Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1050: My Weiwei is weak and cannot take care of herself, so I should send someone to protec

Bai Chuwei is quite unhappy about this, Duan Feihan has no name on this list!

She quite doubts whether the ranking of the underground forum hosts is wrong, and whether they have opinions on Duan Feihan.

Duan Feihan can at least rank in the top five.

Duan Feihan's expression was indifferent, and he didn't care about it at all, and instead asked, "What else do you want to eat?"

To continue roasting the barbecue, Bai Chuwei beckoned to the Duan's security to hand over the group of people to the police.

Our ancestors always abide by the law and discipline, and these things are never offside.

There has always been no air-tight wall. A dozen foreigners with blond, blue-eyed brows and rat-eyed eyes were caught from the Duan's villa. They were very eye-catching, knowing that there was a big problem.

Netizens nowadays are not stupid, they know what's going on based on the photos and official news.

[Fuck, Bart Energy Water Company can't afford to find someone to get Bai Chuwei? Isn't it only in TV dramas? ]

[I just want to know how the Shenxian teacher is now. What's the matter with the Bai family? What is Duan Gou doing? Why not send professional bodyguards to protect the fairy teacher? ! ! ]

[My Weiwei is weak and can't take care of herself, can't resist her shoulders, can't lift her hands, let her deal with the vicious criminals alone? I also want to know why not send someone to protect her? ]

[Everyone, don’t scold Duan Gou, I think if it weren’t for the professional quality of the Duan’s security guards, the fairy teacher would be gone. I heard that those people brought real guys! Duan Gou's security guard! ]

[Request someone to protect her...]

The security guards of the Duan family blushed on their faces, and fans came to send flowers specially. They took a sigh of relief and did not know what to say.

Really, it had nothing to do with them, Miss Bai Chuwei solved it by herself and continued to eat barbecue happily.

Bai Chuwei is very hot, and this incident has spread to the forefront of hot searches on the Internet.

Especially the expensive wives from O Zhou who had a good friendship with Duan Xueqin. After receiving the news, they got up directly from the bed and immediately sent a video call to Duan Xueqin, with only one purpose-to confirm Bai Chuwei's safety.

If Bai Chuwei dies, how will they go to China for medical treatment in the future? Bai Chuwei's current identity is the God who saved their lives!

O Zhou has entered the night, and that night, someone directly **** all kinds of guys and went downstairs at the Bart Company to smash the door, smash the eggs and throw the leaves. The sound of swear words spread directly to the floors tens of meters above.

Bart sat in the office, looking wilted, and could clearly hear the shouts outside the company.

He didn't dare to stretch his head to the window to look, for fear of being given a shuttle.


He had to run to find his master immediately, and now the whole network hates him deeply, especially those rich people.

I knew that I shouldn't have promised them to sell energy water. I thought it was a good thing, but he almost killed him!

Thinking of this, Bart gritted his teeth.

Run first.

Go to the basement and drive out.

Bart was planning in his heart, and quickly packed his necessary documents and car keys.

"Boom boom boom——"

It was not a knock on the door, but the sound of a knock on the window, which was particularly abrupt and harsh in the silent night.

Bart's hair is about to stand up, the sound of the window? His office is on the 18th floor! Why [] will anyone knock on the window? Someone outside?

Bart's alarm bell was loud, and the window was pushed open from the outside as the other hadn't moved.

A handsome young man with a gentle temperament led a few people in through the window and smiled gently at Barth: "I heard you are going to leave? I want to see you off."

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