Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1243: Tenjin Academy is closed! Kunlun College students burst

The Melaleuca decisive battle has been a hot spot in the past two days, directly rushing to the front row of social software searches in countries around the world.

Tenshen Academy was boycotted by the world.

Shameless, shameless to the extreme!

In order to grab the limelight of Kunlun College, criminals were invited to be the chief professors. When a group of criminals came to guide their children, which parents could accept?

The child was sent to the Tianshen Academy, but there was no chance of death.

#Please Tianshen Academy to fulfill the promise of the war book#

#天神学院 please close#

#天神学院No teacher ethics#


Hot search of this kind, one after another, can not be suppressed.

More bloggers posted on platforms at home and abroad: "Don’t pretend to be dead at Tenshen Academy, even if you lay down on this promise, I will not go to Tenshen Academy. Just three words-you are not worthy!"

An academy, a place for teaching and educating people, how important is character?

If this academy is shown to people around the world, there is no good character!

The mentality of the Tianshen Academy was broken, everything was ready, and one academy was missing. As a result, the whole world resisted.

Obviously, they and Kunlun College are both ascetic colleges, and Kunlun College is highly regarded worldwide, but what about them? Be boycotted!

After watching the decisive battle of the Thousand-Story Pagoda, all the students from all over the world are rushing towards Kunlun College.

The so-called Chief Professor Cui He was hung and beaten by a disciple who appeared to be Bai Chuwei! On this day, the teaching ability of the seminary is obviously not as good as that of Kunlun Academy.

And the ascetic college is different from the ordinary college.

Normal colleges can be transferred, but ascetic colleges cannot. The spiritual world values ​​the relationship between master and apprentice extremely. Once you have entered the Celestial Academy, you may not have the opportunity to go to Kunlun Academy.

A foreign blogger said with dissatisfaction: "Why Kunlun College has higher requirements for international students than domestic students? We obviously have language barriers. Why do online interviews only use Chinese instead of English exams? And the number of international students is too small !"

"Yes, I heard that even if international students enter Kunlun College, the first thing they learn is not the same as other students."

Hua Guo is arrogant, usually ordinary foreign students work harder, and they can go to the top universities in China.

It's not working now?

The official office of Kunlun College replied: The enrollment of this college is mainly for all Chinese people, and there is not much demand for international students. Kunlun College is located in China and has great requirements for the level of Chinese communication. International students are requested to choose carefully.

This reply is just one word-proud!

Kunlun College does not ask for international students at all. If you love to come, if you don’t come, it will just make room for Chinese students.

The virtues of the Celestial Academy, even if the Kunlun Academy's conditions are extremely demanding, the international blunt scalp will have to take it, frantically grab the position.

Foreign "Chinese tutoring classes" have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and Chinese students studying abroad have also made a lot of extra money by teaching Chinese.

A Chinese governor held his son and said with earnest and sincere words: "My son, this is a rare opportunity. Don't even compare to international students who don't know the language when you enter the college."

The fifteen-year-old boy was determined: "I know, Dad!"

Kunlun Academy’s online registration continued to explode, and I heard that the official server burned out several times.

However, there are very few applicants for Tianshen Academy.

In desperation, Tianshen Academy held a teacher meeting, and Tong Qingyan was among them.

The headed Western elders laid their hands on them and said with a bitter smile: "Dear teachers, you have also seen that our Tianshen Academy may not be established as scheduled. Even if it is established, too few students will not be able to support the operation of the entire college.

"So, we can only be forced to suspend the Celestial Academy plan."

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