Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine

Chapter 976: I got a brother~

  Chapter 976 Accepted a younger brother~


  In the third minute of the call between Su Ji and Pei Huai, her account in the game showed offline and automatically left the team.

  Henry stayed alone in the team room, waiting for himself as a watchdog.

  Because he was afraid that Ms. Rose would think that he hadn't waited for her when she went online at any time, so Henry didn't dare to leave the game interface at all, his eyes almost shed tears.

  The documents, contracts, and his father's summons from his special assistant popped up on the top of the middle interface.

  He ignored all without exception.

   The waiting time was very boring, but thinking about the fact that Mr. Pei downstairs was waiting for him like this, his mood instantly improved.

  At least he can sit in the office and wait while the air conditioner is blowing, but President Pei can only wait in the lobby. It is cooling down outside today. The lobby is often open because of people coming and going, so the temperature is also very low.

  And he knew this morning that the lounge was full, so they could only be in the lobby.

   Just like that, five minutes passed...

  Ten minutes passed...

  After fifteen minutes had passed...Henry started shaking his legs and couldn't sit still.

   After thinking about it, he called an assistant and asked the assistant to look at the phone for him. When Ms. Rose is online, he must tell him as soon as possible.

   As he spoke, he also pulled out the chair opposite to his president's chair for the little assistant to sit on.

  He patted the little assistant on the shoulder casually, and warned meaningfully, "If you miss Ms. Rose online..."

   "No, no! I will notify you as soon as possible!" The little assistant sat down obediently, picked up the phone, and said very well!

  Henry nodded in satisfaction, but after thinking about it, he added, "If Ms. Rose chats with me online, you are not allowed to reply for me, and you are not allowed to watch it."

  The little assistant responded again.

  Henry opened the door and went out, lit a cigarette and bit it.

  Take a deep breath, and then spit it out with enjoyment.

  If you want to be a king, you have to pay hardships that ordinary people can't match.

  The special assistant happened to pass by, but Henry blew a smoke ring and stopped him.

  The special assistant sucked all his breath into his throat, coughed a few times, and then looked at his mischievous president, "President, are you done?"

   "It hasn't started yet, what's the rush?" Henry passed the cigarette from his mouth to his fingertips, with a somewhat sarcastic expression, "How is the one surnamed Pei? Are you still waiting?"

   "Yes," the special assistant replied.

  Henry smiled.

  I've been hearing people from the O League talking about Pei Huai before.

  When everyone mentioned him, they were either full of praise or scared like they had ptsd. Henry wanted to meet him a long time ago, but this time we met...that's the way it is.

  Anyway, as long as he doesn't let go this time, Pei's cooperation will have to be suspended, and Pei Huai will have to stay in Ozhou to play with him.

  After thinking about it, Henry raised his shining wristwatch to check the time, "Let them wait."

   Then he glanced at the special assistant, "You go to the conference room with me first."

   "Yes," the special assistant still responded.

  The special assistant thought about the current situation on Pei's side. Even if his president wants to see him now, the phone call from his president's president has not been finished yet, so it doesn't matter if you wait any longer, so he obediently agreed.

Henry stayed in the conference room for 20 minutes. The door to his office opened on the other side. The little assistant ran all the way with his mobile phone in his hand. When he learned that the president was in the conference room, he knocked on the door symbolically a few times before pushing the door open and entering the room. Misunderstood by the high-level with a strange look, there are no rules and there is no time to explain. He stopped in front of his CEO panting, "President, President, Ms. Rose..."

  Henry grabbed the phone and saw Ms. Rose's head reappeared in his teammate's room.


   "President, the advertising plan just now..." The special assistant just found out the documents that the president needs, but when he looked up, the seat where the president sat in front of him was empty—

  Kang Qiang Rose: Sorry, it took me a long time on the phone.

  King and Knight: Where, where, less than an hour, not too long.

  Clang Qiang Rose: Then shall we start now?

  Henry rubbed his hands excitedly, and then returned with an ok gesture.


  In the next half an hour, Henry finally understood what it meant to be surrounded by a boss!

  Five in a row, all solved within ten minutes!

   No matter whether he uses a shooter, a mage, or a support... After Ms. Rose brings the economy, he can even use Zhuang Zhou to become a violent piranha!

   Once he thought Irene was a mage because he was not familiar with the hero, but he chose the shooter repeatedly, and was scolded by his teammates for being out of spirit. Ms. Rose sent a few words aggressively.

  Clanging Rose: Quiet.

  Clanging Rose: Wait to lie down and win.

  Then in that round...the opponent learned what is the fear of being dominated by double shooters!

  After half an hour, Henry became Ms. Rose's fan.

  His address to Ms. Rose also directly became "Boss"!

  King and Knight: Boss, what about the rest of our team? Why don't you play with us?

  Su Ji rubbed his wrist leisurely.

  Clanging Rose: They are busy.

  Henry expresses his understanding very much. It is certain that office workers are busy!

  Su Ji played for half an hour, and in the VIP lounge, Pei Huai watched his fiancee's game account bound to WeChat show "in-game" for half an hour.

  Pei Huai: Are you having fun?

  Su Ji received a caring message from her fiancé, she raised her finger and looked back.

  〆Domineering£DD★: Not bad, I accepted a younger brother~


  Henry still has more to say, the feeling of standing on the shoulders of giants is really cool!

  If it weren't for other arrangements today, he and the boss could have been wandering in the sea of ​​king's pesticides like this, but...

  As the president of the Imperial Group, he can't be too careless about his job.

   Reluctantly saying goodbye to the old man, he put away his mobile phone, dialed the internal line and called the special assistant in.

   "Is Pei still there?" Henry asked.

  Special Assistant, "Yes, President."

  Henry retracted his long legs and stood up, "Take me there."

  The special assistant pressed his hands to the seam of his trousers, "Yes!"

  President's exclusive elevator went down all the way, unimpeded.

  Henry leaned against the elevator fence, closed his eyes and rested his mind, standing in a carefree manner.

   Still reminiscing about the exciting half-hour game just now.

   When the elevator stopped, the special assistant reminded, "President, we are here."

  Henry opened his eyes and walked out.

   But when he stepped out of the elevator door, he was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the floor displayed on the elevator LCD screen.

  [three layers]

   Henry, "?"

   You must know that he is taking the exclusive elevator for the president, and no one else can use it except him, so there is no possibility of other people pressing to the floor.

  Henry raised his eyebrows in doubt, "Didn't you go to the lobby on the first floor? Even if you can press the wrong floor, what else can you do..."

   "President, that's right..." Special Assistant explained weakly, "Boss Pei and the others have been waiting for you in the VIP lounge on the third floor..."

  (end of this chapter)

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