Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1197: It's all blood, the ancestors eat melons

Tong Qingyan didn't want to choose this location, but she couldn't help it.

During the day, she was afraid of the sun, but at night, Liu Jiner lived with her father under the same roof. If the two father and daughter join hands, if she becomes a blood clan, she may not be able to deal with the multiplication of strength at night.

After thinking about it, I chose this day.

Liu Jiner followed Liu Sisi to the celebration party of "Super Brain Learning Ba"!

She was betting that Bai Chuwei and Liu Jin'er had a holiday, and Bai Chuwei's character would not help Liu Jin'er.

I don't know if she guessed right, Bai Chuwei didn't help, or Bai Chuwei didn't know the situation outside at all.

Looking at the blood in her hands, Tong Qingyan's heart jumped like a drum. She swallowed her saliva and turned around and fled.

More than a year ago, she was clearly the little princess of Tong's family, but now she is living a life of licking blood, all of which must be attributed to the demon Bai Chuwei!

The door of the hotel opened, light and shadow appeared from the inside, and Bai Chuwei led a group of people to walk outside.

A few kilometers away, a girl smelled the smell of blood in the air and was so scared that she covered her mouth: "Blood, a lot of blood."

The hotel’s security guards had already surrounded the surroundings, and everyone looked nervous.

Who knows if there will be a murder?

No one can escape a murder case in a hotel stall.

As soon as I saw the white figure surrounded by the crowd, everyone's heart was gradually let go.

Seeing the fairy teacher, all the nervousness can be gone.

As long as there is a fairy teacher, it is their support!

Obviously she looks just like a weak little girl, but she is like a towering mountain, which makes people want to rely on.

The medical practitioners Liu Zhen and Liu Qi took the lead to check the situation, and the blood hole in Liu Jin'er's neck overflowed with fresh blood.

Isn't this breaking the aorta? Is this still alive?

The hotel here is relatively remote, and the ambulance is too late for a while. Seeing Liu Jiner's blood flow like a puff of blood, there is no blood on his face.

Liu Zhen looked at the wound and hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "This wound is very strange, it doesn't look like it was injured by a sharp object."

At first glance, the wound knew that it was not a common sharp weapon on the market, such as a knife.

Holding the silver needle in his hand, Liu Qi looked up at Bai Chuwei a little embarrassedly, "Master, maybe I'm still not good at learning, and the blood can't stop it."

Liu Qi was also puzzled. According to the truth, for ordinary knife wounds, he could easily stop Liu Jin'er's blood with the simplest needle method of 13 Lingdao needles, but now there seems to be no way.

Bai Chuwei pulled the corner of her mouth lightly, smiling without saying a word.

At this moment, the security guard outside suddenly yelled: "Young man, what are you doing? You can't run around! Get out!"

I saw a black figure passing through the man's wall of the hotel security, rushing towards them in stride.

With a "swish", the man snatched Liu Jin'er into his arms and shook Liu Jin'er's cold body: "Jin'er, what happened to you Jin'er? Wake up!"

Xu Xingchen's face was pale, and his hands were trembling to her neck, trying to plug her bleeding wound.

Xu Xingchen's appearance was very good, and his childish and helpless behavior made the girls present a little moved.

This looks... like a boyfriend and girlfriend with deep feelings.

Yes, there is no boyfriend who can accept that his girlfriend suddenly has an accident, right?


Bai Chuwei stood aside, eating melons with great interest.

As expected of the hero!

Cow breaking!

Suddenly Xu Xingchen raised his head to look at Bai Chuwei, and asked, "Bai Chuwei, why are you so to Jin'er?"

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