Master Of None
Chapter 1093 - 1093. A Growing Worm
It would be an understatement to say that the bank was a large building. The space that had been set aside for additional building was taken up very much by the bank mark out. The idea that Genesis needed a separate bank had not just come from the fact that the Genesis building would be too crowded. It had also come with the fact that there would need to be a great number of transfer and recording runes there. The space wouldn't allow that in the Genesis building.The bank would be responsible for safeguarding gold and extremely valuable items. This meant that they would need extremely dedicated guards. It also meant that the staff would need to be highly educated. Luckily, Markus raven was already there training the two demons along with other staff. He had taken full control of the city's funds along with the flow of gold to the bank.
The shops were all being fitted with crystals and runes that could transmit information. This allowed people to pay with their adventurers' plaques or other identifications. That meant carrying gold would be less common which in turn would cut down on some crime. It also meant that the transfer of gold from accounts would be faster for those working at the bank. Overall it was a very efficient system that could help every single citizen in the city once it was properly in place. That reason was why so many of the building and crafting system users had been focused on the bank.
Finding the stairs that were made to go underground where the vaults would be was easy. Many of the dwarven golems were crying heavy pieces of metal downward and Walker pulled Alice along. Midnight was looking a little more dramatic though and jumped down using her wings to glide. Walker could tell her wings had become stronger yet again. She was test flapping in the air to slow her descent even more. It was only a matter of time before she would be able to take off properly. This was why she had not shifted to her dragonkin from again, it would affect her flight training.
"Sir hero, looking for the king? He's over that way with his little pet. Apparently, we hit a small silver vein and he had been feeding it." There was a little jealousy in the miners' voice that Walker could tell was from the fact that the king of the deep had a silver skinned worm that he was raising.
"You look pretty happy today. I heard you found a small silver vein." Walker glanced at the footlong silver skinned worm that the king of the deep caves had managed to hatch.
"Well, in only a month since this little gal hatched she has grown this big. I can't use all of the silver I left back at the kingdom so I have been struggling to feed her more. Now she will have another growth spurt. I can only wish I will be here to find more." The last of the silver ore was snapped up by the silver skinned worm.
The silver skinned worm was still small but the sharpness of the four teeth it had easily cut through stone. Its skin was grey and not very silver yet. Walker could tell it was efficiently absorbing earth elemental mana from the stones around it. "So, what brings you down here. Shouldn't you be around the city being a hero or something?"
"I actually came looking for you. I need your help with something. It would be even better if you brought along your silver skinned worm, actually, what did you name it?" Walker felt bad not using the worms' name since it was clear it could hear the vibrations from his voice.
"Airgid, it's a name that translates to silver. A traveler I met once used it and it seems to have stuck with me. I don't really know why but it felt right. Now, why should I come with you? Give me a good reason and I might say yes." There was a hard look in the king's eyes. He was needed here and convincing him to leave would be tough.
"I met a man named Ash. He is an egg hunter and it might benefit you to meet him since he has many eggs that could be useful to you and the other dwarves. I also need you to meet him so that he can take that as payment for another matter I am working on with Alice. I promise it will be worth your time." Walker watched the king carefully. He knew that it would be about the value that knowing an egg hunter could bring. The king of the deep caves was not out just to go help Walker at the drop of a hat. It needed to be an equal value, this was just the way dwarven culture grew since they were known for their trade.
"I can agree to that. But I will be expecting a lot from this meeting. I don't want to waste time." It was clear that the king of the deep caves had heard of egg hunters before. It must be one way that the dwarves had acquired some of their tamed monsters.
The mention of the egg hunter brought more clarity to Alice who was trying to figure everything out. However, she was making some false assumptions that Walker was looking to tame another monster with her assistance. "Then let's get going. I told him we would be back soon." Midnight was sniffing the silver skinned worm before the king of the deep caves picked it up and added it to a large pocket on the front of his leather mining apron.
"Just sit tight in there while I walk. I left some silver pieces for you to eat," The king of the deep caves appeared to care about the silver skinned worm more than he let on.
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