Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 56: 1 beat

Xu Zhicheng, a well-known director. (/\\/\\小/\\说/\\网www.nns.)

A middle-aged man with a gloomy expression, a thin face, and a stubble on his jaw...

"It seems that the secretary didn't lie to us. President Chen is indeed not in the company." Xu Zhicheng's eyes moved from Gu Anbao to Chen Yuheng. He came over and said with a smile, "Mr. Chen is really busy, and he has been for two weeks. I couldn't make an appointment for half an hour."

Chen Yuheng glanced at them and said lightly: "It's very busy."

Xu Zhicheng: "Since I met him, I wonder if Chen can always enjoy a face and have a quick meal together?"

Gu Anbao always felt that Xu Zhicheng's eyes looked at her from time to time. She was a little afraid of this person and subconsciously hid behind Chen Yuheng.

Chen Yuheng almost ignored Xu Zhicheng, walked around the elevator and walked back to the elevator. He said coldly in his mouth: "Sorry, I have no time."

Gu Anbao followed suit and was prepared to circumvent these people.

Xu Zhicheng stunned the people around him, and the tall man on his left suddenly reached out to grab Gu Anbao! Laughing loudly: "Yoah!......Mr. Chen, does your robot look good? Borrow to play?"

This person has a loud voice and a loud voice. Many people have seen it in the lobby on the first floor. There are both white-collar workers at work and customers who come to rk for cooperation.

Chen Yuheng turned around, his face slightly dull, "Release her."

They turned a deaf ear, and Xu Zhicheng approached Gu Anbao with a smile and said, "How come I feel familiar when I look at it..."

Xu Zhicheng twisted a neckline on Gu Anbao's shirt with his fingers, making a sudden enlightenment, "Oh! I said why I didn't recognize it, it turned out that I changed a set of clothes!"

Gu Anbao earned two disgusting and fearful results, but failed to break away. Novel ānnǎs.

Chen Yuheng walked here with a sullen face and wanted to pull Gu Anbao back. Another shorter man flashed in and blocked Chen Yuheng's way. He said provocatively, "Mr. Chen, what is the hurry? Would you like to eat with us?" Meal? Talk about divestment..."

Several security guards in the lobby vaguely felt something was wrong here, and slowly approached here.

Xu Zhicheng didn't seem to see it. Instead, he was closer to Gu Anbao and pressed his voice and said, "The last time the clothes were not cleaned, how can I put on new ones?"

After all, the hand holding the collar suddenly yanked hard!

Seeing Xu Zhicheng tearing his clothes again, Gu Anbao was terrified! She conditioned retreat! There was a tall man behind him, and in panic he could only raise his hands to push Xu Zhicheng!

Xu Zhicheng was pushed to the ground!

Gu Anbao froze, she... clearly did not use so much effort...

The tall man behind him seemed to have expected this all the time. His big hands were holding Gu Anbao's arms like iron pliers. He shouted loudly, "Mr. Chen! It seems that your rk robot is not very obedient!"

In one sentence, everyone in the hall looked over.

Gu Anbao's struggling movement stagnate.

Xu Zhicheng, who fell on the ground, was not satisfied with her reaction. It seemed to want to stimulate her deliberately. She lifted her skirt and stretched her hand to look down. Her mouth did not forget to exaggerate: "How does rk's robot hit people!"

He is tearing her panties...

Fingers even touched that intimate place during random scratching...

This feels disgusting...

Gu Anbao was trembling, angry, wronged, unwilling...

But she couldn't move. Read the fastest chapter on the novel ānnǎs.

She is not stupid...

The thin fabric beneath her was crumbling, she bit her lip and closed her eyes—

Tell yourself again and again that you can't move!

This is no big deal! This body... can be melted by chemicals, sculpted by blades, and sawn by a chainsaw. Is there anything wrong? ! Just be bitten by a dog! ...

Gu Anbao's reaction was not what Xu Zhicheng expected.

Why is there no resistance?

Last time...

Without waiting for him to think about it, he felt a sudden pain in his face! The whole person was violently overturned to the ground!

The whole audience was in an uproar--

Chen Yuheng walked over in grief, and the short man lying on the floor behind him stopped him.

Xu Zhicheng was hit with a punch, but at this moment, he was still staring at Venus.

The thin, tall man imprisoning Gu Anbao was frightened by Chen Yuheng's momentum, and he unconsciously released Gu Anbao, and froze back two steps, seeing the flower in front of him, bang! The entire bridge of the nose is blooming!

Chen Yuheng was particularly disgusted, and came over in a few steps, grabbed the opponent's back collar, picked it up like a dead dog, dragged it all the way, and his nose was dripping.

Xu Zhicheng knelt on the ground and earned a few times. Finally, he stood firm and wobbled, and his eyes were black again. He was hit by the body of a tall and thin man and returned to the ground!

Chen Yuheng lifted his feet and kicked up!

Then kick one by one! The two people on the ground didn't even have room to fight...

The dull impact sound is mixed with the faint whine.

No one dared to step forward...

For a long time, several security guards feared that they might be killed, and they looked at each other, pulling up the three people with swollen noses and blue faces.

Chen Yuheng gently patted Xu Zhicheng's swollen cheeks and said coldly: "Take me? I want you to be in disrepute."

Just say, straighten up, glance around--

There is no alarm, but many people are taking pictures with their mobile phones...

Chen Yuheng sneered and said to the security guard indifferently: "Throw them out."

A few security guards showed their faces...

Is it really okay not to go to the hospital?

The big boss can’t help but listen, and call the ambulance after throwing it out...

Chen Yuheng no longer cares about them and turns to Gu Anbao.

Gu Anbao sat paralyzed on the ground, still a little dumbfounded. He looked in his eyes and felt a pain in his heart.

The little girl who was happy yesterday was so scared today...

Looking at her carefully from top to bottom, his clothes were intact and he felt a little relieved in his heart, but when he thought that Gu Anbao had just stood still, there was another nameless anger!

"Can you stand up?" he asked harshly.

Gu Anbao paled with a small face and didn't know what was going on, she raised her head for a long time, looking at Chen Yuheng's complexion and asked weakly, "Can you... hug me?"

Chen Yuheng was suddenly happy.

He squatted down and asked, "Why?"

Gu Anbao lowered his head and whispered something very embarrassingly.

Chen Yuheng didn't hear it, her ears were close to her, and then she heard Gu Anbao's soft and soft voice: "Pants... It's about to fall..."

So I can't stand up at all!

Once you stand up, will fall off...

In fact, the underwear has fallen between the legs, but fortunately the skirt is long enough, so I can't see it...

Of course, she can also quietly reach into the skirt and pull the **** out of her palms so that she doesn't have to worry about the **** falling to her ankles while walking.

But... there are still many people watching in the lobby...

Gu Anbao stared at Chen Yuheng, looking forward.

Hug me...

Chen Yuheng stared at her skirt for a while, stretched out his hands to wrap up the skirt, and then held her steady, striding into the elevator.

In the closed elevator room, he was furious because Ruan Ruan was torn by Xu Zhicheng's underwear, and he was delighted because Ruan Ruan trusted and trusted himself. At this time, his mood was complicated and difficult to describe...

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