Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 36: Return of Ace

  The two of them were sitting in the car, Gu Anbao was still looking back in anxiety, and the man who was beaten on the ground was struggling to get up.

   Fortunately... Being able to stand up means that...the injury is not serious...

   "Let's go quickly." She said in a panic, "Will they catch up..."

   "Why are you catching up?" Chen Yuheng lowered his head and used the phone to send out the photos he had just taken, and replied indifferently to her, "All the things you should have smashed... Is it useful to catch up..."

  Gu Anbao was still looking at the back of the car seat, thinking what would we do if he caught up and hit...

  After Chen Yuheng posted the photo, it was interesting to see Gu Anbao's nervous look. He reached out and rubbed her little leopard's ear. "They're afraid they won't beat me."

  Gu Anbao's body suddenly raised, "Ah! They are driving!" Wouldn't it be the car that wanted to hit Chen Yuheng? !

  Chen Yuheng didn't even look at it, he called himself--

  Gu Anbao watched as the car rushed over! Then...passing in front of my eyes, and drove away.

   is as fast as seeing a ghost.

Here, Chen Yuheng has made a call: "Have you received the photo?... Check this detective office, I want to know their online order in the last week, and the focus is on the buyer's identity information. Yes... Since I left the house Keep following... Nothing matters on my side... Well, give me a message as soon as possible."

  Ended the call, saw Gu Anbao staring at himself stupidly, and leaned over to fasten her seatbelt again, and patiently coaxed: "It's alright, Ruan Ruan is not afraid."

   touched her head smoothly.

  Gu Anbao dropped his head in embarrassment.

   What... she was not afraid, she just heard about private detectives, and she didn’t respond for a while...

  Because there was a slight delay on the road, the time to get to the company was later.

  I don't know if it is Gu Anbao's illusion, I always feel that RK's security personnel have increased today.

   took the special elevator and arrived at the floor of the president's office. There were two rows of black uniformed security guards standing outside the security door!

   So handsome! ...Doesn't look like a security guard, like a special force... there are actually foreigners' faces inside.

  Cheryl came out to meet them early and smiled: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Ace is back!"

  Chen Yuheng raised an eyebrow, "He should have returned."

  Gu Anbao was impressed with the name. She knew that the designer and producer of the body she used now was the legendary Mr. Ace.

  ......The champion of the last robot contest.

   Speaking of that, she still respects this Mr. Ace. A girl like her who usually only touches comics and little goldfish can't imagine that there is a person in this world who can make a robot like a real person, walk and talk, which is really amazing.

  Thinking that Ace is Chen Yuheng's friend, it is inexplicable to have some honor with...

   As soon as he walked into the security door, he heard an exaggerated laugh from the president's office!


  Gu Anbao: "..."

  You guys in the secretarial department seem to be surprised by this and still keep a reasonable smile.

Gu Anbao saw a blonde young woman here. She saw Chen Yuheng coming in and stood up from the office seat without any hassle. She was extremely tall, like a model in a magazine, with a smile: " President Chen hasn’t seen for a long time."

  Chen Yuheng raised a smile on his face, "Lily, I haven't seen you for a long time."

  Gu Anbao took a surprise look behind Chen Yuheng.

   is a foreigner... so beautiful eyes...

The other party was also surprised to aim at her... Because Gu Anbao's height was slightly shorter, Lily even bent down slightly, looked at her with novelty and said: "She is Mr. Ace's new work? Better than the design draft. more beautiful."

  Chinese is really standard...

  Gu Anbao was thinking, Lily smiled and introduced herself to her: "Hello, I am Mr. Liz's secretary Lily, you can call me Lily."

  Gu Anbao was a little nervous, "Hello, Lily... I, I... My name is Ruan Ruan..."

   A trace of confusion flashed in Lily's blue eyes. She stood up and looked at Chen Yuheng: "The pronunciation doesn't seem to be smooth."

  Chen Yuheng touched Gu Anbao's head, as if he was used to it, and explained: "She is just as nervous as before, and she will blush when she is serious."

   Lily smiled with her lips covered, "So cute..."

   People outside were chatting. Suddenly another burst of laughter came from the office. With the muffled sound of thumping the desktop, it seemed that the laughter was almost impossible...Laughing until finally coughing.

  Lily smirked, slightly sideways to give way to the aisle, Chen Yuheng walked past Gu Anbao expressionlessly and opened the office door——

   The other party seemed to be taken aback, and Gu Anbao heard the sound of Dong! It seems... someone fell from the chair to the ground.

   After a moment, a young man with white hair on his head crawled up the table slowly, raised his hand and shook them, "Hi... Yuheng..."

  Chen Yuheng glanced at the messy table and frowned, "You don't have an office yourself?"

   "I'm not here to find you." Ace laughed twice, straightened the chair behind him, and took two pretending shots, "Come on, big boss, please sit down."

Chen Yuheng didn't eat his suit, and he was too lazy to care about him. He walked over and sat down a few steps, said lightly: "It's okay to come back, just when you set a time, we need to talk to the designer at Feng Hong about the new project. R&D plan."

   Elsie exaggerated: "Can you talk about business as soon as you see me!"

  Chen Yuheng has already come up with his own schedule to start picking a Carefully asked: "Otherwise what do you want to talk about?"

  Easy smiled narrowly on his face, "Talk to women! When did you have a woman? It's not interesting! Why don't you tell me! Come and talk, which one is the daughter of Qianjin?"

Chen Yuheng glanced at him inexplicably, "What woman?" At the same time dialed the company's internal line-"Cheryl, look at my arrangements on the 13th, 17th and 21st days. If there is no problem, help me make an appointment with Fenghong General Manager Qinhe."

  Ace handed the phone to his eyes, "It's this Weibo!" He was not afraid of sliding the screen, and his mouth was surprised, "After such a little time, there are more underwear sellers advertising below!"

  Chen Yuheng's face sank...

  Ace immediately hid away, "Not the news from the photos I took...why are you staring at me..."

   "I bought it for Ruan Ruan." Chen Yuheng turned his chair and faced him, intending to tell him about it.

   "Nguyen Nguyen? The name is pretty good, haha, when will you bring it out for buddies to meet me! I promise not to pry your corner..."

   Before he finished speaking, he saw Chen Yuheng pointing at the robot standing in the office.

   Ace: "..."

   He stayed for a while, and suddenly like a little boy who was fooling, shouted: "I don't believe it!"

  What a joke! Such a fun could it be bought for a robot? ! Never accept it!

  Chen Yuheng said with a straight face: "In the final analysis, it is all thanks to you."

  If it’s not because the cup is so big...

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