Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 543 There is Yan Ruyu in the book

Originally, Monk Jiechen was already preparing to kill Liu Changfeng by relying on his realm advantage and physical recovery ability.

But he didn't expect that after slashing with a sword, all the scenes in front of him suddenly fell into pieces.

The scene that was originally extremely real disappeared in the blink of an eye like a giant painting made up of countless pieces of paper.

Monk Jiechen, who noticed something strange, put away his sword in time, turned around, took back his blood body, and distanced himself.

After all the scenes in front of him faded away, Monk Jiechen saw clearly that the real Liu Changfeng and the dam at his feet were dozens of meters farther away than where he originally attacked.

Next to Liu Changfeng, stood an elegant woman wearing a white robe and glasses.

Although Monk Jiechen did not know him, judging from his feelings alone, he was no lower than Liu Changfeng.

Among the Four Saints, there is only one woman.

The calligrapher Zhang Huaisu.

Zhang Huaisu burned a piece of talisman paper in his hand, and then gently touched Liu Changfeng's shoulder, only to see that the injury on the latter's shoulder began to slowly recover.

Liu Changfeng also challenged Zhang Huaisu, and everyone knew him, but they didn't expect that this guy would come to the Buddhist Kingdom of East India.

He raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his beard and said:

"Ji Qinglin, this kid is really clever. He can even invite you, a calligrapher who has never left Nanyang Island, to come out."

Zhang Huaisu shrugged slightly and did not answer directly. He turned around proudly and said:

"I think Mr. Liu is still stubborn and won't cooperate with me against the enemy, right?"

Liu Changfeng nodded and made a gesture of invitation, turned around and stepped back.

It is indeed impossible for Liu Changfeng to cooperate with Zhang Huaisu, which would violate his own principles. But since Zhang Huaisu just helped him, if she encounters danger next, it is completely reasonable for him to rescue her.

Looking at the pages floating in the air, Monk Jiechen smiled and said:

"The book sage Zhang Huaisu really has his own Yan Ruyu in the book, and that guy Ji Qinglin is really respectable, but it's a good thing that they all gathered together, which saves me the trouble of looking for them one by one."

Katsav and others who were watching the battle from a distance were also startled by the sudden reinforcements of the Four Saints level.

"Book Sage? Boss, isn't this Book Sage always on Nanyang Island and never coming out?"

"I don't know, but judging from their mouth movements, it seems that they were invited by Ji Qinglin."

"Oh my God, I didn't believe it when I heard from the secret police in Bangkok that Ji Qinglin's connections are all over the world, but now it seems that what he said is true."

"But the Sword Saint has not been able to take down Monk Jiechen. I'm afraid the Book Saint's chances of winning are not high."

"No, no, no, boss. According to this momentum, maybe Ji Qinglin can directly invite the God of Cyberspace."

"Don't imagine that these things are gone. This great kindness is hard-won. What's going on downstream now?"

"I have just contacted them and everyone is rushing to rescue them. Fortunately, most residents on both sides have been temporarily relocated, and only a few need rescue.

And maybe because the Second Saints were restraining Monk Jiechen here, the blood river downstream was not absorbing blood very fast. They said that several people fell into the river and did not die immediately. "

Katsav reminded:

"Even so, we cannot be careless and continue to let the residents on both sides move in the opposite direction of the river. As you can see, there is still more than half of the water in the reservoir that has not been released, and the barrier lake has stored part of it.

We still have to be prepared for the worst. If the Second Saint loses to Monk Jiechen, all the water will rush downstream, and the residents who have no time to evacuate will definitely not survive. "


Originally, when Katsav saw the Juggernaut taking action, he really thought that the wave had been stabilized.

But I didn't expect that the other party's ability was so abnormal. He had already killed someone, but he could recover from fatal injuries in the blink of an eye, so he had to prepare for the worst.

Zhang Huaisu, who arrived alone, also looked at Monk Jiechen and said:

"Since you have such a clever trick, I don't mind adding two more gods on top of the four saints, so as to avoid this unnecessary fight. How about that?"

Zhang Huaisu's words shocked everyone present.

I originally thought that Zhang Huai always wanted to work hard, but he didn't expect to directly give Monk Jiechen a piece of clothing.

Liu Changfeng couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said to himself that I can understand that you scholars don't like fighting, but you can't be so outrageous.

Monk Jiechen was slightly startled, but he immediately understood that Zhang Huaisu was stalling for time. He probably realized that he was not his opponent, so he deliberately rambled to buy time for the people in the lower reaches of the Eastern Indian Buddhist Kingdom.

He immediately raised his head and smiled:

"There's no need to waste time talking about anything. I don't care about one god, four saints and nine people ruling the roost. I'm the only one in the sky and on earth. There's no such thing as the Sword Saint and the Book Saint. None of you can leave today."

As he spoke, he tapped the surface of the lake with his toes, and then his whole body flew straight out like an ejection.

Zhengran swung his first sword, and the lake below and the blood-colored space above were instantly split into two.

Zhang Huaisu folded his hands and turned backhand, and the surrounding space actually turned around.

Immediately afterwards, the direction of attack of the sword wielded by Monk Jiechen was instantly changed, and it slashed towards the empty sky.

While Monk Jiechen was surprised, the sin-burning and karma-killing sword in his hand had already arrived in front of Zhang Huaisu.


There was a clear sound, and Zhang Huaisu, who had no weapon in his hand, smacked the sword in the air.

After flicking the weapon, he moved his body and hit Monk Jiechen in the chest with his palm.

The strong force of the scroll knocked Monk Jiechen away. At the same time, Zhang Huaisu did not close his palm, but pushed Monk Jiechen straight towards the center of the reservoir.

Monk Jiechen was about to swing his sword, but suddenly he found that the Sin-Burning Sword had been tightly wrapped in paper with the word "sealing" written on it.

Do you want to seal your sword in this way? More or less naive.

The corners of Monk Jiechen's mouth raised slightly, and blood-colored energy burst out all over his body.

Not only that, the blood-colored energy that should have been in an invisible state actually grew and stabbed out of Monk Jiechen's body rapidly.

It looks like a huge blood-red hedgehog, with extremely sharp blood-red enchantments on its body.

A bloody blade also stabbed out of the sword body, blasting the sealing runes on it into pieces.

Monk Jiechen also grabbed Zhang Huaisu's shoulder with his backhand and let the sharp bloody blade penetrate directly into Zhang Huaisu's body.

Thinking of such a close distance, there is definitely no possibility for the calligrapher to change the direction of space again to avoid it.

Puff puff!

However, Monk Jiechen found that the feeling of blood thorns piercing Zhang Huaisu's body was wrong.

Monk Jiechen, who discovered that he had fallen into the trap, suddenly pulled his arms outward with force, and Zhang Huaisu in front of him was torn apart like a paper man.

The torn pieces of paper seemed to be alive, and quickly covered and entangled Monk Jiechen's body, covering all the bloody thorns, and even the bloody energy was tightly sealed.

As Zhang Huaisu's paper fragments pushed Monk Jiechen towards the center of the pool, golden light shot up around the bloody reservoir.

Monk Jiechen, who noticed that Zhang Huaisu had placed a sealing circle around him, was too late to escape. The moment his body touched the lake,

The golden light erupting from the surroundings was like the threads in the hands of a textile worker tangled together, all tied to Monk Jiechen's body.

At the same time, golden arms stretched out from below the blood-red river water and directly pulled down Monk Jiechen, who had been completely tied into a rice dumpling.


The golden light exploded again along with the blood-colored river water, and finally the lake surface returned to calmness, as if everything had never happened.

And the real Zhang Huaisu also took off the disguise on the dam and appeared again.

Katsav, who was watching the battle from a distance, exclaimed:

"Damn it! I always thought that this book sage only knew a lot when he was reading on Nanyang Island, but I didn't expect that he would act so cleanly."

The boy next to him also became excited:

"Boss, is it possible this time it was successful?"

Katsav looked at the book sage Zhang Huaisu who was still looking at the blood-red lake in silence, shook his head and said:

"Looking at this situation, we can't confirm it yet. After all, the other party is..."


Before Katsav could finish his words, an explosion exploded in the center of the blood-colored reservoir. Blood spurted into the sky, and several water columns reached the sky. You could even see the golden light scattering.

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