Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 1018: A family heirloom of the Pei family!

  Chapter 1018 The heirloom of the Pei family!


  In the days that followed, Pei's entire staff was nervously preparing for the upcoming global press conference at the end of the month.

  The person in charge of the project has revised the speech more than dozens of times.

  The big event next to the company's listing makes it hard not to be anxious, but... only their president is still calm.

  Pei Huai is obviously looking forward to the trip to Ozhou with his wife next month.

Shen Mu was a little worried about this at first, but soon, when he saw his president strategizing at the resolutions about the press conference time and time again, he obviously seldom cared about it on weekdays, but he was still able to accurately grasp everything at critical moments. processes and make optimal decisions...

   Shen Mu understood that his worries were completely unnecessary.

  If they were in school, their president must be the kind of perverted **** who never studies on weekdays, but always gets full marks in all subjects and ranks first in the exams!

  Ordinary people are not envious!


  At the end of December, there are still three days until the press conference, and twelve days before the one-month anniversary of Pei Huai and Su Ji receiving their certificates.

   Today is the weekend, Su Ji came to her husband's house for dinner.

  Du Meilan likes that the children can have fun together.

  But the eldest son didn’t listen to her very much, and he hid his girlfriend and didn’t like to bring it back. He used his time to express himself to his future mother-in-law.

   But he can't help it. Who made him feel bad?

  Among the two sons, Du Meilan is indeed more partial to the younger son, since she was a child.

  If someone dares to bully her youngest son, that person will see the truly terrifying side of Ms. Du, even if that person is Ms. Du's weakness—Pei Shizhan.

  She may be able to forgive Pei Shizhan for falling in love with someone else, but if he hurts her youngest son in any way, she will definitely not show any mercy!

  Loving the house and Wu, she is partial to her youngest son, and now she can't even put her love for Su Ji, the youngest daughter-in-law.

   Today I know that Su Ji is coming to the old house, and among the dozen or so dishes for lunch, two will come from Du Meilan's craftsmanship.

  The dessert after dinner is also lychee-flavored.

   "Ms. Du is really eccentric," Pei Xi and Pei Huai came down from the stairs, Pei Xi brushed her hair and "complained" to Huai Huai like this, "My Bill doesn't get this kind of treatment."

  Pei Huai held the car keys in his hand, and raised his eyebrows inexplicably when he heard the words.

   The corner of Pei Xi's mouth twitched, "What does that expression mean?"

  Pei Huai replied four words in a doggy manner, "I will experience it myself."

  Brother-in-law and his wife...can you compare?

  He seemed to have said nothing, and seemed to have said everything, Pei Xi angrily turned to his leaving back, "Damn boy, pick up my siblings earlier!"

   "I know," the car key turned in Pei Huai's hand, and he was about to go.



   An hour later, Pei Huai returned to the old house by car, and Su Ji came.

  Get out of the car, just in time to meet Pei Song going out.

   "Xiaoji," Pei Song laughed foolishly.

  Su Ji got out of the car and closed the door, raised his chin to respond.

   "Exactly," Pei Song looked at his third brother, "Lend me the car."

   "Where's yours?" Pei Huai asked expressionlessly.

  Pei Song, "Sent for maintenance."

  Pei Huai threw him the car keys.

  The throw was accurate, and Pei Song raised his hand casually to catch it.

  Pei Song got into the car, and heard his third brother add, "The passenger seat is vacant."

  Pei Song smiled lowly, "Don't worry, Mr. Pei's co-pilot belongs to our little brother and sister, and the Pei family knows it all."

  Su Ji lowered his ears, and the roots of his ears were a little red.

  Second Master Pei whistled, and the car swerved and left.

  Seeing that he was in such a good mood, I knew he must be dating his little girl.


  In the living room, Pei Qingshen came out from the back room, accompanied by the butler, holding something like a picture frame in his hand.

   still wearing white gloves, it can be seen that it is very important.

   "Xiaoji, Grandpa has a copy of the piano score here, but it's not very complete. There is a section missing in the middle. Can you help Grandpa look at it?"

  Su Ji looked over, and the housekeeper turned the picture frame over with a smile. Su Ji saw that what was inlaid inside was not a picture, but an antique piano score.

  The paper has been extremely yellowed, to the point of breaking when touched, and it was carefully fixed in the picture frame to preserve it, but there are still a few pieces missing in the middle, just like the old man said, it is not complete.

   "What kind of family heirloom, I have to wait for my granddaughter-in-law to pass the door before I'm willing to take it out." Pei Huai joked and got up, and patted Su Ji's shoulder with his palm, "You guys talk, I'll go to the study to answer the phone."

   "Don't talk nonsense," Pei Qingshen glared at him, "I just remembered it suddenly."

  Su Ji said, "Okay", and followed his gaze back to the picture frame.

  The ancient qin scores are different from modern ones, and the characteristics of each dynasty are also very distinct.

  The piano score in front of me is a "minus character score" composed of Chinese character radicals and strokes. It does not directly indicate the sound, but a manual score.

  There are two reasons why Su Ji is interested in this sheet music.

  First, the Chinese characters used in this sheet music are not from other dynasties, but Dashangwen.

  Second, the handwriting on it...she knows...

  Su Ji has never heard of this piece of music, but it can be seen that the composer wanted to use this piece of music to ease the feeling of parting.

  Su Ji's expression gradually became meaningful.

   "Xiaoji, can you find a way to fill in the vacant space above?" Pei Qingshen waited for more than ten minutes, and finally couldn't help asking.

  Su Ji touched his chin with his fingertips, "The missing parts happen to be on the transition sound. You can understand several options according to the music, but which one is the correct answer... I am afraid that only the composer himself can know."

  The old **** Pei Qingshen nodded.

   "That's... that's really a pity.

Su Ji also felt it was a pity, because judging from the complete part of the melody in front of it, although this piece is used to express lovesickness, it does not expect love, in other words, it is not at all hypocritical, with a gloomy front and a lonely back. It flows through the whole score, which shows the deep affection.

   "Perhaps..." Su Ji seemed to remember something.

   Pei Qingshen saw her change the subject, his eyes lit up, "Is there another way?"

  Pei Huai just finished answering the phone, and the figure came out of the study.

  Su Ji took a deep look at him, "Your grandson might be able to."

   "???" Pei Qingshen, "Huaihuai still knows piano score? When did he learn it?"

   "I don't really understand it very well, but..." Su Ji looked far and wide, "No matter how long it has been in the past, I should still have some impressions of what I wrote."

  Pei Huai sat back beside Su Ji under his grandfather's surprised gaze.

Pei Qingshen reacted for a long time before suddenly laughing "haha", "I really know how to make grandpa happy, how could this sheet music be written by him, this, but our Pei family's ancestral treasure, was written by the ancestors of the Pei family, Passed down from generation to generation.”

  Su Ji nodded leisurely, "This way..."

  In this way, she will be even more sure who made this score...

  (end of this chapter)

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