Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1373: Fourth brother, you are really well married!

Grandchildren: "???"

Grandma, how come we have such a great ability to join the Nobel Prize receiving scene! !

The old lady scolded anxiously: "A bunch of unpromising things."

As the old lady said, she went back to her room quickly, leaving behind a few confused grandchildren.

Duan Xueqin was watching the live broadcast outside, her scalp was tingling, but she designed the clothes according to Bai Chuwei's orders...

The members of the organizing committee looked at Bai Chuwei disappointedly, but she did not give a reasonable explanation.

"Mr. Team Leader, there is an emergency connection in China!" The assistant in suit and leather shoes walked quickly and whispered to the members of the organizing committee.

Domestic calls in China?

They have a hunch and have a great relationship with Bai Chuwei!

The group leader gave an order: "Take it!"

An extremely excited old voice soon came from the other end: "Hello, Nobel Prize Organizing Committee, I am the research professor of Hua Guo Shui Yun Embroidery. If we are not mistaken, Ms. Bai Chuwei wears a national style. The skirt is embroidered with water and cloud embroidery. Water and cloud embroidery was popular in the upper class two hundred years ago. It was produced in Mr. Bai’s hometown of Qingzhou. Later, the embroidery disappeared due to the rebellion of the King of Qingzhou!"

"Two or three long skirts embroidered with water and clouds have been unearthed in China today. They are now in the China Museum and can be compared!"

Bai Chuwei teased her ears and hair lightly, and after waiting for so long, she could be regarded as someone who knows the goods.

This dress was worn by her after she went to Jiangnan, and later became popular in the circle of Jiangnan high-ranking ladies and celebrities. As a result, the king of Qingzhou was killed in rebellion and lost.

Duan Xueqin then became aware of it later, that is to say... Bai Chuwei knew that this happened from the early morning, and deliberately asked her to order the "nondescript" national style dress?

No, what is nondescript? !

Bai Chuwei is more fashionable than anyone else!

What she wears is a lost craft. The country's first-level expert who specializes in embroidery and spinning has not yet understood how Shuiyun embroidery was made. This is the material evidence!

No no no.

Duan Xueqin looked down at her hands and shivered.

It seems that she understands now...

Duan Xueqin was confused. When she ordered Bai Chuwei’s national style dress, Bai Chuwei pointed her to it. She thought it was Bai Chuwei’s personal thoughts, but she never thought that Bai Chuwei was teaching her Shuiyun embroidery. Specific operation!

The mobile phone placed aside vibrated non-stop, Duan Xueqin recovered, and quickly picked up the mobile phone and took a look, then she was confused again.

"Miss Duan, I heard that the national style dress worn by Ms. Bai Chuwei was customized by you? I want to make an appointment with you for the same style."

"Designer Xueqin, I hope you will participate in this show. That's right, it's the clothes on Bai Chuwei! I have already inquired about it. You designed it."


It's all... job information!

There were so many invitations from home and abroad that the phone was about to be blown up, and Duan Xueqin was dizzy.

Damn, she just wanted to help the four younger siblings a favor, and she didn't even think about how it would help her work.

And she also wanted to pay Bai Chuwei's kindness to save her on the spot. As a result—

Bai Chuwei gave her such a big gift just in silence.

Duan Xueqin was so moved that her eyes were red. Who would dare to destroy the relationship between her fourth brother and Bai Chuwei in the future? Whoever she is desperately fighting with, even the third child!

So Duan Xueqin sent a touching and sincere WeChat to her fourth brother.

[Xuezhong Fuqin: Fourth brother, you are really well married! ]

[Duan Feihan:...]

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