Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1180: Stunned! If it were not for Bai Chuwei, we would have no bones!

As for the request of the airline's President Li, the captain no longer wants to care.

Now that they don’t come forward to explain, the people on their entire plane really don’t deserve to survive!

Yes, not worthy.

The captain called the deputy captain next door, and despite the staff's obstruction, he abruptly notified the reporter.

This group of reporters was waiting outside the hospital, and when they received the invitation from the captain and the deputy captain, each one ran faster than one.

The captain's response is now crucial!

If it was really because Liu Qi, the contestant, accidentally killed hundreds of passengers on the plane because of the immortality, this mistake would be recorded in Bai Chuwei's head one hundred percent!

It's the father's fault to raise it or not. The teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy.

This response may make Bai Chuwei, the fairy teacher, instantly black powder, and everyone hates it.

If the trouble is a little bit bigger, maybe it will be like the news suggested by the beautiful country. The cultivators must wear electronic positioning bracelets and implement supervision.

The reporters got more and more excited as they thought about it, and each one was as excited as the New Year.

Soon, reporters from all over the country, as well as a small number of foreign reporters, rushed to the ward.

The sound of taking pictures in the ward one after another, the light and shadow flickered.

The staff was a little dizzy with anger, and they all agreed that a press conference would be held at a specific location tomorrow. Why are you worried?

The unscrupulous reporter couldn't wait: "Excuse me, the captain, is the accident of flight EC3782 the same as the online transmission, is it really related to Bai Chuwei?"

The captain and the deputy captain looked at each other and replied in unison: "Related."

Hearing this answer, everyone present took a breath, and their expressions became complicated.

Among the reporters present, there are many fans of Teacher Shenxian.

Everyone was praying just now, don't have anything to do with Bai Chuwei.

One thing is related to the safety of human life and property. This is a lifetime of black material, and it will not be washed clean.

Rao is that Bai Chuwei is a cultivator and will be hacked for a lifetime.

She used to give lectures to college entrance examination candidates because of the rising fans of "Ultra Brain Learning Ba" before taking the college entrance examination. All the good deeds and contributions will be completely offset. She is a cultivator will become her original sin.

Those passengers and their families on the plane will never forgive Bai Chuwei in this life.

The incident was so big that it was reported all over the country and abroad. If it is serious, I am afraid that Liu Qi and Bai Chuwei will be held accountable.

It's cold.

The captain and the deputy captain both admitted personally that they were related to Bai Chuwei.

The reporter crowd suddenly fell a little bit, and all of them looked ugly.'s so much that the beautiful country has said it.

Cultivators, really threaten the lives of ordinary people...

Thinking of Bai Chuwei's impeccable face, many people feel distressed.

A female reporter grinned reluctantly, holding the microphone with her hand trembling slightly, and taking a deep breath to continue asking: "Captain, can you elaborate on the specific situation at that time?"

The captain took the microphone and stared at the camera. Every word was very clear: "This matter does have something to do with Miss Bai Chuwei, because--"

"If it weren't for Bai Chuwei, we, a total of 187 people on flight EC3782 would have died on the sky, and there would be no bones left!"

"Our life was saved by Miss Bai Chuwei!"

"The title of the People's Hero should be given to Bai Chuwei, not to me and the deputy captain." A hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on the captain's bronze face. "The beautiful country is so leisurely, it's better to take care of your country first. It crashed yesterday. A certain plane!"

All reporters, all stunned!

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