This image was obviously taken with a drone. It is a few big mountains. At this time in the late summer and early autumn, the plants outside were still very dense, and there was no scene of withering at all. However, among these big mountains, it became pitch black. Yes, the land is a dead black, the trees wither, the grass black.

Not only that, the scenery on the mountain is even more frightening.

It was a piece of carrion.

Not only that, it seems that these corpses are still in action, and they have actually built a city!

The drone approached. In the center of several big mountains, a dark knight riding a skeleton horse stood on the top of the mountain. The fire of the soul in the skeleton head lifted up and looked directly at the video.

The next moment, the long spear in his hand flew away, getting closer and closer to people's sight.

Finally, the entire video suddenly goes black.


Some unsettled people had already screamed out in fright, and it took a long time to realize that the gun was not aimed at them, but just at the drone!

The classmates rejoiced one after another, only to feel the rest of their lives.

Then what kind of existence can be so strong.

At this time, Qin Feng's face also turned black.

Because he could see that those hills were exactly where the Hell Stone fell.

No wonder, the children of the orphanage have been infected with dark runes recently.

Although there is no dark stone, the gathering place is still threatened as before the rebirth. This time, it is not a corrupted alien beast, but a completely disciplined and organized carrion army!

"That skeleton knight is definitely an F-segment high-level beastmaster!"

Qin Feng thought to himself.

Deng Nian's voice sounded again: "Now, our Chengbei gathering place needs all forces to unite to defend the enemy together. Next, all the second and third graders who have certified the ability of segment G and above, and all auxiliary ability. , we have to leave..."

"Now, the first meeting of the 69th Higher Academy is over! The meeting is over!"

The excited and happy smiles of the students have now turned into contemplation and fear.

Cheng Chao shook his head helplessly, "It seems that I was scared this time, but didn't they play documentaries in previous years?"

The documentary that was played was also very scary, but it was not as strong as this coercion.

Don't think that if you enter the academy, you can stay in the gathering place like before. In that case, these capable people will not be able to get out for a lifetime.

On the contrary, the academy advocates more fighting, and even brainwashes students silently.

Otherwise, how could Li Yaoyao and others team up to go to the wild together.

While thinking so, Cheng Chao found that Qin Feng was already standing in front of him.

"Teacher, I also want to participate in this training!" Qin Feng said.

Cheng Chao thought he had heard it wrong.

"Qin Feng, now is not the time to be impulsive. You have to study hard and join in later when your strength is strong. Besides, you are not a support staff, so there is no way to join!"

Qin Feng thought about it and said, "Is it all you need to have the G-segment ability badge?"

Cheng Chao was suddenly stopped.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but with your current strength, this is obviously difficult!"

Qin Feng didn't say anything, he stepped back, and everyone in the class looked at Qin Feng with a bit of a foolish look.

Do you still want to join the corps corps? With his strength, it is simply whimsical.

Qin Feng lowered his head and fiddled with the communicator. The opposite of the communicator was Zhou Hao.

"Would you like to participate in this siege of the corpse army?"

"Grass, of course I thought about it!" Zhou Hao didn't flinch at all. What is the purpose of practicing hard? Isn't it just to go out and fight?

Qin Feng must have made a lot of waves outside this time.

Now I finally remember myself.

"Do you have a solution?"

"Well, listen to my arrangement the night after tomorrow!"


Zhou Hao was very excited.

After the meeting, the one-day course also ended. Qin Feng returned home and hurriedly ate before finally falling asleep.

After all the tossing for so long, Qin Feng also needs to rest, and there is still a tough battle to fight tonight.


At ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Feng reappeared in the Eagle Hall.

Wherever Bai Li went, everyone was silent, as if shocked by her appearance and lost their language.

Qin Feng couldn't help but say, "Put your sunglasses on!"

"Isn't it necessary to wear sunglasses when it's dark?" Bai Li said puzzled.

Qin Feng was silent, did he want to say that he didn't like the way others looked at Bai Li?


Qin Feng touched Bai Li's head, and then Bai Li pouted and put on his sunglasses.

At this time, they did not know that someone had already printed their every move in their eyes.

This person is Jiang Shaoyang in the general manager's office.

The first time Qin Feng entered the Eagle Hall, someone informed Jiang Shaoyang that there were monitors everywhere in the Eagle Hall. He just switched and was also amazed by Bai Li's appearance.

Just such a thought was quickly replaced by jealousy and anger, and seeing Qin Feng touching Bai Li's hair made him feel that his possessions were offended.

That's right, the moment Jiang Shaoyang saw Bai Li, he felt that such a woman must be owned by himself. As for Qin Feng? He won't survive tonight!

"Is it all arranged?" Jiang Shaoyang's voice was like a devil, showing his fangs.

"It's arranged, as long as he plays, he won't or go out!"

The people over there said with confidence.

At 11 o'clock, Qin Feng finally stepped into the ring.

The Eagle Hall held several ring competitions in one night, and naturally Qin Feng was not alone.

Many people here are still yesterday's audience. After all, when Qin Feng promised to come back tomorrow, many people felt that they should not miss this battle.

The five-game winning streak is already very difficult, and many people will choose to give up in the sixth game.

However, Qin Feng's seven-game losing streak made them feel that this battle must be extremely exciting.

The host's voice quickly rang.

[The one who appears below is a rookie, but some viewers are familiar with him. He is the five-game winning streak, Crazy Fox. Now, he is going to play the sixth game, can he still maintain his winning streak? let us wait and see! 】

Qin Feng's opponent this time was an ancient martial artist in the G7 segment.

The winning rate of the two is half and half, which is not very high, but in fact, under the instigation of the host, many people bought the challenger to win. In this game, the Eagle Club will make money.

Qin Feng easily defeated his opponent.

Then, another G8 and two G9 players.

Qin Feng's brows gradually wrinkled.

It's so easy!

It always feels wrong.

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