Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 364: Yu Ye Vs Ah Qing

At night, the long-abandoned Tianxiang City is a little bustling.

The Qi refiners sent to Tianxiang City from the Myanmar-Vietnam Omnics Gang have basically arrived.

All await further instructions from the abandoned authority building.

These omnic alchemists were basically all dressed in black robes, standing around the city, looking like refugees who fled to the open space on the road due to the earthquake.

Tianxiang City is not an ancient city, so there are no city walls and gun towers. Except for a few tall buildings on the east side, the central and western parts are all low-rise buildings for accommodation.

In the abandoned building, Ah Qing had just finished arranging the specific matters of the next place to stay. At this time, he was looking at the ruins outside quite leisurely. It seemed that what he was waiting for was not a bloody battle, but a bloody battle. match.

The Moon Envoy among the three disciples of the Sun, Moon and Star stroked his silver hair on his sideburns and asked in a low voice:

"Immortal, I don't know something about this disciple."

"You want to ask me why I'm fighting them?"

"Yes, if you take these omnic alchemists and evacuate from the opposite direction at full speed, most of them can leave. There is no need to spend unnecessary time with them here."

Ah Qing glanced back and said:

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"The disciple dare not!"

The corners of Ah Qing's mouth raised slightly, raised his eyebrows and smiled, stretched out his hand to touch the smooth white hair of the Moon Envoy and said:

"It doesn't matter. After all, you can't see that far. Let me ask you, what do you think is the most urgent need for the further development of the omnic legions I created and revived?"

The moon envoy thought for a while and said:

"Comprehension set and accessories?"

The Angel behind him shook his head and said:

"Should it be an improvement in individual quality?"

The smallest star envoy also guessed:

"The use of new technological materials?"

Ah Qing smiled and announced the correct answer:

"It is renewal, self-renewal. This is the biggest advantage of omnics over real people. They can completely negate their own renewal to produce a better self, and the development between generations does not take a hundred years like people do. If in a In the production workshop of omnics, the update between generations may only take half an hour."

"The disciple said by the immortal understands, but what does this have to do with this great war?"

"War is the fastest way to improve the combat ability of omnic qi refiners. No one can learn how to fight in war better than them. Even if they die in war, it will not affect their next resurrection. A better fighting machine."

"It's a fairy, and the body-cultivating suit is also very precious."

"Don't pay attention to those things. Most of these omnic alchemists you saw in the city may not survive tonight. When they die, they will be treated as materials for a new round of cultivation suits. These materials It will come back to us through our channels and be resurrected to become a new and more powerful omnic alchemist."

"The disciple understands!"

"So even if these people can evacuate, I will keep them here to fight against each other, as long as we ensure that our retreat is okay, besides, I don't want Ji Qinglin's disciples to go back without incident. There has to be a price to pay.”

The angel nodded and said:

"Please don't worry, Immortal, we will keep them."

Ah Qing didn't care that much about it, she shrugged and said:

"If you can keep one, it counts as one, but don't underestimate the enemy. Since I said that their strength is not inferior to yours, besides, there is a water hero Lu Bing this time."

"Shuixiong's disciples have also made special preparations, and won't let her have much room to play."

"Very good, but everything must be prepared in case, the hot backup is already done, right?"

"The immortal is at ease."


Just as he was speaking, there was a loud noise on the south side of the city, followed by flames.

Ah Qing picked up the binoculars with great interest and said:

"I knew they wouldn't wait till midnight, but I thought they would choose to attack on the west side. Tell the people below that it's time to do it, and you can go and have fun too."


The three of Sun, Moon, and Star jumped off the stairs directly after speaking.

Not long after, flames lit up in the west of the city where there was no explosion.

Ah Qing looked over there, and said with a helpless smile:

"Sure enough, I still chose to make a surprise attack in the west of the city. Before doing it, I even shot a feint in the south of the city. Ji Qinglin, I have to say that your apprentices are indeed more shrewd."

As Ah Qing said, Yu Ye confirmed the attack from the west of the city at the very beginning. The buildings here are lower, and there is a large forest next to the buildings, which is very suitable for launching a surprise attack in advance.

In order to disrupt the deployment in the city in advance, Yu Ye also asked a small team to make some noise in the south of the city.

However, a large number of troops are all in the west of the city. Originally, Fan Yu suggested to divide the troops, but Yuye remembered the taboo of dividing the troops mentioned by the master, and decided to join forces to attack after considering the situation on the spot.

Worrying about some kind of trap, Lu Bing jumped into the city first, jumped up, and slammed his little hand on the ground.


With a loud noise, all the buildings within tens of meters in front of them were collapsed with a force as powerful as a wave.

After Lu Bing turned around and exhorted "safety", he rushed forward first.

The gangsters at the back widened their eyes.

Let Lu Bingchong be at the forefront, not only because she needs to explore the way a little bit, but also to give confidence to the gang members behind.

After all, these smart people are very good at playing around the wind. If they can't show the strength to win, who knows when they will secretly rebel.

It's just that the display of power is too exaggerated. With a single palm shot, everyone behind him feels that they are a bit redundant.

However, after rushing out a hundred meters, the hundreds of omnic qi refiners who had gathered earlier had also arrived in front of them.

"The first wave has arrived!"

As Lu Bing said, he touched the backpack behind him and slammed it outward. The mini signal jammer made by Fan Yu was thrown out by Lu Bing like a goddess scattering flowers.

Although these small things do not have such a powerful interference function, as long as the distance is close enough, they can affect the omnic.

Of course, Lu Bing didn't need these things, he just threw them out according to the plan to help the helpers behind.

The omnic qi refiner who rushed to the front first, before he had time to display his fire energy, was slapped on the chest by Lu Bing.


The whole person flew out together with the shattered parts.

After sneaking a drink of Coke, Lu Bing said through the communicator:

"Hand over, and your side can also act."

The command post is in the grove in the west of the city, Yu Ye heard the arrangement and said:

"Alright, Chi Ye, Senior Sister, it's your turn, be careful!"

Chi Ye also saluted very artificially:

"Yes, Deputy Commander~"

Yu Ye didn't choose to divide his troops into action. On the whole, he still had a whole team, but the scale of the invasion from Tianxiang City in the west of the city was limited.

If you choose to attack randomly with flooding, then the weak point will be easily torn by the opponent, and it will be too passive to divide, encircle and eliminate.

So Yu Ye chose to divide the army into three sections, with Lu Bing leading the charge, Chi Ye and Jiang Chen following up, and Xie Ling and Fan Yu the last to set off.

The attack direction and route of the three teams are basically the same, so that the cases will not be scattered.

And the three teams act as the leader in turn. If the team in front is blocked, the team behind can continue to push up.

In this way, attack in stages to ensure that the most vigorous one is always in the leading position, and the attack speed is maximized.

The actual effect is also surprisingly good. When Lu Bing led the people to encounter the omnic Qi refiner and slowed down their progress,

Chi Ye and Jiang Chen led people to rush directly from both sides, breaking through the blockade of the blocked omnic qi refiners, and annihilating the surrounded omnic qi refiners in the middle.

Chi Ye and Jiang Chen joined forces, flames criss-crossed, blood lines intertwined, and parts of omnic qi refiners flew all over the sky.

It looked as if the whole team was unstoppable.

It wasn't until they continued to encounter new obstacles that Yu Ye sent out the third team led by Xie Ling, Fan Yu and the dark police team.

The carbon ink grenade specially prepared for omnics exploded black threads in the air, which directly affected the mechanical body of the omnic alchemist.

The three teams charged alternately, looking like a drill bit, deeply inserted into the Tianxiang City.

Of course, there are also disadvantages in doing so, that is, it is easy to be seen by the other party.

Once the offensive of the three teams slows down and the opponent grasps the rhythm and implements anti-encirclement, they will fall into a situation of being attacked on three sides.

However, Yu Ye didn't intend to use this method to fight all night, as long as she can persist for four hours.

In this case, the pressure on the commander is not less than that of the people on the front line, but at this time, no one can help him bear this pressure.

Whenever this happens, Yu Ye admires Master very much.

Every action before was directed by the master, but there was no pressure from him. I don't know if it was the ease of things that had been planned in advance, or the indifference that did not change color before the mountain collapsed.

Thinking about it, Yu Ye subconsciously looked at the signal receiver left by Zhang Mazi, and there was no change in it yet.

Probably still looking for Ah Qing's exact location.

Just as he was thinking, Lu Bing's inquiry came from the communicator:

"Yu Ye, why didn't you see Zhang Mazi, where did you send him to lurk?"

Why did Yu Ye stick to her promise and replied:

"It's on the north side, ready to respond to sneak attacks at any time."

"That's good, don't let him have an accident."

"What? Binger, what do you mean by that?"

"Uh, it's not easy to meet such a good teammate, you have to learn to cherish it."


Just as he was speaking, six Qi refiners suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped Lu Bing, who was charging fearlessly.

Seeing these six people, even Lu Bing couldn't help frowning.

"The resources are really rich enough, and these six old guys can be found back."

Chi Ye heard that there was something going on with Lu Bing, so he also asked:

"Bing'er, what's going on ahead? Do you need our help?"

"Six monsters of the East China Sea, it's okay, you go from the left, I will lead these six guys to the right, it may take a little time, you go ahead, don't worry about me."

Thank you for your reading and support! (At this time, Ji Qinglin was on the way to assassinate on horseback)

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