Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1260: Event reversed! Bai Chuwei protects the calf

Bai Chuwei, protect the calf.

That apprentice Hua Ling was a bit stupid, and at any rate he had personally elected him.

Hua Ling was the head of the prison on the island of the villain, but he... didn't collect a cent!

Having been the head of the prison for so many years, this kid is working for nothing. What kind of shit? He didn't receive any salary, okay?

Every morning, they gather exhausted and exhausted, racking their brains and trying to get these thugs to use their strength and participate in labor reform.

As a result, it has been like a day in the past few decades. Somehow, the gangsters have to give a few copper plates. Hualing has a lot of money.

Put this in the outside world, this is called "volunteer volunteers".

A volunteer, you ask so much?

What is this called?

This is so cheap!

They do their best to work free and voluntary. This kind of people also pick and choose, saying that they do not do well here, and do not do well there.


There is a kind of money!

Wasn't it that Hua Ling, the apprentice of Bai Chuwei, was dereliction of duty and didn't look at the Island of Good and Bad, that's why such a big thing happened?

Okay, everyone in the world participating in anti-terrorism should pay protection fees, and send out the prison chief's wages that has been owed to Hualing for decades, right?

These years, migrant workers who are owed wages can still have to come back.

As a master, she decided on behalf of her stupid apprentice that she would not charge interest on the wages she owed for decades, and just pay the principal.

This... but a lot of money.

You know, the villains on the villain's island endanger the world, which means that all countries in the world have to pay protection fees.

This person pays a little, and the sum is a large sum.

Moreover, this is not just a one-year protection fee, but a protection fee of decades!

Many are afraid to pay at least one billion in one go!

Be rich, Hua Ling is really going to be rich this time.

Hua Ling was tying Cui He's idiots together, and was about to catch the last villain who was singled out. She was moved to tears when she saw the news.

Sure enough, he is indeed his master, and he has not given up on him.

Asked for money for him.

When the head of the prison was suffering, he wanted to eat an apple and had to enslaves the villain to plant an apple tree for him. The apples he planted in the first year were unpalatable and vomiting.

He worked hard for decades and was finally able to ask for a salary.

It would be great if his master sister was as easy to talk as the master...

He couldn't get in touch with the master sister now, so he was refused to contact him, simply and decisively.

Hua Ling was happy, and the whip became even harder, and cursed at Cui He's several villains who huddled together: "Go, go and catch your difficult brother!"

"That guy has a higher IQ than you, and he knows he needs to be a low-key person after he escapes. Just you want to teach and educate people and be the chief professor? Why don't you take a **** and take a picture of yourself, are you worthy? Go!"

Cui He and the others did not say a word, letting Hualing scold them.

Anyway, they are villains. They used to kill and set fires before, and they were not eligible for human rights.

The whole network is discussing——

Pay the protection fee!

Hurry up and pay!

Chinese netizens who eat melon were extremely worried before. When they heard that thousands of villains had escaped from the villain island, they knew that this incident would definitely be used by foreign media to make a big fuss, and it was likely to hurt the reputation of the fairy teacher.

as expected.

As a result, only a few days? Things reversed instantly!

Not only did Bai Chuwei not be implicated, she also saved hundreds of seafarers, and now--

Pay the protection fee quickly!

Are you embarrassed not to pay you back for so many years? !

Suffer? Bai Chuwei has never experienced it!

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