Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1116: The game begins

There was an uproar when he got an answer.

The Chinese are very sophisticated. They have never been full of such questions. As a result... the girl answered so full, there is no room left!

This really sounds like...a group of magic sticks, fraudsters.

It is said that Huaguo Chinese Medicine is pseudo-science, and it seems reasonable. It sounds too unbelievable [51 fiction].

A set of acupuncture methods can cure all diseases, so many doctors in so many departments have been trained for nothing? So many drugs were invented for nothing?

Medical experts from all over the world sat down and whispered to each other. At the time when the opinions were divergent, the man’s leisurely and ancient tone suddenly sounded in it:

"Why don't you prove to us what is the brilliance of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion?"

Everyone looked at vocally, a little surprised.

Hicks' appearance is naturally very good, but when others are still wearing formal suits, he is wearing a black robe, as if walking from the earl's manor centuries ago.

A slightly **** smile was drawn on Hicks' lips, and he looked at everything in front of him with interest.

The game begins.

The poor Edward, went back to choose the coffin.

The coffin, the shelter of their blood race, should be chosen carefully.

Hicks smiled playfully. His coffin was huge. It was covered with the softest bed pillows in the world centuries ago. I believe that beautiful Eastern lady will be very satisfied after seeing it.

The words of handsome guys always resonate so easily, and many western doctors nod their heads at the same time.

They have read many news and papers recently, and have also watched online consultation videos with Huaguo doctors, but hearing is fictitious and seeing is believable, and you have to see it with your own eyes.

And they are also quite unacceptable. The modern medicine they are proud of will lose to the "pseudoscience" that fell to the East hundreds of years ago. It is really unacceptable.

When Liu Qi and the others saw that one or two patients were brought up, they knew that this was calculated long ago!

Liu Zhen's face was slightly cold, and nodded at several Xueba, don't panic! Hold on! Follow the process.

Liu Qi's several academic tyrants stabilized their minds, and followed the steps of seeing, hearing and questioning taught by the fairy teacher in their dreams. When the pulse was in the direction, the expressions of several people showed embarrassment.

This... what kind of pulse is this?

Almost half of Huaguo's traditional Chinese medicine doctors have arrived. All the old Chinese doctors looked at the children with a little nervousness, and they wished to go up and check their pulses to see what the disease was.

After discussing it, Liu Qi hesitant and embarrassed: "The preliminary judgment is that it should be a blood disease."

Someone asked: "AIDS?"

Liu Qi immediately shook his head. It wasn't AIDS, it was something else, it was...a brand-new disease related to blood.

Everyone laughed bursts of laughter, watching them with a hint of teasing.

Liu Qi looked at the painful patients on the ground and said in a deep thought, "But we can try to control their pain with needles."

Hicks sat down, his dead white fingers turning the dazzling ruby ​​ring on his left **** leisurely, laughing playfully.

He heard that these four children are students of Bai Chuwei?

There is a good show.

As soon as Liu Qi's voice fell, the girl Xueba on the side yelled unbearably, "Ah--"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt that there were shadows above their heads.

They subconsciously raised their heads and looked up at the sky. At that moment, everyone froze, and their whole body got goose bumps violently——


Bats are all densely packed!

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