. Wu Yu, who was an interpreter, asked the Vietnamese old woman to sit down in the chair opposite Ye Chen.

The old woman nodded first, looking a little nervous.

Ye Chen asked her to remove the pointed bamboo hat first, put it aside first, and then asked her to put her hands on the table.

When Ye Chen took off the pointed bamboo hat, he took a closer look at the look in his eyes.

Now Ye Chen could see clearly that there was a red and swollen area on the back of this old Vietnamese woman's hand. Among them, there is a red and swollen area centered on the fourth knuckle of the back of the right hand.

Ye Chen asked: "Old lady, what is your name, how old is this year, what is the cause of the redness and swelling on the back of your hand?"

Wu Yu translated it. When the old Vietnamese woman was speaking in Vietnamese, the other Vietnamese college students naturally heard it very clearly, but as for how Ye Chen would treat it?

They still don't know.

When Wu Yu translated it, he already understood it. This old woman was also stabbed by a fishbone on the back of her right hand while killing a fish to cook.

There was blood at that time, but I didn't pay attention. Yesterday afternoon, the back of my right hand was red, swollen and painful.

In fact, Ye Chen already knew the situation of this old Vietnamese woman and didn't even need to look at her tongue and pulse conditions.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaowei, Liao Bingxue, and even Wu Yu found out how similar this patient and Ye Chen met the man Fan Wenyong when they participated in the race.

But can this situation be cured with fresh pig bile?

Ye Chen asked about other things about this old Vietnamese woman, so there was no need to ask more about it.

He picked up the white paper in front of him, and then took the pen and wrote: "Pan, female, 52 years old. The date of the first visit was November 18, 2009."

"First visit: The back of the right hand was stabbed by a fish while cooking the day before yesterday. A small amount of blood came out. I didn't care. Yesterday, the back of the right hand was found to be red, swollen, hot and painful. Inspection: The back of the right hand was found to be the size of an egg around the fourth knuckle. The red bumps, the skin is warm, and the pain is obvious."

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnosis of hand erysipelas. This is caused by the attack of poisonous evil, the evil depression inside, the stagnation of qi and blood, the stagnation of heat, the stagnation of heat and poison, and the escape of the skin. Treatment: clearing away heat Detoxification, invigorating blood and swelling."

"Prescription: 30 grams of honeysuckle, 15 grams of dandelion, 20 grams of didin, 15 grams of Tiankui, 10 grams of angelica, 10 grams of red peony, 3 grams of safflower, 9 grams of peach kernels, 9 grams of Chuanxiong. Decoction, 1 day Agent."

"External treatment: Apply redness and swelling tincture to the swelling area."

In fact, for Ye Chen, this old woman's condition was really a minor disease that was easy to treat. However, if you don't pay attention, it is easy to confuse this disease with boils, because the disease of this old Vietnamese woman is erysipelas.

In traditional Chinese medicine, erysipelas is caused by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, external fire and blood heat convulsions, blocking the skin, and no leakage. It is caused by the sudden redness of the skin in the affected area, the color is like a pill, the burning swelling, and it spreads quickly The main manifestation of skin diseases.

This disease is equivalent to the Western medicine erysipelas, lymphangitis, and according to the different location of the disease, it is divided into internal erysipelas, head-holding fire pill and flow fire.

Now Ye Chen finished reading to the old Vietnamese woman, and told him to take the prescription to buy the medicine back at the North Street Pharmacy in Fujian, and just follow the prescription or apply it.

When it was the second patient's turn to sit down, Ye Chen found that the other person was also frowning, looking very painful.

However, the other party's illness was in the left calf. When Ye Chen asked the Vietnamese middle-aged man to stand up and roll up his pants, Ye Chen and everyone looked over and found three little finger-sized red bumps there.

"Hello, what is your name and how old is this year?" Ye Chen asked.

Soon, Ye Chen learned from Wu Yu's translation that the man's surname was Tao, forty years old this year, and then Ye Chen asked the other party to introduce the appearance of his left calf.

It turned out that he had a cold half a month ago. When the cold was not cured, his left calf had redness, swelling and pain, and his body had been accompanied by chills and fever. When he was checked in the hospital, he had a fever of 39 degrees Celsius.

In a hospital in Hanoi, after treatment with antibiotics, it improved for a while. However, it is getting worse now, and one third of the left calf is red and swollen.


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