Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1268: In this regard, ancestors have always come to tease him

Bai Chuwei's backhand was a slap, Fang Yuan's old man was stunned by the fan, and Bai Chuwei's cultivation was abolished on the spot.

Bai Chuwei stood on the altar, watching Duan Feihan gaze at the remaining spirit consciousness bubbles of the gods, shouldering her hands and screaming, and asked jokingly: "Hanhan, what are you looking at? You won't be jealous again, right? ?"

The ancestors weren’t worried at all that their Taoists would misunderstand them. Misunderstandings would only exist among ordinary couples. They were Taoists who had met with souls and souls. They had no secrets at all, and there was no misunderstanding.

Duan Feihan retracted his gaze, raised his hand and squeezed Shangen gently, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, I just think those pictures are a bit familiar. I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Familiar with?

The Age of the Gods ended more than 5,000 years ago, and the only person in the world who can say the word familiar to the Age of the Gods is her.

Bai Chuwei didn't think too much, guessing that Duan Feihan had seen it from her spiritual sense, and of course he would feel familiar with those ancient pictures.

Duan Feihan groaned, and suddenly said to Bai Chuwei: "Can you give me the remaining spirit consciousness of these gods?"

Bai Chuwei was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Yes."

Although it is only the remaining spirit consciousness, if Duan Feihan can merge these consciousnesses, it will definitely increase his cultivation.

The old ancestors were a little surprised that these surviving gods and souls were so afraid that she would get them?

Based on the cultivation base of her ancestors in the world today, can she stand on top of the global cultivation world if she has these.

Bai Chuwei glanced at Duan Feihan next to her. Could it be that the thief Tiandao was afraid that these things would fall on her Taoist companion Duan Feihan


Afraid that Duan Feihan's cultivation base will skyrocket and become a rival?

In the original text, Duan Feihan is the ultimate villain boss. Heavenly Dao is on the side of the male and female masters. It seems that this is also possible.

The ancestors didn’t want to understand the purpose of the dog thief Heaven’s doing such a trick, suddenly he hooked Duan Feihan’s arm, curled his lips and smiled: "These gods and soul consciousness are all given to you, Hanhan, come on, let’s Devotional is more interesting! Can unlock more."

Duan Feihan gave a light cough, and his ears were faint: "...good."

She is really different from other little girls. In this regard, she has always teased him...

And... the condom he bought early in the morning only bought a box, and it hasn't been used up yet. But now, with her often, she is still not pregnant.

For a normal man, it is indeed a shock.

She took Duan Feihan's hand and patted the head of a million snakes. Nunu said, "Drag me away that dead old man."

Bai Chuwei's eyes looked deeper at 1 million. This baby snake is not related to her righteous brother's pet snake, right?

The wicked island has sunk into the bottom of the sea, unable to rush out of the wicked island prison, all the monks meditated on the spot with a bitter face.

The Tier 5 villain who had already had a poor cultivation base began to turn blue, his body trembling uncontrollably, and bubbles began to spit in his mouth.

If this continues, even a Tier 1 evil person can't last a few days, and he must drown in this deep sea.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Suddenly, I suddenly felt that the former villain's island was really a beautiful place. It was good for them to enslave them every day.

There was footsteps in the distance, and all the evildoers raised their heads, seeing Bai Chuwei as if they had seen the savior of God, crying and shouting:

"Grandma Chu Chu, please help!!"

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