Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1321: Howling wolf is shocked! Bai Chuwei is the owner of the wolf pack?

Tong Qingyan tried his best to minimize and lower his sense of existence.

I was afraid that Bai Chuwei went crazy and fed her to the ice wolf.

Bai Chuwei chuckled softly and said, "Director, you have actually misunderstood a little."

Bai Chuwei said, "The wolves above the Arctic ice sheet are no less powerful than a monk."

That is not a simple pack of wolves.

As soon as I said this, everyone became more nervous.


The commotion on the ice just now disappeared without a trace when the group of ice wolves approached, and everyone was honest.

The photographer was holding the camera and froze there, his last stubbornness.

Bai Chuwei held the grilled fish skewers in one hand, and suddenly raised his other hand and leaned toward the wolf's head——

The director almost screamed, "Teacher God, protect wild animals!" Don't kill!

Bai Chuwei: "Would you like to eat it?"

Bai Chuwei's abrupt remark dazzled everyone.

Then, she looked at Bai Chuwei holding a grilled fish and circled it in front of the wolf's nose, as if deliberately eating delicious food for the little pet.

Damn it!

Bai Chuwei wants to feed the wolves with grilled fish? They can give all two-legged beasts lunch.


The grilled fish is hot, and it is covered with all kinds of seasonings, and there are some green onions on the top layer, which is delicious in color and fragrance.

Oh, these seasonings were all taken out by Bai Chuwei from the spatial artifact.

These ice wolves have never eaten hot food.

The tall and mighty head wolf first looked at her with a vigilant and confused look, and then shifted his gaze to the rows of grilled fish. The ice-blue eyes gradually gave birth to light, and the light became bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, the whole body of the wolf's muscles tightened, and his head was raised high, and there was a long cry of wolf.

This wolf howl spread through the wind and snow all over the Arctic icefield!

"Fuck, this wolf is irritated?!" Someone in the crew blurted out in fright.

Everyone's heartstrings are tight, for fear that this wolf will annoy Bai Chuwei, and Bai Chuwei is about to do it.

The wolf opened its mouth, and a strong smell of blood came out of it in an instant. The next moment it bit the grilled fish and ate it.

Everyone: "???"

The nervous expression froze on their faces, and everyone looked at the tall and mighty wolf with dumbfounded expressions.


Damn it, these wolves are not bad if they don't get angry, and really eat grilled fish?

The wolf on the side was sitting like that, staring at the few grilled fish with his eyes and drool dripping from his mouth.

This Nima, really looks like a two ha!

The director was full of misunderstandings, tentatively pushing the grilled fish skewers in front of him gently in the middle, stammering: "Please, please eat."

A wolf who seemed to be young was a little moved, and just raised one of its paws, it was shot and flew out by the wolf.

Bai Chuwei sighed when she saw it: "Xiao Huihui, you don't know what it means to respect the old and love the young."

A small wolf cub will not be given food.

The bloodthirsty color in the icy blue eyes of the wolf disappeared without a trace. He slammed his head into Bai Chuwei's arms with excitement. He kept screaming in his mouth, waving his limbs flexibly, wishing to show the white fluff. belly.

Everyone was confused on the spot.

Bare belly rolling? Isn't this something that dogs like to do?

Where is this wolf?

This is so obviously Husky!

The director's voice trembled: "Teacher Shenxian... know this wolf pack?"

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