Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 877: must be able to!

  Chapter 877 Sure!

  Xie Lingyu, "So speaking of it, we are considered to be colleagues, but I can't compare with Sister Gong, and I still have to wait for the hourly worker whose working hours are arranged by my superiors. I don't know how much I envy Sister Gong's work."

  She spoke very naturally, just like meeting and chatting among co-workers.

  In Aunt Gong's heart, Xie Lingyu has always been the master. Hearing her bluntly say that she envies herself makes Aunt Gong feel embarrassed.

  Xie Lingyu is not afraid of people knowing, because she was a housekeeper in her hometown.

Not stealing or snatching, and it is not a disgraceful profession. On the contrary, she thinks that according to the current social development trend, the development prospect of housekeeping is very good. It's all stable, let her see it, it's better than being a civil servant.

  Aunt Gong, "Mrs. Xie has such an excellent daughter as Ms. Cao. In fact, there is no need to keep herself so busy. But in other words, Ms. Cao must be very happy to have a mother who works as hard as Mrs. Xie."

  Aunt Gong can talk, Xie Lingyu is really happy to hear that, the VIP elevator in the apartment goes up slowly, so the two started chatting like this.

  Xie Lingyu, "I said I'm not afraid of sister Gong's jokes. This daughter really looks good on me. Now all my co-workers know that my daughter has become a star."

   Aunt Gong nodded with a smile, "Miss Cao is a filial child, Mrs. Xie is blessed."

"Yeah," Xie Lingyu said, "When Zhuzhu started to become famous, I told her not to call our housekeeping company, so as not to let other people know that her mother does this, and then post it on the Internet. Not only did Zhuzhu not mind, but she even said that I have a problem with my mind."

  Aunt Gong, "Miss Cao, like our third young mistress, is a transparent person."

   While chatting, the display screen indicated that the floor had reached the fiftieth floor, and it was almost there.

Xie Lingyu sighed comfortably, "I am already very content with my life now. I don't want to be rich and powerful in the future, and I don't want Zhuzhu to be as popular as I am. I just ask God to take pity on our Zhuzhu. In the future, if she meets a wishful gentleman who is willing to share weal and woe with her, don't let her meet someone who can love her, respect her, treat her sincerely, and I don't care about any other conditions..."

   Aunt Gong nodded repeatedly, feeling that she was right.

  Xie Lingyu, "Of course, you still have to be pleasing to the eye and have good conduct..."

  Aunt Gong really wanted to tell Mrs. Xie that Miss Cao had been found so that she could rest assured, but as a servant, Aunt Gong must not talk too much.

   "Have a decent job again, don't drag Zhuzhu..."

  Her second master is completely satisfied! Aunt Gong couldn't help but feel happy for the second master and Miss Cao from the bottom of her heart.

   "In the end, the age is the same, and the love history is simple!" Xie Lingyu said the last two, and laughed, "As long as these conditions can be met, I really don't care about anything else!"

  Aunt Gong fell silent suddenly, "..."

  The elevator reached the fifty-sixth floor, the elevator door opened, and Xie Lingyu went out with a vegetable basket on her shoulders, "Then I will go first, Miss Gong~"

  Aunt Gong, "Ah... Mrs. Xie, go slowly."

  Xie Lingyu looked back at her, still full of envy, "Mr. Pei's wife, and the old man looked very kind. Working in Pei's family must have good benefits. It would be great if I had the opportunity to enter Pei's house."

   Aunt Gong's mouth twitched slightly, "As long as Mrs. Xie is willing, it will be possible."

   "Definitely can?" Xie Lingyu said casually, never expecting Aunt Gong to have so much information about her.

  But this time, without waiting for Aunt Gong's answer, the elevator door closed in front of my eyes, and I went upstairs...


  In the morning, Cao Zhuzhu took her mother to take a taxi to the shopping mall that Su Ji had made an appointment with.

  Nan Miaomiao often visited this place before, and they were quite familiar with it.

Well-structured and mature large-scale shopping malls, 3D super-large billboards, super-long Tianmu that has been clocked in by countless Internet celebrities, and a wide variety of luxury brands. Young people who are good at dressing themselves come and go, and the air is filled with Young breath, and the aroma of coffee and desserts that wafts from time to time.

  Xie Lingyu was a little overwhelmed from the outside. Before entering, she specifically told Cao Zhuzhu not to pick on it for a while, and to rush to pay for the one she liked.

  Cao Zhuzhu agreed.

Xie Lingyu, "We save money when we close the door, but we must not pick it up when we go out, especially for our friends. When you see the price, don't act petty. Things in shopping malls in big cities, just think about it. It will definitely be expensive. .”

  Mother was with her daughter and couldn't help but want to chatter a few words.

  Cao Zhuzhu is very patient with her mother on weekdays, but today she was a little absent-minded because she was thinking about other things, "I know, as long as you can bear it."

   "Mom, why don't you give up?" Xie Lingyu was very generous, "I understand the consumption concept of young people today. Just one piece of clothing here costs two or three hundred yuan, right?"

  Cao Zhuzhu stopped walking forward, remembering that the last time Nan Miaomiao bought two sets of clothes, she maxed out a secondary card with a limit of 100,000...

   "Hey, is that Jiji over there?" Xie Lingyu suddenly pointed in the direction of the coffee shop.

  Cao Zhuzhu looked over, and there was a tall figure in the crowd, wearing sunglasses, black pants, white T, beautiful collarbones, and a mobile phone close to her ear, answering the phone.

  The other hand is in the pocket, and a fashionable thin flat diamond-encrusted platinum bracelet is exposed between the wrists, shining brightly in the sun.

   Not Su Ji.

   Who else?

   "Ji..." Cao Zhuzhu was about to wave to her when she noticed other pedestrians coming and going.

  Now she wants to shout "Jiji" at the entrance of this bustling shopping mall, the consequences will be disastrous, but fortunately she reacted in time.

   Instead, take Ms. Xie over there.

  Su Ji is answering the phone call from Long Dahai, and the contract with O·G has been signed, so it stands to reason that it is time to start communicating about the size.

  But Aiyan Aimeng replied that O·G's phone number was really difficult to get through.

Long Dahai happened to call to inquire about the progress, so Su Ji told him, Long Dahai smiled, "It's normal, they are a big O·G brand, and now it's summer and autumn, it's a busy time, it's okay, Director Long will help you contact me, and you can ask your assistant to contact me."

   "Thank you," Su Ji said, turning around slowly, and casually glanced into the crowd, just in time to see Cao Zhuzhu and the others walking towards him.

  She lowered her head, and the sunglasses slid a little towards the tip of her nose. Half of her recognizable peach eyes were exposed. Looking through the top of the sunglasses, she could see clearly that the girl who also wore sunglasses and a mask was her sisters.

  Su Ji smiled, hung up the phone, raised his hand and waved it in the air.

  She came with a mission today, let alone, she was a little nervous...

  (end of this chapter)

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