Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1079: Duan Feihan: Don't you want to?

The sight of the room dimmed again.

Bai Chuwei: "..."

Is this why you cultivate immortality?

Duan Feihan stood on the bed, his eyes were dark and dark, his slender fingers clasped her ten fingers tightly, and he asked in a low voice, "Don't you want it?"

Bai Chuwei flicked her butterfly-like eyelashes, clasped his palm with her backhand, and exhaled like orchids: "Yes."

The weather forecast station in the imperial capital is busy today. The weather is obviously not right.

It's all at the end of April, and it's already spring. According to the truth, the dawn should get early.

As a result, this morning, it was as if it had suddenly come to winter, and it was close to ten o'clock before the daylight broke, and it was abruptly delayed for two or three hours.

The citizens who let the imperial capital go to work joked that it was another Taoist fellow who was going through the catastrophe, but it was not dawn.

When Bai Chuwei came downstairs, it was close to noon. Just when she went downstairs, she saw Xueqiu sitting in front of the dining table with Su Jing for lunch.

As soon as she came into contact with Bai Chuwei's slightly unpleasant gaze, Xueqiu immediately pointed to Su Jing's chicken drumstick in his hand: "He asked the chef to make it. Old ancestors, it's common for foxes to eat chicken, right?"

Su Jing wanted to slap the mouse. No wonder that big snake couldn't understand the mouse. He didn't have any other skills. Such things have never been taught by himself.

Bai Chuwei knew it clearly.

Since the snowball was transformed, she has still learned half a catty in phantom art, and she has completely given up on this difference.

Too stupid to save.

Su Jing looked at Bai Chuwei and enthusiastically invited, "Lord Bai, have lunch together? Where is Duan President? Are you together?"

Bai Chuwei took a glass of lemonade from the housekeeper and drank it, and said, "No, you can eat it. Hanhan, he is sleeping."

Just looked at the sky, and if this continues, Zhao Tianfang has to come to her personally to clear the sky.

This is too shameful, she doesn't have that shame.

She was busy going to Mount Everest, so she took Duan Feihan down.

Su Jing and Xueqiu looked at each other and let out a weird laugh.


Can Duan always work? Why does it sound like he has been drained?

"I may not be back these few days." Bai Chuwei asked, "Also let Zhao Tian come here and send these cloud swallowing beasts back to Zhongzhou Jinglongtan to defend the formation."

The dragon veins were buried in the Jinglong Pond. This time, China became smarter and sent countless monks to guard them and never let outsiders come close to avoid the tragedy of the dragon vein being cut hundreds of years ago.

Bai Chuwei had never thought about keeping the Cloud-Swallowing Beast as a pet by her side. This beast is quite timid even if it is an adult. It is particularly frightened in the big cities, and the food they eat is not easy to get in the city.

Now that the little beast's parents have been found back, she doesn't need to keep them, she just sends them back to their hometown, and treats them well.

Although Xueqiu is a waste of wood, she will only be such a pet in the future, and she is not planning to raise more.

Su Scenic Spot nodded and agreed one by one.

Bai Chuwei drank the glass of lemonade, turned and left the mansion of Sky City.

Within half an hour after Bai Chuwei walked with his front foot, Feihan on his hind foot came down from the stairs. He was wearing loose black pajamas, and his deep eyes were still a bit lazy.

Su Jing immediately winked his eyebrows: "President Duan, how was last night?"

Duan Feihan's eyes gradually converged, and the cold light suddenly appeared.

Su Jing immediately raised his hand and changed his words: "I made a mistake. Just ask what Bai Island Master was like before? Mr. Duan should already know it now, right?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Duan Feihan's eyes: "What do you mean?"

Su Jing was suspicious: " guys, didn't you make friends last night?"

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